I was summoned by a super villainess to another universe

Ch 7 – Faux Pinocchio






Jack was lying on Myrtle's bed, staring up at her while she had the absolutely most intense 'I am gonna get some' look on her face that he had ever seen. Not even in all the years of watching professionally made porn had he ever seen anyone, male, female, or otherwise, that could possibly match the sheer lust this woman was directing at him. Honestly, it was quite intimidating, ~There... aren't guys like this on my world, is there? Because this is a bit over the top.~ Then he remembered that he was lying next to an angel body pillow on a comforter covered in angels, surrounded by angel figurines, ~Or maybe I'm this girl's deepest fetish made manifest. I wonder if there a superpower that renders you sterile, but only for a few hours? It'll be difficult to put on a condom tied up like this.~


Now, if Jack had watched the anime, he'd have understood why Myrtle was tying him down. After all, this was Golden Dawn's usual position by the end of any episode that feature him. What exactly did the tying, or what he was tied up with, changed from episode to episode. Tentacles, telekinetically controlled hair, the occasional actual rope, (taffy featured prominently in the Valentine's day episode) all were used at some point or another to restrain Golden Dawn before he was forced to orgasm repeatedly.  So if you assume you have an animated Golden Dawn figurine, you'd figure you know his sexual preferences.


Jack, on the other hand, was more than a little put off.


Upon Jack uttering the most vague form of consent ever, Myrtle decided that she had carte blanche to do whatever she wanted and immediately got to work taking off his clothes. Jack was staring at her with the widest of eyes was impressed at her speed and technique, ~She's thought about this a long time, hasn't she? Well, if this gets too dangerous, I supposed I could teleport free, but...~ She managed to fling off his shoes, pull off his socks and yank down his slacks leaving them in a pile at the foot of the bed in seconds. She paused to stare at his boxers and seemed to be savoring the moment. Jack felt a pang of sympathy from being on the other side of this situation oh so long ago, ~I have to admit. It is flattering to have someone so completely obsessed with you like this.~ He bit his lower lip, torn between his need to at least tap the breaks on this freight train and a desire to see just where this was going.


Myrtle was straddling his legs and had hooked a finger under his waistband. She slowly ran her finger along just underneath. Myrtle wasn't a bombshell, but she wasn't ugly by any stretch of the imagination either. She looked like a normal, healthy, young woman, except for her plant-like qualities. Given how hairless her body was from the neck down, he'd place here on the edge of loli territory.

Her deep green hair had a earthy aroma to it. She smelled of fresh cut grass and a dew covered forest. Now that she was on top of him, there was something else he noticed. It appeared that her bust had gone up two sizes. From flat as a board to a nice handful. Now that he wasn't covering his eyes and actually taking time to look at her, he noticed she looked quite a bit more 'plump' overall. It was as if she had expanded physically, not unlike a sponge taking on water. He was reminded of a toy as a child you could get that was a small bug or snake. You let it soak in water for a day and it expanded to become this wiggly thing that was like ten times larger. He remembered her hand when he shook it before. It was course and abrasive. Now she was so much more... plush? Hard to put it into words.


It wasn't just her hair, but her whole body that changed when she was properly hydrated. Feeling her naked skin of her legs against his, he could tell even her texture had changed. He realized if she hadn't walked out of the bathroom in her own apartment, he might have thought he was dealing with two different people. The change in hair color didn't make it any easier to recognize her. He did know one thing.


He really wanted to fuck this new, squishier Myrtle.


Jack was never that hung up on appearance in the first place. Rare was the woman that Jack would have kicked out of bed. Myrtle definitely had one other thing going for her and that was youthful enthusiasm. This wasn't a situation where he had to go through the effort of seducing her. He didn't need deal with her suffering through obligatory anniversary sex because they had been dating for a year. As he watched her, he'd have to admit, this might be the first time a girl actually wanted to have sex with him just because she found him attractive.


It was why he really had no idea how to deal with her reaction to his arousal.


She just stared as he got hard inside his boxers. As he rose to the occasion, she looked increasingly astounded. The longer she stared, the more embarrassed he felt. His face turned scarlet red as he wondered if he had been a bit too ambitious when fine tuning his body's proportions. Abruptly she grabbed him through the cloth fabric and squeezed as she looked up, "I'm turning you on?" Her tone was one of utter disbelief.


