I Am Fugaku Uchiha

Chapter 87: I screwed

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Fugaku stood over the woman, his smirk slowly fading as he realized the gravity of the situation.

He had just engaged in a dangerous confrontation with a potential enemy spy, and she had attempted to kill him. However, as he looked down at her, he couldn't help but be captivated by her alluring figure.

The woman struggled to get up, her glasses askew and her robe disheveled.

"You're the spy! You're the one who attacked me! You're a lot stronger than you look," she panted, her eyes locked onto Fugaku's.

Fugaku couldn't deny that he was impressed by her fighting spirit.

"I could say the same about you," he replied, keeping his guard up. "Who are you, and what are you doing here near the Fire Nation border at this hour?"

The woman hesitated for a moment before responding. "I'm Nono Yakushi, a traveling herbalist and healer. I got lost on my way to a nearby village, and I didn't expect to run into anyone here, especially not a skilled ninja like you."

Fugaku raised an eyebrow, and his curiosity piqued. "A healer, you say? And what brings you to these dangerous lands in the middle of the night?"

Nono sighed, lowering the kunai she still clutched tightly. "I heard there was a dire need for medical supplies in these parts. The war has taken its toll on the people, and I wanted to help in any way I could."

Fugaku's stern expression softened as he considered her explanation. He had heard stories of selfless individuals like her who risked their lives to aid the wounded during these troubled times.

"You must be quite dedicated to your cause," he commented.

Nono nodded, her fear dissipating as she began to trust Fugaku's intentions.

"I believe in doing what I can to make the world a better place. Healing is my way of contributing to peace, even in the midst of chaos."

Fugaku couldn't help but admire her determination. "Your heart is in the right place, Nono Yakushi. I'm Fugaku Uchiha, a ninja from the Hidden Leaf Village."

Nono's eyes widened in recognition. "You're an Uchiha? The Uchiha clan is famous for its Sharingan, right?"

Fugaku nodded, a hint of pride in his voice. "That's correct. The Sharingan is a powerful kekkei genkai passed down through our bloodline."

Nono's curiosity got the better of her, and she asked, "Could you show me your Sharingan? I've heard it's a remarkable ability."

Fugaku hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should reveal his kekkei genkai to a stranger. But something about Nono's genuine interest and kind-hearted nature made him feel more at ease. He activated his Sharingan, and the three-tomoe pattern spun to life in his eyes.

Nono watched in awe as the red patterns swirled within Fugaku's dark eyes.

"That's incredible," she whispered. "I've never seen anything like it."

As Fugaku deactivated his Sharingan, he couldn't help but smile. "I'm glad you think so. It's a rare ability, even among my clan."

Their conversation continued, and Fugaku discovered that Nono was not only a skilled herbalist but also a witty and charming woman. They shared stories and laughed together, their initial tension giving way to a growing connection.

Over time, Fugaku and Nono found themselves sitting on a large rock, bathed in the soft moonlight. The air was filled with the fragrance of the nearby flowers, and the night was quiet, save for their laughter and conversation.

As they talked, Fugaku realized that he had forgotten about the mission he had been on. Instead, he found himself drawn to Nono's spirit and the genuine kindness she exuded. It was a refreshing change from the harsh world of ninjas and espionage.

As the night turned into early morning, Fugaku and Nono both felt a strong bond forming between them. The tension that had once hung in the air was replaced by a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Fugaku reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair from Nono's face. "You're an extraordinary woman, Nono Yakushi. I'm glad I met you tonight."

Nono blushed, her heart fluttering at the tender gesture. "And you, Fugaku Uchiha, are an extraordinary man. I'm grateful for this unexpected encounter."

Their eyes met, and in that moment, they both felt an undeniable connection.

The moonlight bathed them in its soft glow, and as they leaned in for a kiss, the world around them seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of them in their own little oasis of romance.

Their lips met, and in that embrace, a new chapter began in both of their lives. Fugaku and Nono, from different worlds and backgrounds, found love in the most unlikely of places, near the Fire Nation border, under the watchful gaze of the moon.

Little did they know that their paths had crossed not by chance but by fate, and their love story would become a legend in its own right, whispered among ninjas and civilians alike.


It was a peaceful morning at the village's orphanage, where some children were playing joyfully in the yard. However, there was a sense of worry surrounding a three-year-old boy named Urushi. He had short black hair and was looking around with a concerned expression.

One of the plump aunts in an apron approached him and kindly asked, "Urushi, what's wrong? What are you looking for?"

Urushi timidly replied, "I'm looking for a mother."

Confused, the aunt turned to an old man beside her, who has a mustache, and said, "You know, I didn't pay much attention, but Nono Yakushi left yesterday morning to heal some villagers in the Land of Water. She should have been back by night, right?"

The old man shrugged and responded with a smile, "Maybe she was too tired and slept in. Why don't you go check her room?"

The aunt nodded and took Urushi with her to Nono's room. To their surprise, the room was empty.

"That's strange... Did something happen to her?" The aunt thought to herself:

Quickly dismissing the thought, she remembered that Nono was a former ninja of the Root and skilled in medical ninjutsu and espionage. No ordinary bandit could harm her, and there were no reports of rogue ninjas on that route.

However, as the hours passed and Nono still didn't show up, the adults in the orphanage began to feel restless. They decided to search for her discreetly without alarming the children.

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