I Don’t Want to be a Villainess

Chapter 23

Shin So-hee, who succeeded in impressing me with a familiar taste, looked very pleased. It seemed my heartfelt reaction was much more convincing than my previous exaggerated admiration. One thing was for sure: I absolutely should not pretend.

Although Shin So-hee didn’t know my true feelings, I was glad to see her satisfied expression. I barely survived thanks to the food that perfectly matched my taste.

Of course, I had already eaten bits and pieces of various dishes, so I couldn’t indulge in Tteokbokki as much as I wanted.

However, while I felt relieved seeing Shin So-hee’s personal struggle come to an end, there was still one child, Yoo Ha-neul, who wore an immensely uncomfortable expression.

Yes, that was Yoo Ha-neul.

Though it wasn’t Yoo Ha-neul’s intention, the current situation made it look as if she had deceived Shin So-hee into thinking she was wealthy. In reality, she was just an ordinary kid from a humble family who had tasted all the food we tried today, and it made sense that she might feel sorry for dragging Shin So-hee around, claiming she’d treat her to foods she’d never had before.

In contrast to Lee Soo-ah, who sparkled with excitement at trying new foods for the first time, and me, who was moved by the nostalgic taste of Tteokbokki, Yoo Ha-neul was slowly chewing her Tteokbokki with an expression of deep discomfort.

…That said, I couldn’t intervene and speak for her. Any way I tried to bring it up would make it sound awkward.

In the end, for various reasons, there was hardly any conversation during this meal. The only sound that filled the air was the quiet clinking of forks.

Since the kids assembled were all teenagers, there was no leftover Tteokbokki, despite my inability to finish a full serving. I couldn’t figure out where all that food was going, as none of the kids here seemed to have gained any weight.

Well, the absence of leftover food isn’t exactly a bad thing.

Eventually, I glanced at the plate, which had been cleaned of all the toppings, leaving only the sauce behind, and I found myself admiring it inwardly.


On the way out after the meal, Shin So-hee, having stubbornly paid for all of us even when Lee Soo-ah and Yoo Ha-neul tried to chip in, looked extremely cheerful.

“How was it? If this is the case, it’s pretty good, right? Don’t you want to come here again?”

“Yeah, I’d love to come back if I can,” I replied sincerely. After all, it was my kind of flavor. If I came too often, I’d lose interest, but making a visit every now and then was definitely worth it, especially on those days when I deviated from my way home.

“Everything we ate today was delicious!”

Ironically, it was Lee Soo-ah who took on the “moved by humble food” role. While I was only touched by the last dish, Tteokbokki, Lee Soo-ah had been shining throughout the meal with excitement. I even began to wonder if she had a hobby for eating.

“Since I got treated today, I’ll pay next time! I’ve lived in this neighborhood long enough to know various places.”


Lee Soo-ah’s proactive offer flustered Shin So-hee a bit.

“Yeah! If you got treated, then you have to treat back!”

Lee Soo-ah had responded similarly when she had lunch at my mansion previously. It seemed she had a strong mindset about repaying whatever she received. That was a healthy way of thinking. It appeared her uprightness wasn’t just skin-deep. After all, in the original story, she played a thoroughly kind role from start to finish, whether she was a supporting character or the prized target.

With her being so kind, she’d even approached Ye Sara, who had no friends and nearly missed out on having a photo taken at graduation. Such a reaction from her was completely expected.

On the other hand, Shin So-hee seemed like she might break a cold sweat just hearing those words.

That was naturally the case, as Lee Soo-ah was also the child of a rich family. There was a strong possibility that any place she mentioned as ‘knowing’ wouldn’t be cheap. What she meant by ‘knowing a place’ could just as easily mean, “Oh, there’s a good place for Sundaeguk here,” but the quality of the location wouldn’t be the same. It could very well be a high-end restaurant with a burdensome price for a single meal, or a fancy buffet attached to a luxurious hotel.

And unlike her appearance, Shin So-hee, who also had a remarkably healthy mindset like Lee Soo-ah, operates under the thought process of “since I received, I should reciprocate.” Naturally, that would feel extremely burdensome for her, just as it would when she was treated to a meal.

That said, she wouldn’t be able to refuse such a pure offer made with a smile.

It seemed that this back-and-forth of treating each other would continue for a while.

“Ah, um…”

Then, still looking uncomfortable, Yoo Ha-neul finally spoke up.

“I’m sorry!”

She suddenly bowed her head deeply towards Shin So-hee, making several passersby glance our way.

“Oh, wow! What’s that about?”

Startled by the raised voice and sensing the curiosity of those around, Shin So-hee blushed slightly.

“Uh, well, you see…”

Yoo Ha-neul hesitated, trying to figure out how to explain, nervously fidgeting with her fingers and avoiding Shin So-hee’s gaze. Finally, seeming to gather her courage, she closed her eyes tightly and said,

“Actually, I’ve eaten all the food we tried today regularly!”





Knowing what kind of character Yoo Ha-neul was even before meeting her, I had no reason to say anything. Lee Soo-ah had ample opportunity to figure out Yoo Ha-neul was from a humble background while spending time together. In fact, with just the rumors floating around, she could have easily deduced that Yoo Ha-neul was an outsider scholar receiving a scholarship.

