I was summoned by a super villainess to another universe

Ch 25 – Shades Of Night Are Falling

Jack looked at himself in the mirror.




He was dressed to the nines. The suit he had was tailored to fit perfectly. It wasn't any brand he knew. He was just going off the mannequins in the window of the store he walked past. Still, they did a fine job. Straight leg dark-grey slacks and a crisp white button-down oxford shirt. Derby shoes matching a dress jacket with shoulder pads gave him that classic V-shape. He finished it off with a matching grey, durable, double breasted overcoat with an up-turned collar, and a matching pair of soft, kid-leather gloves. He wore his clothes well. He should. After all, He had been wearing the same style for the better part of a decade.


Jack's tastes were expensive, yet his style was simple. However, for some reason the tailor tried to discourage his choices. The tailor warned him that the trends were to be far more flashy. Color was the way to go. Stand out as someone impressive if you want to dominate the social scene.


Jack didn't care.


He liked his style and stuck with it. Take his hair, for example. Black, cut short with a part on the right. A hair style that he had since he was five. A hair style that had been favored by men for centuries. He'd no sooner part his hair on the left than get a tattoo. He figured that if there were any questions on a police report about him under the header, 'Identifying features', he'd be damned if he would willing add anything to said questions.


This was why he favored clothing that was durable, practical, and allowed you to blend in to the background. More importantly, clothing loose enough that it could conceal weapons and body armor inserts. Jack loved the mobster esthetic, from his hair so sharp it could cut cheese, to the tip of his steel toed leather custom shoes. He bought into the look in his youth and never grew out of it. Of course, back home people would claim his style made him formidable. Here, his attempts to look nondescript made him stand out in the crowd. He misunderstood the tailors intention. He thought at best the tailor was telling him his style was outdated and unpopular, and at worst was trying to up-sell more expensive clothing. The reality was quite different, however. Unfortunately... 


Jack looked like a 'faggot'.


Well, not in so much as someone from Jack's world would understand the concept. The fact was, Jack was far too feminine, by this world's standards. What he thought was bland and unnoticeable came across as very aggressive. If we were to flip this situation on its head, in Jack's original world he could be compared to a cold and heartless female CEO, ala 'The Devil Wore Prada'. The way he walked, the way he talked, and the clothes he wore made him look like a very aggressive homosexual. Or as they would say in the local slang, 'A Bull-Faggot'. Well, if he was only into other guys, of course. However, since it was clear to anyone with eyes that Jack enjoyed the female form, anyone who got to know him would come to the conclusion he was bisexual top, better known as a 'Dominator'.


Fun fact, the term 'Dominatrix' is almost unheard of in this reality.


Not that Jack understood any of this. He liked how he dressed and as far as he was concerned, he had given up enough of himself when he got dragged to this world. Even if he knew how it came across, Jack might not be able to psychologically wear anything else. The man had his pride, and he was finally making enough money to afford a shred of his old life. Ironically, Adam's style was far more 'masculine' by this world's standards than Jack's. One might think it was a bit on the risky side of things. Adam's outfit may have showed off a touch too much skin, but as long as he kept his nipples covered, it wasn't a big deal.


As Jack liked to say, An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance.  What that image was... well... clothing speaks to people and in the end, it's not what you say, but what people hear. Now, Jack might not know that he comes across as what he would consider a 'Bisexual Dominatrix', but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Another fun fact, bisexual male dominator porn is the third most popular form of porn on this world's internet, right after submissive bisexual male porn. What holds the top spot, you ask?




Looking into the mirror Jack wondered aloud, "I think we should move. Normally, I don't care about where I live as long as it's cheap, but I think we need a better location. It might be free, but something closer to your job would be better."


Adam mulled it over before replying, ~You have a good point. If we are going to be splitting the use of our body, the less time we have to spend commuting the better. I wish we could just get a room in the Rascal's base, but I get it.~


"Eh... why not both? We'll just make it clear we have our own life outside of-"


The conversation was cut short by a knock at the door, "Three o'clock already?" Jack walked over, only pausing briefly to adjust his dark red tie, the only bit color in his entire outfit. He flung open the door and was prepared to give his visitor a dashing smile. He had a great deal of sympathy in his heart for Myrtle and knew what it was like to be awkward and socially inept. He was prepared to give Myrtle the time of her life when opening the door completely derailed that train of thought.


On the other side of the door was Myrtle, but not Myrtle.


She was currently in Ivy form, except not quite as he remembered her when he last 'dropped' in on her. The woman in front of him had deep green hair that flowed down her neck and across her shoulders. She was an inch taller than Jack with a lithe frame and a disproportionally large bosom. It was clear she had quite a bit of control over her physical form when she was Ivy because this was nothing like how Adam had met her. Furthermore, her face was far more mature. Not quite so child-like as when she was Myrtle. The woman before him had a far more commanding aura of strength about her.


There wasn't a shred of the timid neighbor he had been flirting with standing outside his apartment.


Her clothing was another matter. She wore simple blue jeans, green boots, and a navy-blue track suit jacket with white and red highlights. It wasn't a bad outfit, but it was nowhere near the same quality as Jack's clothing. She was wearing the very definition of casual. Something you would wear for dinner with a friend, perhaps a movie at a mall. He didn't notice at the time, but no part of her clothes had metal, and it was all natural plant fiber.

Jack noticed a distinct lack of make-up. She looked nice, mind you. He couldn't help but notice her outfit complimented her figure nicely. Still, Jack was used to women putting in much more work to look good for a date. To take it seriously and not... you know... be as casual about it as a guy would.


