I was summoned by a super villainess to another universe

Ch 26 – Sweethearts Out For Fun

Apparently Ivy had called ahead for a taxi.





If Jack knew more about the world, he'd be much more impressed. In a world where a full on one percent of the population has enough firepower to destroy a car, and a fair number of those can detonate a car with their MIND, needless to say, insurance rates are sky high. Owning property, owning cars, being the owner of anything in this world can be down right expensive.


There is an old adage, 'An armed society, is a polite society'. This is correct, to a point. You see, for this to work, everyone needs to be armed to the same degree, more or less. The difference between a pistol and a shotgun isn't really that much, as far as destructive potential. The difference between a pistol and an anti-tank rocket launcher is a whole different scale. In our world, it's fairly easy to kill someone with a gun. In THIS world, there are people who can take anti-tank rockets to the FACE.


When you have a wide range of offensive potential ranging from 'Fart In The Wind' to 'Fist Full Of Nukes' and defensive potential ranging from 'Wet Paper' to 'Pure Neutronium', the old saying doesn't apply. The problem is that with such a disproportional range of power, you start running into people who begin to wonder if there is indeed something to the whole might and right thing.


The truth is, violence has solved more problems in human history than any other method. However, violence has a degree of uncertainty to it, so most people get together and create governments to hand over control of violence to. The reason being, if I follow the rules, I might get screwed, but at least I'm still alive. Better the government hold a monopoly on violence then everyone walking around, ready to murder on a moment's notice.


That works until you start getting individuals who are strong enough to tell governments to go get stuffed.


Of course there is always a bigger fish, and governments have power in numbers. It was only a matter of time until things settled down and a status quo was achieved that most people could agree to. The problem is, the current status quo involves a lot of collateral damage. On the other hand, the ability to repair and fix said collateral damage has improved as well. It's a very dangerous world with advanced healing, self repairing building materials, and all sorts of crazy science that is way too expensive for most people. So you wind up with a world where it is actually rather easy to come by the basics, but luxury items in turn become extremely expensive.


Like owning a car.


Jack looked at it as they got closer, "Wow. An actual taxi." He ran a finger along the yellow and black checkered side panel, "Don't see many of these back home."


Ivy opened the door for Jack and stood off to the side, waiting for him to get in, "You don't have Taxis in your world?"


Jack paused as he was taken off guard by the gallant action of holding the door open for him, but recovered quickly and got inside all the same, "No. They've just about all been replaced by Uber."


Ivy got in after him, making Jack move over, "What's Uber?" Before he could answer, She turned to the driver, "To the metroplex." The driver nodded and pulled down the flag on his dashboard, starting the timer as she pulled away from the curb. 


Jack blinked in shock at the amount of money on the meter as he explained Uber, "Oh. It's an app that lets people use their cars and pick other people up. So you log in, and rent your car out for a while, then you get paid through the app. I never drove, but I have used the service."


Adam seemed to be paying attention and noticed the numbers quickly rolling by, ~Jumping Jehoshaphat!  That's got to be three times what we pay back home!~


The taxi cab driver let out a snort, "Replacing taxi drivers with an app? What a silly idea! You gotta be trained in road survival to drive around Empire City! Hell, most people don't own cars because of how expensive the insurance can get!" She shook her head in disbelief, "What paradise do you come from with freelance taxi drivers?"


Ivy nodded in agreement with the driver, "What she said. I can't imagine the sort of person who could afford a car renting it out over an app, much less being someone's driver." She shook her head in disbelief, "I mean, if you can afford your own vehicle, you'd be so rich you wouldn't need a part time job as a taxi driver.


Jack leaned back in his seat with a shrug, "It's a lot less violent in my world. Nobody has superpowers over there."


The driver glanced up at the review mirror, "Oh? You one of those displaced people? Hey! I had one of you gals in my cab just last month. What a whiner." She gave a wink before returning her attention to the road, "No where near as cute as you, doll."


Ivy started looking a little annoyed with the driver talking so much, "If you were expecting a tip, may I suggest not hitting on my date?"


The driver held up both hands in a gesture of surrender, "Whoa! Just trying to make small talk, Boss! That's all! Friendly banter is part of the Checkerboard Cab experience, after all." She glanced up at the mirror again to make eye contact with Jack, "Welcome to the planet, by the way. Hope you like it."


