I will strive beyond this cursed bloodline!

Chapter 31: Agatha 1 – I don’t understand.

Just look at these brats looking all proud of their efforts.


If only the brat of Catherine wasn't here...


But then again, if she wasn't here half of these wouldn't have managed the [Shift]. Since the [Sage] isn't a good teacher...


Was what the witch teacher thought while looking at her students in the arena.


She just had finished addressing several matches and had given advice on how to better the use of spells and the right books to study.


To almost everyone at least.


To the [Healer] girl, she just left that to the [Healer]'s group. Since she only dealt with generic spells anyway.


Now only two were left...The [Sage] and [Elemental Weaver].


"Okay class is dismissed, everyone can leave...Besides [Elemental Weaver] and the [Sage]." Was what the [Witch] said.


They all cheered and a wave of [Shift] spells ended up flooding the arena with light, most of them canceled at the same time.


Well, most of them besides [Sylphie Starheart] who stood by the door glaring at her, [Elemental Weaver] who just waved at her to send her away. And of course, the [Sage] who just stood there trying to look cool.


He was silently activating a magic circle under his robe to make it wave like it was under the wind or something to look cool.


Ugh...Kids these days.


"Now time to deal with this I guess..." Said the woman while looking down at her students.


"First [Sage] since you are the easiest one... First, get better [Info Gathering] spells. If you had you could have noticed how [Elemental Weaver] was using overly complex spells to hide the low power of her spells." Said pointing at the blue-haired student.


Also grabbing a notepad from under her robes she wrote a few titles of books.


"Here, read these, they are usually reserved for second-grade students, but if you ask for them they will allow you to read them. There isn't a restriction on books by grades, since first-grade students can't understand them anyway." Said while shooing the blue-haired kid away.


He just bowed her way and scampered away running towards the library.


At least he was a good student in this type of situation, maybe next time he would be able to pound the annoying brat of Catherine?


Somehow she doubted it... If this brat got the right help she might manage to rise high after all...


"... ★?" Ugh...


Do...I have to?


"... ★ ??" Just look at her looking all smiles like nothing is wrong in the world...


"... >.> ❤️ ?" ....And then there is her friend making a face this way... I will not steal your friend sheesh...


How is she even making that face anyway?


"[Elemental Weaver]...I don't know why you are using such a complex way to use elemental spells." Started the [Witch] saying.


She in one move wove the same spells she used but unlike in the case of the students, her spells didn't use an [Amp] spell. But they still looked more powerful and had more mana weaved into them.


"As you can see since my [Affinity] is closer to elemental. I can use them without any problem." Said the teacher.


Well, not closer but it's an [Elemental] Affinity...


And thought that as an addendum to herself.


"Your [Affinity] looks to be closer to [Space] so you would get more mileage by staying to that, both in mana use and power. Usually, only students with troublesome [Affinities] go their way trying to use other [Affinities]. Like [Curse], [Poison], [Death], [Spirit]...." And so went the teacher enumerating the several more...[Villanious] type of [Affinities]. "...And finally [Shadow], [Void],[Necromancy],[Blood],[Chaos],[Soul],[Demon],[Plague] and [Mind Control]." Ended the long list the teacher.


"As an extra freebie, of these [Shadow], [Void] and [Blood] are looked as bad since there are either [Villains] or previous users made a mess with those [Affinities]... " And after saying that she murmured in her ear. "And [Mind] is looked at badly because [The Stardust Explorer] hates it. That one is useful in therapy sessions but no one admits to having it since they fear the hammer of your Mother." Yeah, better get that out of the way now.


It would be fun if that brat had [Mind] as her [Affinity], but she doubted, no way the spawn of Catherine was a [Mind Magical Girl].




"... Okay teach ★, " Said the brat after being silent for a few moments. "I do know that using the right [Spells] would be easier, but I want to try it this way... I'm studying my......[Affinity] spells too" said after a long pause the girl... Why was she having such a hard time saying about her affinity?


Did she think she was hiding it well?




Is this brat going through a rebellious phase?




No way right?


Imagine if the daughter of the most famed [Magical Girl] didn't want to follow in the steps of her mother...


But then again, that would explain why she wasn't using her mother's thematics.


No wait...


Her first [Shift] looked to be more focused on the [Space] thematic than her mother...


Or was her Mother's original [Shift] darker in theme?


No one knows what that woman's original [Shift] looks like anyway.


Since she always goes around with all that glitter and pastel theme.


Maybe since this brat can't control her spells she decided to go with a pastel thematic and elemental style?


It wouldn't be the first time someone's spells taint their [Shift] after all...


"So long you keep practicing your true [Affinity]. It would be a shame if you got buried in normalcy because you didn't use your [True Affinity]" said the teacher.


