I will strive beyond this cursed bloodline!

Chapter 30: A normal class?

She was so tired right now.

She was somehow still holding her shift by the sheer willpower of her willpower status...

Not that her status sheet had a willpower status in it...

Why it was missing?

Wouldn't it be a better representation instead of wisdom?

Having both Wisdom and intelligence seemed...odd.

"Eli-Eli! Stay with me!" Came the usually cheerful voice of her pink-haired friend who was casting some spell on her.

She tried to use [Identify] on it, but only a headache and some extra blood coming out of her nose were all she got for her effort.

"Stop making my work harder! [Extra Heal!]" Was also the answer of her friend to her efforts.

Weird, how did she know she was trying to use her skills?

Was something going on with her status?

So she invoked that particular screen and did she find something?


User is currently low on health, converting stamina into health to prevent critical failure.


User is currently low on stamina, converting mana into stamina to prevent critical failure.


User is currently low on mana, with no further resources available, converting the regeneration of resources into debt to solve the problem.



Health: 5%

Mana: -30%

Stamina: -10%

Stress: 80%

Well, that certainly looked like a problem.

How was she on negative mana if her transformation was still live though?

Current [Shift] was paid in advance, so long the user retains the spell it will be sustained indefinitely, also. Extra mana is being diverted from the spells being cast into the user to maintain the spell working. Canceling the [Shift] may result in further damage so isn't advised. Forcefully keeping the user awake is recommended.

Oh, so Rossie's spell was being used to feed the [Shift] that in turn kept her alive....ish.

She should think of something to gift her one of these days.

"You know Rossie. I'm really grateful for your help."Said the blonde girl while trying to walk straight to her seat while being helped by the pink-haired girl.

No such luck, since she couldn't really walk straight right now.

Still, she wanted to thank the pink-haired girl for her help... Maybe she could cook her something?

No wait...Didn't she just cook her something?

She feels like she just cooked her something these days.

Weren't they rotating the cooking schedule?

Why does she feel like she always cooks...

"Eli-Eli, walk straight, we are almost there." Said her pink-haired friend.

"Yeeeeeesh ★ " No wait, how did she know her name?

Wasn't her [Shift] spell still up?

"It's okay, the heal spell has [Cognito Hazard] on it. I can speak your name and they will hear your [Magical Girl Name] instead." Said her friend.

Ooooh, so cool. How did she manage to get a spell that handy? Healers are built differently indeed.

Why isn't Mama a healer then?

She surely would love this kind of spell...

But then again, she constantly ranted about there aren't enough good stories about healers...

Something about only having found two good ones these days or whatever.

One was about a world weaved by a Celtic creature or something. And the other one was about a guy with an R in his name...


She couldn't think straight for some reason...

Maybe she needed more love from those healing spells?

"Rossieeeeeeeeeeee, give me loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ★ " slurred the blonde girl while letting herself drop into the loveling embrace of the pink-haired girl.

She was still somewhat half awake, the healing spells finally finishing healing most of her wounds.

At least her mana was more stable.


