I was summoned by a super villainess to another universe

Ch 8 – Nap Time

Jack stared at the ceiling.




He drummed his fingers, tested the strength of the vines, and eventually heard the sound of the sink turning on and off a few times. He stared in the direction of the bathroom as he waited for her to come out, ~Damn. She must be having one Hell of a panic attack.~ He glanced back at the TV with the empty spot on top, ~Did she really believe I was a transformed toy? Is that even a thing here?~ He started to bounce his foot then muttered, "Screw this." And teleported to the foot of the bed. The strange potted trees thrashed about for a few seconds, then the vines retracted until the trees looked normal again. Jack watched this with rapt fascination, ~Well, if I could animate a tree, I suppose thinking I accidentally brought a toy to life isn't that far off.~ He glanced at the still closed bathroom door. On impulse he teleported into the bathtub, figuring he was unlike to collide with her. 


Myrtle was sitting on the toilet, her face in her hands. She had put her panties on, but nothing else. Jack noticed the rest of her clothes were bunched up in a pile along with some towels. Jack peered around the half opened shower curtain and waited. After a few seconds he was sure she wasn't going the bathroom. The underwear she was wearing confirmed that wasn't the case, so he cleared his throat to get her attention, "You okay?" Jack winced as she predictably jumped and flailed about for a few seconds before getting herself under control.


Myrtle stared at him, her eyes flickering to the locked door, "How did you get in here?"


Jack decided to sit down on the edge of the bathtub, using the curtain to hide his lower half from her view, "I can teleport?" He pointed to the wall between the bathroom and the bed, "I mentioned that already."


She nodded then rolled her eyes, "Ah. Right. You already said that." She looked away from him and conversation ground to a halt.


Jack was the one to break the silence, "Okay. I'm the one new to this world, so obviously I screwed up some how.  I'm sorry-"


She cut him off, "Sorry? You didn't do anything wrong! I'm the monster here! I assumed you-you-you-"


Jack cut her off, "Monster? Hardly." He scratched his ear, "Wasn't quite what I was expected, but it wasn't unpleasant either." He laughed a little, "Kinda... I dunno." He got a bit of a devilish smirk, "Makes me want to play with you more." He frowned, "But I think this might have been a bit too stressful for you."


Myrtle gaped at Jack, her jaw hung open. She shook her head to try and clear it, then pointed at the mirror, "I forced you to have sex!"


Jack raised one eyebrow up high, "Come again?"


Myrtle sputtered, "I never got permission! I just-"


Jack cut her off, "I'm fully capable of saying the word NO, in case you were not aware."


She blinked a few times then gestured towards him, "I tied you down be-be-because I-I-I-" She started to blush furiously as Jack, again, interrupted.


"Because you like being all dominant and making me your little fuck toy?" Upon saying the word 'fuck' Myrtle's mind seemed to blow a fuse. The very concept of someone as angelic looking as Jack being able to swear apparently was not part of her world view and completely short circuited what was left of her functional brain. Jack vanished and teleported out of the shower to the space directly in front of the toilet. He leaned over her, "I could have gotten out any time I wanted, and..." He sighed and looked away, "And it is my fault you had the impression that I was a toy, and thus okay to be treated as such." He looked back at her, "I'm sorry."


When he turned back to her, Myrtle wasn't listening. Instead she was staring right at his crotch. Jack was a little shocked at first, but it turned to amusement. Rather than say something like, 'My eyes are up here', he figured he'd just wait to see when she broke out of the trance on her own.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Slowly he got a little annoyed, but as time dragged on, he started feeling quite flattered. That sort of attention was a turn on for Jack, which resulted in the obvious reaction from him. As he started to perk up, she also began to perk up. She kept her eyes fixated on his groin, making him feel embarrassed at not being able to control himself. Which only seemed to speed up the process. In short order, she was locked in a trance, drooling over the angelic slab of 100% grade A male beef before her.


