I Am Fugaku Uchiha

Chapter 86: Your spy, huh?


Fugaku was running at a decent speed, utilizing the incredible power of his Eight Gates technique. As he dispersed technique and caught his breath, he realized that he needed to change his clothes.

He quickly sought shelter behind a large rock, went around to the back, and retrieved a scroll from his arms. As he unfurled it, a white puff of smoke appeared, releasing the items he had stored inside. Among the items was a set of clothes.

This technique was a common one among ninjas who used scrolls to carry their equipment. It required skill in fenujustu to craft them, but Fugaku was able to use scrolls made by others. All he needed was to remember how to open and seal them.

As he unrolled the scroll, Fugaku thought of Tenten, a member of Team Guy who was known for her expertise in using ninja tools and weapons.

She stored them in scrolls and could summon them at any given time. Tenten was skilled in wielding various weapons, such as the manriki-gusari, bō, kusarigama, and bashōsen, with great proficiency.

She was also adept at using fūinjutsu to seal and unseal objects and could manipulate shuriken and other projectiles.

With her scrolls, Tenten could even create large-scale attacks such as the Twin Rising Dragons or the Manipulated Tools: Heavenly Chain Disaster. Fugaku couldn't help but remember that she had not yet been born.

He changed into civilian clothes, making sure that there was no sign of the Uchiha clan emblem or his forehead protector.

"Now, I won't risk revealing my identity." He sighed, thinking about what others would think if they knew that the Uchiha clan leader was looking for a prostitute—ahem,

Using the Body Flicker Technique, he headed towards the Fire Nation border under the moonlight.

As he saw the trees passing by, he couldn't help but feel ridiculous about his own situation. Had he really left the camp to seek out a woman?

He wasn't at ease with his own infidelity. Sleeping with someone from the same village would make for an awkward situation, even though Mikoto might have agreed with his decision.

Deep down, he understood what Mikoto wanted to say, and although she did not object, he couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort.

Despite his desire to sleep with Tsunade, he acknowledged that his personality was getting in the way.

Now he had finally come clean. He wanted to clear up the misunderstanding as soon as possible to avoid any further misunderstandings between them.

He was confident that Tsunade would keep his confession a secret. After all, ninjas were known for their discretion. Besides, who would believe such a scandalous tale anyway? There was nothing for her to gain by sharing his secret.

As he ran, he noticed some houses at the foot of the mountain. Assuming they were inhabited by ordinary people, he ignored them and pushed forward.

He needed to find a larger town or city where he could find what he was searching for. Unfortunately, he had left in such a hurry that he forgot to bring a map.

"I should be close to the Fire Nation border by now!" he muttered to himself. He scanned the area and concluded, "I need to ask someone for directions."

There were many ordinary people living near the Fire Nation border, but it was around midnight and there was no one in sight.

Despite being near the Fire Nation border, it was around midnight, and there was no one in sight. This was a world without the internet or mobile phones, where even ordinary people in small villages went to bed early.

However, Fugaku's keen vision, honed by his mastery of the movement technique, allowed him to spy a shady figure ahead on the path.

It was midnight, and most people would maintain caution and assess the situation before taking action. But not Fugaku. He was a highly skilled ninja who followed the mysterious person closely, keeping a safe distance of two meters.

"Excuse me, friend. Could you tell me where the nearest town on the Fire Nation border is?'' he asked.

The black-robed figure stopped and answered without turning around.

"There are no towns here, only small villages," that person answered.

"You're a woman?"

Fugaku frowned deeper when he realized that the speaker was a woman.

He was not really interested in her answer, but he knew that in these wartime times, few women would dare wander at night like this.

Could she be a spy? He wondered. Perhaps spies from Suna Camp might have slipped through the border and been sent to gather intel. He was curious and suspected her.

"Yes, my lord. Is there anything else?" She asked in a respectful manner, and the woman turned her head slowly, smiling charmingly at him.

She seemed to recognize him and act respectfully.

Fugaku was taken aback when he caught a glimpse of her smile in the moonlight.

It reminded him of someone he once knew, but he could not quite put his finger on who it was. However, as he looked closer, he noticed that the woman wore a pair of glasses on the bridge of her nose.

She was a beautiful woman in her twenties, with brown hair and a black robe that hid her frail body. And she wore glasses. That was unusual.

Glasses were a rarity in this world. He had never seen anyone wear them before, and he was fascinated by this woman's choice of eyewear. Even those who chose to wear glasses usually opted for sunglasses to appear cooler, like Shino Aburame or Ebisu.

Her smile, reminiscent of Mikoto's, caused him to walk towards her without thinking. As he closed in, she quickly backed away, her fear evident on her face.

When he reached for her, she cried out, "What are you doing?"

Realizing his mistake, he stopped his hand just before touching her face, wondering what had come over him.

Although he attempted to regain his composure, he couldn't take his eyes off her striking features and found himself reaching for her again.

He was losing control of himself even more than when he had involuntarily tried to grope Tsunade earlier. Fortunately, her black robe concealed her alluring figure.

She glared at him with a cold, menacing expression, leaned forward, and retrieved a kunai from beneath her black robe. Her intention was to plunge the weapon into his heart.

"Die, you scum."

In an instant, he spotted the moonlight reflecting off the kunai and barely dodged the weapon's strike. He then took hold of her wrist and forcefully threw her to the ground with a thud.

Fugaku smirked as he spoke, "So, you're a spy?"

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