Adam thought's imitated a low whistling sound, ~When did she get such a perky butt?~


Jack was struck speechless.


Ivy gave Jack a double-take, as if she was surprised by what she was seeing as well, but quickly recovered by pushing a stray loop of hair behind her ear as she partially turned away. She glanced up at Jack through her eyelashes, "Hi Jack. This might be a bit confusing, but I'm your next-door neighbor." She smiled as she turned to fully face him, looking him straight in the eye with her own glittering pair of emeralds, "It's Myrtle."


Jack opened and closed his mouth a few times, cleared his throat, then held out his hand flat and parallel to the ground at Myrtle's usual height, "That Myrtle?"


Ivy nodded and took in a deep breath, "Yeah. Uh. Look. I... it's hard to explain. I actually wanted to enjoy my time out with you, and if I go out normally, there's a bunch of stuff I can't eat or drink." She gestured to herself up and down, "So rather than have to constantly be a downer, I figured I'd come like this. Just call me Ivy." She tilted her head to the side, "You... aren't disappointed, are you?" She locked eyes with him and didn't let go.


Jack paused to clear his throat by coughing so he had an excuse to break eye contact, "Ah, no?" He coughed again, "No, not at all. Just... not what... I was expecting." He stepped out and turned his back to her while he locked his door. He took a moment to take a deep breath and compose himself. Turning to face her with a charming smile, he commented, "You look..." He glanced at her up and down to check out her assets, "Nice."


She rolled her eyes, "I think what you mean is, I don't look like a child." She shrugged, "Unfortunately, it sometimes gives the wrong impression about me. Hope you aren't disappointed." She turned away, her usual lack of self-esteem showing itself as she continued, "I hope you don't feel catfished."


"Catfished? Uh... no? No this is... what is the reverse of catfishing? When someone underpromises and over delivers?" He reached behind himself to test the doorknob and make sure it was locked, "I'm not into Lolis, if that's what you are inferring."


She blinked, "Lolis?"


Jack blinked back, "What word in this universe do they have for women who are of legal age, but actually look like they are twelve?"


She squinted, "We... don't have a word for that." She thought for a moment, then frowned, "Wait, do you mean... Shota? That's... a japanese thing." She tilted her head to the side, "Is this a thing in your world?"


Jack touched his nose, "Yes. It's actually frowned upon. Although there will always be secret perverts. Try not to be offended? It's not personal."


Ivy bobbed her head at the conversation, "Interesting."  She looked Jack up and down, "And you look... wow. Umm... Strong?" She winced at her choice of words and sounded like she was trying to backpedal, "Well, I mean... That is to say... it is a very... commanding outfit." She forced a smile.


Jack looked down at himself, then up again, "Uh... thanks? It's fairly traditional from where I come from. Back in my world this is, well... basic. I didn't want to come across as too aggressive." He pulled out his tie and held it up for her to see, "I thought the tie was a bit much. I have a black one. Should I change?" He hooked a thumb over his shoulder, "It'll only take a second."


Ivy blinked, "Uhhhh..." She squinted at him, "Seriously?"


Jack nodded and started to turn to go back inside. She reached out to grab him by the arm, "Wait!" Jack paused and looked back at her. She let go and looked Jack up and down, "Actually... keep the tie. I didn't mean to offend you." She gestured at his clothes as he turned back to face her, "So... guys wear that back in your world? Without make-up?"


Jack blinked then laughed and looked off into the distance for a second, "Uh... yeah." He nodded and kept grinning, "Without make-up. Uh... no guys wear make-up actually. Well... gay guys do, but you know..." He shrugged, "To each his own. Not my thing."


Ivy furrowed her eyebrows for a second, then they went up high as he looked at Jack with wide eyes, "Ohhhhhh..." She nodded, "I get it! Right! Okay!" She started to smile more, "I get it, I get it. Wow. Just got hit with a bit of culture shock. Sorry." She stepped up to take Jack's arm and started walking towards the stairs, "You know, I'm used to guys with a lot more flash to them, but that looks good on you." She looked down at him out of the corner of her eye as she led him along, "Anything else I should know about?"


Jack was surprised when she grabbed his arm without asking, but ignored it for now, "Well, there's far too many things to talk about. So why don't we just deal with things as they come up. Keep the mystery. Let it be a surprise." He looked up at her eyes, "Besides, I'd like to get the full local experience, so just do whatever it is you normally do on a date, I'll roll with it." He smirked, "Just try not to take advantage of me."


She smirked back at him as they walked out to the drop off/pick up circle in front of the motel, "Oh? Well, there goes my plan to convince you that traditionally the man has to put out on the first date." She gave a rather stunned Jack a wink to show she was kidding.


Jack cleared his throat to compose himself, "Oh? And here I am thinking I'm going to have to pay for everything."


Ivy burst out laughing rather loudly, "Holy Crap! Imagine that!" She shook her head dismissively, "In what kind of crazy world would the man pay for a date?" She rolled her eyes and made a 'pft' sound, "Seriously. How pathetic would I be if I let you pay? Is there an actual depth for how low I'd have to sink to do THAT?" She wiped at the corner of her eye as she let out a soft sigh, "You're funny."


Jack tensed up and let out a soft, nervous chuckle, "Oh? It comes naturally."



As he unconsciously reached into his pocket and fingered the roll of cash he brought to cover everything.

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