Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 82: An Ambiguous Plan

Following the trend of surprising events, the Matron did not have us stay in the lodge we used when we were here last. Rather she had the maids guide us to our separate, larger than life rooms.

In the end we all came congregated in my room, there was much we needed to discuss. Unsurprisingly-despite the growing trends- Kaylin proved difficult to get in here with us.

I can't say I'm shocked, I did yell at her to keep shut. It takes Anselm's sweet talking to get her in.

We have ourselves seated on the couches made available in each room, Anselm on my left and Kaylin on my right.

"Kaylin, I'm sorry I yelled." As I address her by name she seems to take on a deafness to my words. "I had to do so, I'd rather Audwin be the one to embarrass himself than you."

Anselm gives me a shrug as our eyes meet.

"Please say something."

She scoffs, "What do you want me to say? You're the one that said I should hold my tongue, and now you want otherwise? Make up your mind."

Exhaling deeply, I prepare to try again when she shouts out in hysterics, "You didn't even hear what I had to say!"

"Would that have changed Audwin's opinion? Would any of the words you were preparing to scream have made the slightest difference?"


"Exactly. Besides, we're not here for Audwin or the Matron to like us in the long run, just for now. That's why I'm not bothered that they know you're a free elf and no one is supposed to know that."

She's extremely discontent with my answer, with my logical rebuttal, but Anselm's gentle touch helps, I suppose he's not a Squire for nothing.

"What is your plan for them anyway?" He asks and not for the first time, "Does this have something to do with your revolution?"

"Yes, it does." I smile, "For now I'll tell you just enough so Kaylin doesn't think I'm being stupid."

At this Kaylin bristles but pays close attention.

"Since we've just found out that the boys are the Mayors children and the city is in turbulence with what happened, it means I won't have to do a whole lot of work to light the match on this revolution."

"What does that mean?" Kaylin speaks at last.

"It means that there are already elves taking action against the boots that suffocate them. You should know about this, you've lived in Aste."

She shakes her head, "No, not really, there have been talks about elves trying something and my mother has found my exes a bit suspicious in that regard but…it's been years since then. Last time this happened the Mayor was ruthless with the elves and that ruthlessness is what created the elven gathering at the North gate."

The North gate of Aste. I remember discussing it with my little mouse from the Southern gate, Aren I think. He said that that was just another place to find what I'd need to fake a registration, one of the cesspools of Aste.

This might just be too perfect. Everything I need is already in place, ready and waiting for me. How convenient, it's about time I had some good luck for a change.

"What do they have to do with any of this?" Anselm presses on as my grin widens.

"Well, since there's already a defiant group of elves, it means it won't be difficult to persuade them to my point of view and they likely desperately need the help of someone like me."

"You don't know what they really want, Asher." Kaylin says, surprisingly concerned, "Mother has warned us severally not to disturb forces like these

Forces like these?

"Maylin was likely concerned about you getting exposed to the idea of rebelling against the Kingdom…open rebellion. But it's too late for that now, and if you really feel as you say you do about the elves then you'd know that this is the only way they will be liberated."

"By fighting a war without magic? How? Even if I rebel I am only one elf, I am only one Mage. I can't take on a whole Kingdom!"

"I'm not asking you to become the chosen one or whatever, I'm asking you to listen to my plan and follow it to the letter. You won't be the only one fighting in this."

She scoffs and pulls her hair back, "Your plan? I haven't even heard the full thing but I know it's choppy, you'll get us all killed! You can't fight the Kingdom by yourself."

Breathing deeply she calms a bit and says, "I know you're upset about your friend in Carbina, but the next step doesn't have to be to self-destruct, you're a Necromancer yes, that's a very powerful kind of magic to practice and it's good for wars but you are weak."



I know that already though, so why are you throwing it in my face?

"If I'm weak then you're fragile as a kitten. I suppose words and plans won't cut it for you, action will. Follow me long enough and you'll see me destabilize this Kingdom without growing the slightest bit stronger."

She gives me an incredulous look, "Are you saying you want to stay weak?"

"No, I'm saying I know what lies ahead, but you don't."

"That's ENOUGH!" Anselm screams, coming between us at last.

He rubs his temples as we reel over his sudden outburst. "Ever since we came here, it's been one argument after another. Perhaps you were right, Asher, when you said we shouldn't stop."

"But…Whatever your plan is, I want to know two things, Asher."

I nod and wait to hear them.

"First, does this affect your promise?"

My promise to bring him back to life. "No, it doesn't, in fact, it's just another step."

He seems satisfied with that, "Second, does this plan include hurting the boys?"

That…I'm not so sure the answer to that. For my plan to be the slightest bit successful I need to depose the Mayor, if what Kaylin said about the last Mayor's actions is true then…things may get violent.

"I can't promise anything, but I'll try not to get them in the crossfire."

He doesn't seem as satisfied with that, but I've learned better not to lie to him.

"Okay then. I hope you know what you're doing."

"I hope so too," Kaylin says, staring at me. "I'm not comfortable with any of this but, it's too late to argue and besides, Her Glory Vuius must have known such can happen with you."

I scoff at this. Her Goddess always seems to be the one who convinces her to follow along with whatever it is I have cooked up. Perhaps I should start using her name when I speak with Kaylin.

Still, I don't understand why she thinks liberating the elves is such a bad idea. I get that Maylin said not to interfere with these types of troubles but, this would have happened eventually, if not by my hand then by someone else's.

The elves will not remain slaves forever, but that knowledge and comfort doesn't mean I should sit back and do nothing. People will get hurt and the battle will be an uphill one where the enemy has every advantage.

But if I play my cards right, and I will, then it'll be a win that costs nothing but the sweat and blood of those who truly wish to be free.


Kaylin and Anselm left my room soon after. Breakfast would be delivered to each of our rooms separately before we head out. Though, I'm not sure the point in Anselm going back to his if he has to hover over me every hour and a half to get a recharge.

Still, despite my previous reservations with coming here, I'm glad I did. In the end I got such valuable information and discovered I had access to a key figure in my plans.

The Mayor, the boys, the Matron. It's a shame but I'll have to betray them all for my ends.

Tonight, I sleep with a full stomach but an empty feeling in my chest, the hunger grows even stronger now, but I take solace I the fact that it won't be long before I find the next Cultist…and kill it.

I wouldn't be tough now that I've got Kaylin with me, but even without her help I'm certain I can take out a Gamma warrior on my own now. After unlocking so many versatile attack spells it's only natural.

The problem that stands in my way now is…how do I find them without being discovered as a Necromancer. From the way Mathilda, the Matron and even Maylin spoke, it sounds like the Cult is a problem for the Following exclusively.

Hopefully my budding access to the Mayor grants me some privilege to this type of information, or it could be far simpler than that and all I needed to do is ask someone from the Hunter's Guild.

With my freshly bought citizenship, it shouldn't be difficult to get in although, I'd like to keep myself away from the attention. Perhaps my mouse can help? Yes, we'll try that first, I've got to gather information on the elven renegades that attacked the Mayor anyway and eventually team up with them. 

But for now, I sleep.

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