Jack chuckled ruefully, "Thanks. Didn't have a choice in the matter, but it has its upside."


Ivy was about to comment again at the driver, but was distracted by Jack, "Wait a minute... no powers? Are you saying you don't have capes where you come from?"


Jack smiled to her and shook his head, "Nope. Not a one." He gave her an impishly sly grin, "Can you figure out what that implies?"


Ivy pulled her head back to give Jack a sideways glance, "Implies?" She thought for a bit, "Well, I suppose the number of people who could collapse a building if they lost their temper would be a lot lower." She scratched her chin while she squinted with one eye, "Lower insurance costs so more people can own cars?"


Jack waggled his head from side to side, "That... would be true, but not what I'm thinking about." He shrugged, "If you get close, I'll tell you."


The conversation came to a halt and nothing was spoken for several minutes. Ivy apparently took this little puzzle as a personal challenge and started thinking about it intently. Suddenly the driver spoke up, "Ooo! I Got-" She abruptly covered her mouth and mumbled, "Sorry."


Ivy looked annoyed and glared at the driver. The driver glanced over her shoulder at Ivy, "Want a hint?"


Ivy just clicked her tongue in annoyance, and looked at Jack, perhaps in hopes of getting some clarification to the rules of this game, "Well?"


Jack shrugged and looked apologetic, "I don't care if you get help. I just figured it'd be more fun if you figured it out yourself.


Ivy turned back at the driver, "What's your hint?"


The driver snorted, "Oh c'mon! What's the most important thing that would change? What makes the world go round? Well, except for money, of course. Hell!" She gestured over her shoulder towards her passengers, "Why are you in the car with him to begin with?"


Ivy raised an eyebrow, "We're going on a date." Then looked sideways at Jack, however she seemed to be talking more to herself then Jack, "Women are more likely to have superpowers in our world, so if women don't have superpowers in yours..." She opened her eyes wide, "Hold on. What's the weaker sex in your world?"


Jack grinned and winked, "Bingo! Men are stronger in my world." He paused to add, "Physically, mind you. Women have many admirable qualities, but testosterone trumps all when it comes to muscle mass and bone density." He paused as if concluding his point, but suddenly kept talking as if he felt the need to make excuses, "We have equality of the sexes, mind you. Don't think we're barbarians who keep women chained up in the bedroom or something."


The driver quietly mumbled, "Now there's an interesting mental image." Her comment was either missed or ignored by Ivy.


Ivy looked quite shocked, "So... how much ARE the gender roles changed in your world?"


Jack turned away to look out the window while giving her a glance out of the corner of his eye, "Quite a bit, actually." He followed up with a wink and a smirk.


The driver leered over her shoulder at Ivy, "So you landed a date with a guy from the world of horny men? NICE." Over her shoulder she gave Ivy a thumbs up.


Jack looked at the driver while looking mock offended, "Excuse me? Not ALL men are constantly horny seeking out every possible opportunity to get laid with anything that has legs, including most furniture." He glanced at Ivy and added, "Just most of us."


Ivy suddenly blushed intensely and turned away to look out her window.


Adam chimed in, ~Dude! Too far! Dial it back!~


Jack abruptly felt self-conscious as it looked like his comment didn't land well, "Sorry. Bit of a joke." He looked out his own window, "The simple truth is, there's nothing simple about relationships back home. It not a matter of who's horny, because, in the end, everyone is. It's a matter of what you are allowed to do. Get drunk, sleep with the wrong person, you can wind up in jail." He shrugged, "Maybe you even deserve it."


Ivy turned back, "Oh?"


Jack shrugged, "Fifty years ago, things were cut and dry. Now, dating is a damn minefield. Not that I dated much to begin with, but you hear stories. Back home, relationships favored women when it came to dating, so many men don't bother. Makes for a lonely life."


Ivy frowned, "Huh. So you have a matriarchal society in your world as well?"


Jack squinted, "I'm... not sure. I like to think it was a joint endeavor, mostly." He gestured out the window, "I was kind of lonely in a world where I knew the rules, but here? I ain't got a clue. I'm just trying to figure out where my place is without giving up who I am. That's most of the reason I've been looking forward to this date. I'm still very much a fish out of water here and I'm hoping to learn something."