Jack squirmed as she grabbed him tight. He threw his head back with a loud, "YES!" As she had caught him off guard and squeezed a bit too hard on his more sensitive parts. Myrtle got a devilish grin and started to actively play with him through the cloth, "Do you like this?" He clenched his fists and strained at the vines that had moved up to restrain his wrists as well, "Well... I'm not complaining. This is a first for me." Normally, he was the one on top, at least the few times he had gotten laid. He had never tried B&D before, so this was new to him.

She, on the other hand, took that to mean he was a virgin. She swallowed nervously, then reached up to gently caress his face, "I'll do my best to do this exactly the way you like it."

This puzzled him, as he was unsure how she knew what he liked, but figured maybe she was saying she'd try to learn. He gave her a smile of encouragement, ~Oh what the Hell. She'll only have one first time. I should do my best to make it special.~ He winked at her, "I'm tougher than I look. Go nuts."


He regretted saying that almost instantly when she grabbed his boxers with both hands and literally tore them in half

~She's...~ He swallowed nervously as sweat started to bead on his forehead, ~She's way stronger than she looks!~


Myrtle pulled herself up his body, lifted her hips and grabbed him tightly with the intent of guiding him insider her, "Oh god I'm finally going to graduate." She mumbled as she lowered herself down on him. He felt just the tip start to enter. She was incredibly warm and ready with her whole body vibrating at a fevered pitch. And...


She froze.


Jack waited.

Time dragged on. A few seconds turned into a minute. She was poised at that point. She wasn't perfectly still, mind you.  She was trembling all over, perhaps caught in the grips of regret or a panic attack. Jack couldn't tell which.

Abruptly she lowered herself another inch, and let out a loud, strangled moan. Her whole body tensed up as she seemed to be struggling with issues of self-control. Her face was beet red as she seemed to be trying desperately to keep from cumming on the first downward thrust. Jack started to get worried, "Are... you okay?"


She bit her lower lip and squeaked out, "I'm Fine!" She was holding herself up with her arms and they were beginning to shake from being as all tensed up. Her muscles were starting to suffer from fatigue, "I just need a minute!"


Jack suddenly figured it out, ~She's trying not to cum too fast? Wait, are the rules that the man has to cum first or something?~ He got a little smirk on his face as he tilted his head to the side, ~Oh god that is so goddamn cute!~  He shook his head slowly and bit his lower lip, ~Aw well, nothing to be done about it. Let's just finish this up and we can go longer another time. Besides...~ He bucked his hips slightly, ~I bet her O-face is amazing!~


The reaction from Myrtle was instantaneous. She threw her head back and let out a high pitched cry, but immediately cut it off and tensed back up, "W-W-wait! I-" Jack did one more short thrust and felt the most wicked joy at messing with her like this. She dug her fingers into his shoulders and got a panicked look in her eyes as she let out another yell cut short, "FUCK! Wait! Hold On! I'm going-"


Jack took perverse pleasure in dipping his hips slightly then thrusting up into her, lifting his hips off the bed in the process. She did not cry out this time.

Myrtle threw her head back as her eyes rolled up into her head. She let out a tiny squeak, then collapsed on top of him, twitching all over like she was having some sort of seizure.


Jack was a little puzzled by this, expecting at least SOME additional movement out of her, but she apparently was at her limit. She clenched her legs around his hips as tightly as she could, but the rest of her went limp. Occationally she would shudder and tremble as she lay on his chest in her post-orgasmic glow. Jack shifted his hips slightly to keep going, but any additional movement seemed to be cause her discomfort. Instead he remained still, waiting for this to pass, ~I wonder if all women are like this here, or is this the equivalent to premature ejaculation? Do they have to practice controlling it long enough for the man to go off?~ He leaned his head to the side as he watched her, ~She seemed surprised I was ready right away. Do women need to work more to get the man aroused?~ He had a disconcerting thought, ~What if HERE you have to spend forty minutes just getting him in the mood? It's not easy for a man to fake it.~ He frowned, ~That's a receipe for disaster if there is any sort of learning curve.~


Myrtle slowly recovered her senses. It had been about ten minutes and Jack was no longer at full mast. He hadn't gotten off either, but that wasn't a concern of his at this point. He was far more worried he'd scarred her emotionally. She finally lifted her head off his chest to look at him. Her expression could be described as, absolutely devastated. Jack had a flashback to his first time when he was an awkward teenager. That first time, he felt like he had screwed up and ruined everything. Her expression was exactly what he imagined his looked like, so long ago. She opened her mouth to speak, but Jack cut her off.