Of course, with the school being different and it being only the second day since Shin So-hee had met her, she wouldn’t have had any way to discover that unless Yoo Ha-neul explicitly stated it.

“Uh… so that means…”

“I’m a scholarship student who came in as an outsider. I’m sorry!”

“No, no, wait a minute.”

Shin So-hee pressed her forehead, looking frustrated.

“So, you’re actually not a rich girl but rather an ordinary kid from a regular family?”


Yoo Ha-neul replied with an incredibly guilty expression. Seeing that, Shin So-hee frowned her brows.

“But why are you apologizing for that?”


“Regardless of what I thought about you, whether it was a misunderstanding or a misperception, you haven’t done anything wrong, so there’s no need to apologize.”

Shin So-hee crossed her arms and spoke with a genuinely puzzled expression.

…Based solely on her expression, she looked like a school bully tormenting a nerd, but the content of the conversation seemed too kind, creating a moment of cognitive dissonance.

“But, weren’t you trying to surprise us with the food?”

“Well, that’s why I was surprised!” says ‘her.’

Shin So-hee pointed at me with her thumb.


Yoo Ha-neul, still looking dazed, made a shocked sound. After a deep sigh, Shin So-hee scratched her head and said,

“Even if it’s a school where rich kids go, not many live in giant mansions, right? Usually, they live in spacious apartments or fancy-looking single-family homes, don’t they? Plus, doesn’t she live in that… what is it, cultural heritage or something?”

“Registered cultural heritage.”

“Right, that.”

I gently chimed in, and Shin So-hee nodded.

“I figured a wealthy person like her wouldn’t have eaten humble food before. Honestly, even if she’s rich, if she walks to school, she’s probably eaten street food at least once.”

At that, Lee Soo-ah nodded vigorously beside her. It was clear she had likely tried some street food too.

“And if she lived in an apartment or somewhere similar, she would have definitely hung out at various places with friends. No way would someone like her, living like a cartoon character, be so common.”

While I totally agree with that, it’s quite ironic that she herself looks like a drawn character, isn’t she?

Of course, I had no plans to voice that thought and stir up unnecessary trouble.

“So, you really don’t need to apologize for any of that. You didn’t lie intentionally, after all.”

Yoo Ha-neul’s eyes widened as she gazed earnestly at Shin So-hee, as if she felt a bit burdened by her gaze, and Shin So-hee’s stammering voice and eyes drifted away briefly.

After staring blankly at Shin So-hee for a while, Yoo Ha-neul mumbled,

“You’re really a good person…”

“Why are you saying that all of a sudden?”

Shin So-hee was taken aback.

“She’s right; you are a good person.”

But I was quick to jump in. Ah, teasing the ‘Gold Lady,’ I just couldn’t hold back. While Yoo Ha-neul’s words were sincere, they certainly weren’t said to jest.

“Yeah, good person.”

Seeing us both say that, Lee Soo-ah chimed in too. Of course, I assumed she meant it genuinely.

It was kind of a bizarre atmosphere, with two people emitting a dim but brighter aura than Shin So-hee’s luminous presence saying such things. However, since that light was only visible to me, it wasn’t such a big deal.

“Hey, don’t! Really, don’t.”

In the darkening street, Shin So-hee’s face was visibly bright red as she protested.

…At this rate, if I continued teasing, she might actually get mad, so I decided to keep quiet.

Honestly, even if she did get mad, she’d probably just be cute, but you never know; in games, those events where the hair gets all frizzy happen too.



Perhaps because I had entered later than yesterday, Yang Hye-in was already waiting in front of the gate today. Standing in a black coat over her maid outfit, with her hands resting above her stomach, she looked somewhat intimidating waiting for me. Given her already sharp appearance, it was even more so.

“Welcome back, Miss.”

Yang Hye-in greeted me formally.

“Oh, yes.”

Feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the atmosphere, I nodded slightly.

Turning around, I saw that I wasn’t the only one who seemed affected by the ambiance.

I felt it might be inappropriate to bring these three inside again, so I decided to say my goodbyes here.

“Thanks for escorting me this far.”

“Would I let someone as directionally challenged as you walk alone?”

Sensing Shin So-hee’s attempt to lighten the heavy atmosphere, she replied in a playful manner.

“Thanks for today.”

When I said that, Shin So-hee faltered for a moment before quickly clearing her throat and turning her head aside.

“If you enjoyed it that much, maybe… I could go with you again next time.”

Her tsundere attitude was so textbook, it was almost charming.

“You both too. Thanks for hanging out with me today.”

“No need to be grateful. We’re doing it just because we like it.”

Yoo Ha-neul replied firmly.

“Exactly. We’re spending time with you because we want to. We should be thanking you instead.”

Lee Soo-ah added with the same conviction.

I smiled at the three of them, waved goodbye, and said,

“Goodbye, see you tomorrow.”

Having said that, I turned around, and Yang Hye-in followed me as I walked into the mansion.

…I deliberately chose not to look back, but I could hear the three of them lingering behind for quite some time before leaving.

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