Ivy looked thoughtful, "I... can relate to that."


Jack nodded and kept looking out the window, "Sorry If I'm rude. Just trying to keep it lighthearted. I'm hoping we can stick to just having fun rather than this getting... well." He turned to glance at her, "I got a bad feeling that if I acted normally things would get complicated.


Ivy nodded, looking less rattled and far more sympathetic. Adam let out a mental *whew*, ~Nice save.~


Jack took a deep breath and blew it out his nose before continuing, "I can tell how easy it is to get laid here, but unlike back home, where a man who could do that would be celebrated, here he'd be a slut. I mean, I had a couple relationships in the past. I'll spare you the details. Lets just say I'm past the crazy college lifestyle and I've been focused on my career the past six years. I'd finally got myself established with a successful job when this happened. Threw my life for a loop."


He resumed staring out the window as he continued, "Certainly changed my perspective on things. I was always thinking I would have plenty of time to settle down after I got myself established. Maybe get me one of those mail order brides. Now I'm starting over from scratch and I don't think I have time to wait another six years."


He reached out to touch his faint reflection in the window, "I'm stuck here, but I think I'll do fine. I'm not sure if I want to make a go of it in this world alone. Then again, Not even sure if there is anyone compatible with me here. I've studied the internet and I don't think I'm a house husband. I've been driven to succeed most my life. I don't think I could give up working."


He let out a scornful chuckle directed at himself, "Then again, what has working got me? Should I find someone who will put up with me being the breadwinner, or should I find someone who will take care of me so I can stay at home eating bon-bons?" He noticed his reflection was starting to look worried, "You know, Just saying that out loud sounds... off." He turned to look out the front and watch the other drivers weave in and out of traffic, "I can't even conceptualize myself as such a person. It's just so... wrong."


Ivy leaned in closer, "How so?"


Jack looked at Ivy and noticed how close she had gotten. He was used to smelling perfume when he was near a woman. Ivy had a natural floral scent to her that didn't have any of that artificial chemical undertone to it. Instead it was a deep earthy smell that reminded him of loam found at the side of a babbling brook, "I'm used to being the provider. I'm the one who makes the money, so she can spend it. Well... when I had a girlfriend, that was the idea."


Jack sighed and dropped his eyes to focus on the ashtray that was beneath an advertisement for a place called Quizyes. Apparently they sold sandwiches, "But it never lasted long. I suppose it was my fault. You go after a certain type of woman, you get a certain type of woman. Then I got burned, then jaded, then..." His voice trailed off.


Ivy seemed genuinely interested and pressed him to continue, "And... what?"


Jack looked up, "Let's just say I threw myself into my career because of some bad choices and when a good choice came along, I didn't know what I had until it was gone. I was too paranoid and kept expecting the worst. I guess, I found exactly what I was looking for."


He took a deep breath and forced himself to smile, "I guess I'm just looking for someone who... isn't insane."


Ivy leaned back in her seat and quirked an eyebrow, "I find this fascinating. What kind of woman would be insane in your world?"


He looked out the window, "Hard to explain. Feelings first, logic last, I guess. Entitled, self-centered, delusional, narcissistic. That's the only way I can put it. If I'm going to put you first in my life, the least you can do is respect me. Try not to refer to me to your friends as a dildo with a wallet." He frowned, "Maybe don't go cheating on me behind my back while I'm trying to get my career going."


"Then again, The one constant in all your failed relationships is you, but damned if I know what I need to change." Jack paused then looked at Ivy, "I'm sorry. Didn't mean to get so negative."


Ivy shrugged, "You've been through a lot. I can't imagine what it's been like."


Jack gestured about, "This? I kind of see this as a blessing. A chance to start over and begin anew. I was trying to do that anyway. I had finally reached a point in my life I didn't have my head up my ass and could see things clearly. I was ready for a change" He raised both his eyebrows in a way that indicated he was experiencing a dawning realization, "I guess in a way... I wanted this."


Ivy looked surprised, "Well... A new start, a new life, and world full of women who don't think like women." She gestured with her hand as if she was pulling a lever on a slot machine, "I suppose you hit the jackpot."


Jack smiled and let his eyes play briefly over Ivy.





"Yeah. I suppose I did."

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