Mana: 0%


She awoke in a rush.
Standing from her sleeping spot with a scared face and looking for something dangerous coming her way.
Alas, she found nothing but the confused and flushed face of her pink-haired friend.
"Amm...What?" Asked the blonde girl to the pink-haired girl with a flushed face.
"Good Morning [Elemental Weaver], your mana deficiency has been successfully treated. And you no longer are leaking mana ❤️. " Said the pink-haired girl in a somewhat monotone tone.
No one was paying attention to them...Well, they weren't looking their way but some obviously were peaking when they thought she wasn't looking.
"Did...Something happened [Sylphie Starheart] ★." ...This would get old pretty soon, she would need to find an excuse to shorten Rossie's magical girl name.
"We treated your magic deficiency and now that you are well and good the teacher will carry on with the class ❤️ ." Answered her friend in that monotone tone again.
"We will speak more later at home ❤️." Murmured her friend before moving on to a seat near the arena, where other healers were already there.
Those were school ones and students from other classes that didn't have arena training time yet.
She would have to ask her about what that was about later...
Also, ask her about the pillow she was using, she needed one of those for her bed, that was a really good and comfy pillow...
Quite annoyed at that blue-haired brat for giving her that nightmare.
Who even uses that much magic power in a friendly match?!?
She would snitch about it with her mother.
...She would also ask her about that mana deficiency thing.
That sounded important, and also why couldn't she remember what the heck happened after the match was declared ended?
Maybe she insulted Rossie or something?
She would need to apologize in that case...But she didn't sound angry...
More questions without enough answers...
"You finished in the self-introspection yet?" Asked the voice of a woman right above her.
"Oh sorry about that. Teach, thinking about something [Sylphie] said ★ " Answered the blonde girl to her teacher.
"Already on pet names, I see. Not wasting time..." That was all the teacher said back...
No wait, Mother spoke of something like this...Something about misunderstandings getting out of proportion sometimes?
"Now that Miss [Elemental Weaver] is back in top form we can address her match." Said her teacher creating a projection in the middle of the arena.
There were the names of some students, some titles like her own, and a few ones with just numbers.
"As you can see there is a grade next to your name, title, or number in that." Said the teacher.
And sure enough, there was one near her name.
That...didn't look quite right.
"We evaluate your prospects and talents, not your victories or defeats. No matter how those came about." Said the teacher.
"So...I get a passing grade ★ ?" Asked the blonde girl.
To be honest, she expected a failing note. Not because the teacher hated her mother and somehow projected it on her.
But because of the way of her loss...
That was a bad way to crash and burn...
She overstretched herself...Quite badly.
And even used one of the few aces she had.
To be honest, she didn't think she would do that badly just because she wasn't using [Shadow Magic].
Even with the bad mileage she could get in the spells, she thought the [Skill Assist] she was getting would be enough to shore up the deficiency.
"Do you have a problem with the evaluation?" Asked the teacher floating down in front of her.
Almost everyone looked her way...Did they expect a tantrum or something?
"No sir, never look down on a free pass is the motto of my family ★," said the blonde girl.
And for almost a second, she could swear she saw the vestiges of a smile on the face of the [Witch].
"That's a lie almost as bad as you not having a problem with that grade." Said the witch in a voice low enough that only she could hear.
Maybe she did have a problem with that grade.
Since she kinda hoped to get a lower one. But still...
"Now to anyone wondering why [Elemental Weaver] gets that with how badly she ended the fight." Said the teacher addressing everyone else.
"You can try fighting the [Sage] and if you manage to make him move, you also get a full grade note." And so she pointed to the blue-haired smartass.
"Hah?" That was all the blonde girl could say before searching for the smart-ass name on the board.
He...Didn't get full marks for his fight against her.
But against everyone else, he did get full marks.
And by the sound of the students groaning...
He wasn't nice in the other matches either.
"He fought everyone that complained about your grade." Said a student to her left.
He was the student with the idol costume.
"He what?" Asked the blonde girl.
"Some students said you got too many points for someone that lost that bad, but the teacher said you got graded in performances and if someone could do spells the same way you did, they would also get that grade." Said the idol student. "Also, the [Sage] said he would forfeit his grade to the one that managed to make him move. Then started every match using the same barrage he did with you... No survivors."
And so the idol student shrugged.
There were plenty of students without a [Shift] now that she paid attention...
Most of her class managed to do the shift since she spent the last week passing tips on how to bridge the gap of talent.
But if her assumptions were right...Then that smart-ass used way too much power and busted everyone's shift...
"Yeah...Most of the class will not be able to use their [Shift] for a while according to teacher Agatha, since they have to heal the damage from that barrage." Continued saying the idol mage.
"How did you manage to survive that anyway? The teacher didn't want to tell us what [Affinity] you used there. But it must be [Speed] or something right?" Asked the idol mage.
She didn't snitch on her not using her [Origin] spells?
Who was that woman and what happened to the teacher that hated her for no reason?
There was some character progression while she was unconscious?
Did she jump into an alternate dimension or something?
"Now let's move into what you did right and what you did wrong, starting with the first match. [Elemental Weaver] vs [Sage]" said the voice of her teacher, bringing her back into the class.
The idol mage also returned to a group of similarly clothed students.
...Since when that happened?
"Any guess on what went wrong there?" Asked the teacher looking into every group of students.
And finally settling on her and the blue-haired smart ass.
"I fought someone outside my fighting class." Said the blonde girl.
"I fought without thinking and without enough information on my opponent." Said the smart-ass.
"Both correct. [Elemental Weaver] was fighting someone that she didn't have a way to defeat. While [Sage] was fighting under the assumption that his opponent had more power than she had... Even if [Elemental Weaver] showed us that you can defeat someone outside your fighting class..." Said almost in a mumble the last part of the teacher.
"How did she defeat him though?" Asked one of the students, a purple-haired girl "A curse or poison?" she was just a cliche, a purple girl asking about poisons.
"A full strike focusing her power?" Said a red-haired kid, probably a flame mage or something if the cliche kept going on.
"That is a secret unless [Elemental Weaver] and [Sage] want to share?" Asked the teacher.
The Blue-haired mage quickly said no, so she just shrugged "If he doesn't want to, it would be rude for me to reveal it." And so she took that out of the way.
No good way to answer that question... Besides better if they think she just withstood the attack and just used a curse or something.
"She probably used the moment the attack landed to strike a counter." Came the voice of the idol mage.
He was kinda right.
"No [Magical Girl] should do that." Said the pink-haired girl from the other side of the arena where the healers stood.
"[Magical Girls] are those that brave the dangers to give hope to others. Sometimes, they must brave injuries." Said the teacher while frowing her face in the direction of Rossie.
"Besides, the Arena's spell would protect me if something went wrong ★."Said the blonde girl too.
"That's only true if the arena can react quickly enough, the teacher had to adjust it after your match since the arena wasn't ready for that much firepower from the [Idiot]/Sage." The what?
"Oh right, that is also needed to be addressed. We let you two fight first to calibrate the arena to the highest possible power output. Since you two were among the first to [Shift]..." Said the teacher while pointing towards the arena.
"We deemed you two the most powerful in this class. We managed to test the highest power thanks to [Sage] and the lowest threshold that a [Shift] can hold thanks to [Elemental Weaver]." Added shamelessly the teacher.
...She was so going to snitch on that teacher.

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