"That was amazing!"


She blinked with utter disbelief, "HuhWhatNow?"


Jack gave her a goofy smile, "What you did there? Amazing! I loved that look on your face. Did I really get you that excited..." He turned his head away to look at her from the corner of his eyes, "Or were you faking to make me feel better?"


Myrtle sat up as she straddled him, "I... wasn't faking." She seemed very puzzled by this conversation.


Jack turned to look her dead in the eye, "Really? You wouldn't just lie to save my feelings, would you?" He bit his lip and looked her up and down, "Because I find it hard to believe I could turn you on that much." She abruptly burst into laughter before momentarily sobbing, covering her mouth with a hand, and turning away. Jack narrowed his eyes and waited as she seemed to be trying to process her thoughts.


"Of course." She mumbled, "You wouldn't know any better." She turned back to him. Her expression was a mixture of grateful, embarrassed, and happy. She ran her fingers over his chest, "You... are very sexy and turn me on THAT much." She smiled warmly down at him. Jack couldn't help but notice it was an odd smile. It seemed a tad bit patronizing, if he was going to label it.


She collapsed forward to lie on his chest again and hugged him tightly, "It was wonderful, but..." She took a deep breath and let it out slow, "Next time I think I'd like you to enjoy it too." There was a pause, then the tone of her voice shifted, "Ooo... that reminds me. Are you stuck in this form or are you going to change back?"


Jack's whole body tensed up, ~HOLY SHIT! SHE KNOWS?~ His eyes went wide as he stared at the top of her head, ~HOW THE FUCK DOES SHE KNOW?" He cleared his throat, "Wh-wh-what do you mean?"


She let out a soft giggle, "What I mean is, if you are like this all the time, I'm going to have to get you clothes. If you turn back into a figurine periodically, it'll make things easier on me, as far as my budget is concerned, but you won't be around as much. If you can change back, that would be much more practical,  but truth told, I think I'd prefer if you just stayed like this all the time." She lifted her head to look at him with a derpy smile.


Jack stared back as the gears in his mind began to turn, "Figurine?" Everything suddenly clicked into place.


Myrtle nodded, "Yeah." She pointed at the empty spot on the TV, "The model?"


Jack looked her straight in the eye, "Uh... I'm not a figurine."


Myrtle blinked, then let out a nervous laugh that was tinged with fear, "Well, yes. Of course you aren't a figurine right now, but-"


Jack cut her off, "I was in a fight earlier today with someone named Toady Troll. She had broken my wing and while I healed it, I was still worn out. On my way home, I ran out of energy and started falling. I had to make an emergency teleport to negate the kinetic energy. I accidentally wound up in your apartment." He waggled a finger in the general direction of the TV. He had a hard time pointing while having his wrists restrained,  "I saw a figurine that looked like me. I picked it up to have a look." He swallowed nervously before continuing, "And I accidentally broke it." Her eyes started growing wider with every word he uttered. Jack looked apologetic, "I was scared so I hid it in your underwear drawer." He turned his head away to avoid her gaze.


Myrtle just stared at Jack.

A whole minute passed before Myrtle slowly crawled off Jack, stood up, and walked over to her dresser, all without taking her eyes off him. She finally broke eye contact when she pulled the top drawer out and saw her limited edition, Golden Dawn action figure with its wings snapped off, lying nestled among her bras. Silently, she pushed the drawer closed. She slowly shifted her eyes to look out of the corner of her eyes at the Angel she had just jumped.


Jack, naked, with his wings and arms still held down with vines, gave her a sheepish pout and spoke as cutely as he could muster.

"I'm Sowwy?"





Myrtle ran into bathroom, slamming and locking it behind her.

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