Perhaps this brat wasn't that bad?


If it was her mother she would be bragging about how she was a better spell weaver than everyone else even after using the wrong affinity...


Thought the woman while ushering the student away, now staying alone in the arena.


No wait...


"That brat said she was practicing her [Affinity]'s spells...So she is this good with the wrong [Affinity] spells while also having time to study her true ones?" Mumbled the teacher to herself.


Nope, the daughter is like the mother.


Both are monsters.


When did that brat get enough time to get that good at the wrong spells while also learning her normal ones?


"That family should share whatever they eat..." Said the teacher...Then looked down to her chest.


"Also why is that brat better endowed than me?" Was all the woman mumbled while walking outside of the arena too.

She was getting annoyed now.

"Congratulations on having your class finish the first test, Agatha!" Said one of the other teachers.

She was in the first teacher's meeting of the year.

They were supposed to discuss potential good students, and students to look out for and ask for tips about how to go about their classes.

Also to point the students with dangerous [Affinities], normal stuff in a school full of teenagers with powers.

Instead, they were here watching a video of her class in the arena.

The fricking [Twelve] had sent it their way a full 4k HD video of her class and the fights in there.

Also with a slow motion part of the end of the fight.

Showcasing how the fight really went in.

So for one part, she could now see how that kid had fought and ended up in such a terrible state.

How she cast those spells and weaved them as if she was a stage director in an orchestra.

Each one was a work of art weaved after the other.

"She also cast chanteless [Body Of Mana]." Said Agatha to the surprise of everyone there.

"Impossible." Said another teacher to her right, she was in charge of fourth-grade students. "Not even my students can do that yet".

"She did indeed cast it, [The Twelve] send a list with the spells cast just in case." And indeed there it was.

She only noticed it because that particular spell was a favorite of Catherine.

She liked to use it often enough to withstand the backslash of some spells since her magic tended to go... Wrong most of the time when she wanted to overextend.

Part of the reason why she hated that woman.

"Congratulations are in order, Agatha." Said the director of magic side of the school.

He looked more like a CEO than a director of a school.

He was dressed in a suit tailored in high-quality fabric. It reeked of authority, his shirt was made of some kind of silk that was embedded in enchantments to keep it pristine and clean. Frankly a waste of both mana and money in her opinion.

His blazer was made of some kind of darker cloth also embedded with enchantments.

"Thank you, Director Hamilton." She never understood why that man was the director.

He reeked of being connected more to the science side of the powereds. Especially since he spends his free time in the gym doing exercises instead of in the library like most of the magus in the school.

"But most of the work was done by the students, both Michael and Elizabeth did the heavy lifting." Added Agatha.

"Yeah about that...Some students have raised complaints about how you deal with Miss Starbright." And so the director brought a pile of papers, most looked like they were written by different persons.

But a quick spell on her part showcased how they were mostly by the same person, and if she had to guess it was a pink-haired girl.

But she wouldn't go into that, nor would any of the teachers.

"Miss Starbright doesn't need my help unlike the other students, she has proven that quite well in class." Said the woman while pointing at the recording of the fight.

Those spells and applications would never be taught here after all.

Why would anyone try to fight in such an overly complex way?

No one would if they could just stick to their [Affinities] and have an easier time.

Well, not anyone till now.

"We understand you have problems with her Mother, but please don't allow your problems to bleed over to your classes." Said one of the other teachers.

"I can take on your class if you want to." Of course, they wanted her class.

She would get a nice bonus for getting her full class with the [Shift] spell done.

"If you can prove that you are able to teach something they don't know to my whole class...I Wouldn't mind swapping classes." Said the woman while smugly looking at the said teacher.

Of course, every teacher that wanted her class suddenly found something more interesting in the walls, in the ceiling, and even on the floor.

"No swapping of classes, orders from [The Twelve]." Said the director.


"Since when have [The Twelve] had an influence on schools?" Asked one of the teachers that wanted her class.

"Since one of the students of that grade was added to the possible students of one of them." Said the director.

"Of course, Catherine would use that on her daughter." Said Agatha while shrugging.

She knew that it was a possibility when she saw that girl in her classes.

For his part, the director just smiled.

"The student in question will not be mentioned, but someone of [The Twelve] sent this particular video." And so he pressed a button bringing a holographic projection.

It was [The Stardust Explorer] Aka Catherine.

"HEYOOOOOOOOOOOO. Just wanted to clarify something since I know Gaty likes to overthink stuff. The student being sponsored by us isn't Eli-Eli. See yah ★ ~" And so the projection vanished.

Leaving just an awkward silence.

"God dammit Catherine." Was all that was heard in the meeting room.

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