Jack finally broke the silence, "I'm getting really self-conscious about this. Either do something about it, or let's get back to the conversation." Her eyes flicked up at him, and for a moment she seemed like she was going to go back to talking, but instead abandoned all restraint and deep throated Jack all the way down to the hilt on the first pass.


Jack wasn't sure if she was just really good at this, or being part plant meant she didn't need to breathe, but this was the single greatest blow job he had ever had in his life. Not that he had many, but he'd had enough to know she was amazing. He leaned forward to grab the towel bar above the toilet tank with both hands and held on tight as he felt his legs start to buckle. She was relentless and Jack only managed to last about two minutes before he lost it. Abruptly he grabbed Myrtle's head with both hands, thrust hard, and stayed there as he climaxed. He tried to keep his voice down, but still let out a long strangled cry that devolved into heavy panting, as he gasped for air. She never stopped suckling, just looking up at him. He held her head tight and never stopped staring back into those emerald eyes looking up at him. He felt like he was being hypnotized. Eventually he felt the orgasm pass and abruptly became concerned for how long he had been holding her head pinned against his crotch. He pulled away abruptly and staggered backwards. Falling against the door,  he simply slid to the floor. 


Myrtle looked surprised and more than a little worried, "You okay?" She leaned forward and weakly offered her hand to him.


Jack stared up at her, "Uh. just... little dizzy." He ran his fingers through his hair, "Jesus Christ Holy cow that was- Don't you... I dunno... breathe?"


She laughed then pushed her hair back behind her ear, "Part flora. When I'm properly hydrated, nope. The problem is I need to stay hydrated. I can store up enough water for about five hours." She suddenly went quiet and seemed a little distracted, "You... don't have to worry about me getting pregnant either. When I dry out, I literally dry out... everywhere." She shrugged her shoulders pushing her boobs together, "If I ever want a kid, I'm going to have to basically plant myself in very moist soil for about nine months." There was a tinge of regret in her voice as she gave Jack a weak smile. Abruptly she stood up, "Oh. Uh... I'm Ivy, by the way." She looked over at the sink, "Well, not my real name. But it's what people call me."


Jack sat there on the floor and listened to her, gaining a new sympathy for his neighbor. At hearing her name he blinked then said, "Everyone has been calling me Angel." He wiggled his wings, "For obvious reasons."


She smiled and let her head list to the side, "Obviously."


The two stared at each other for a while before Jack burst out, "Can we do this again sometime?"


She looked surprised, "Uh... okay."


Jack snapped his fingers, "Look. I need to get home. You live here, right?" She nodded, "Cool. I'll come by again later." He blipped out to the main room to get his clothes. Abruptly he heard her call out from the bathroom.


"Wait! Can-" She burst out of the bathroom and seemed relieved he was still here, "Wait! You... want to exchange phone numbers or..." She paused, "Oh. Wait. Secret identities." She paused, "You hang out on the forums?"


Jack was eyeing his ripped boxers and was mentally resolving himself to going commando when she inquired about methods of contact. He looked up with a raised eyebrow, "Forums?"


Myrtle nodded, "Yeah. Redcord?" She got her phone and started swiping and tapping the screen. A few moments later, she held out a website to him, "There is a forum everyone who's trying to get in the business hangs out on." She looked a little embarrassed as she continued, "I'm Ivy underscore League." She shrugged, "I thought it sounded cute at the time." She looked at her phone, "It's mostly wanna-bes, noobs, and cape fans, but there are some cool people there."


Jack looked at the screen then shook his head, "Never heard of it, but I'll make an account and message you. Sound good?" He finished pulling up his pants, "Look. I gotta get home and make some calls. Some people are going to be worried about me. So..." He stared at her for a few seconds longer, then gave her a kiss on the cheek, "Nice meeting you, Ivy."


She touched her cheek where he kissed her, then gave him a goofy smile, "Nice meeting you, Angel."


He returned the smile before he blipped out.






She stared at the empty space he once occupied for a long time.



Jack teleported to the other side of the wall into his apartment then reverted back to being himself. He flopped on the bed and let out a long sigh, "I think I'm gonna pass out."




And then he did just that.

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