I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 281: Negotiating tool

The team of friends were absolutely stunned, after such a question had been asked from one of those sharks.

They didn't know how to reply, neither did they know how to approach this situation. But utter confusion covered each corner of their consciousness instead.

Why would big bad sharks ask for permission, before chomping on a carcass? Was this some kind of joke? Or have they noticed just how powerful, this group of small marine animals actually was?

If so, would some random flock of sharks be capable of critical thinking? They could have just tried their luck anyway.

Most of this group of friends, had slowly pondered over half of those thoughts; which was why they were at a loss for words.

It was a stunning situation for sure, but Gerlach was the quickest to get over it. And he decided to talk in the name of everyone.

With the aid of a slow nod, he agreed. "You can of course. As you might have noticed, we have no trouble whatsoever finding another meal."

Such a sentence was uttered out, for the sake of putting pressure on the other side of the stick. That way, these newcomers would get a proper hint, regarding how powerful this group of small marine animals, actually was.

That and the team wasn't exactly hungry, so why shouldn't they put in effort to use these carcasses as a negotiating tool?

To their utter surprise, the biggest shark decided to assure. "Oh we are aware, that's why we asked permission."

And since a bit of dialogue was already exchanged between these groups, the sharks began chewing through the carcasses; which meant that the conversation had stopped there.

Afterwards, it took a little bit of observation to figure out that neither of these new sharks, were the targets that this team was looking for.

Such a detail could be figured out, once one would give a peek at these shark's pelvic fins.

Neither of their front fins were missing, and it seems like the carcasses had those same specifics.

So ultimately the team had killed a couple of sharks, that weren't even supposed to be targets!

Regardless it wasn't exactly a waste of time; since those first couple of attackers, were the ones who seeked trouble to begin with. The only option was to either kill those blasted fish, or wait to be killed by them.

However, this situation had another opportunity hidden within it. And of course Gerlach was the quickest to catch up with that fact!

He took a full glimpse of all these surroundings, to figure out if they would be attacked by any newcomers any time soon; and it didn't take much effort to notice, that there wasn't anyone new around.

So he went ahead and spoke out a question towards these cooperative sharks, "There is something you can help us with, that will bring you quite some benefits as well."

After ripping through and swallowing a twenty pound chunk of meat, for the sake of taming hunger...

The biggest great-white shark here, followed along. "I'm listening,"

"See we're looking for these stupid great-whites. They have to die soon, but we're yet again having a bit of trouble locating them." Such a handful of words, had the prime intent of setting the base of this deal.

And since the other side was listening, it was appropriate to continue. "They're missing a front fin, do you know any sharks that looks like that?"

It was noticeable that the other side of the stick was still pondering over this question. Either that, or their motivation to cooperate had spread thin.

With that possible dilemma considered, the geezer decided to save this deal by revealing the best portion of it.

With a firm and vocal voice, he assured. "If you help us find those sharks, you can eat their carcasses too. Well at least after me and my friends are done with them."

A noticeably shocked expression grew on the other side's face after that point. Their eyes jerked wide a little bit as well, which managed to show waves of emotions at once, even though they had not said anything yet.

After a bit of pondering, the negotiative shark queried. "Are you sure that you can kill them though? There are plenty of them in their group, and each shark is big too."

"Well this is some sticky coral," The old man followed along, after hearing that critical bit of information.

And then thought this situation through a little bit, before answering. "We can handle them. How many sharks does their group have?"

The other side of the stick had grown quite sceptical at this point, but a bit of motivation was still wavering through their conscience.

It was enough to answer with the aid of a sigh, "Not sure, but there are at least twenty of them."

"Hmmm..." Gerlach was forced towards a bit of thought again, as he tried to take this dilemma realistically.

And after a moment, he decided to assure. "Okay, we will be able to kill them."

After that point, he weighed in with a question. "Tell us where they are, and you can simply come and clean the aftermath later on."

At first he had been in doubt. But the old man felt tremendously confident, after recalling that Osira had managed to kill hundreds of sharks before, all by her own!

Ultimately meaning that this two-foot long black grouper, was truly a force to be reckoned with.

The plan itself continued to sprout seeds of success, when the negotiating shark revealed. "Keep swimming this way, it will be hard to miss them."

"Thank you kind miss," Gerlach expressed, he had understood from the beginning that the biggest shark here was a lady.

It was a good detail to remember, when it came to showing a bit of etiquette. However, after that point these couple of groups split ways.

The team had enough motivation to continue forward with this task, since they were close to achieving what they had come here for, to begin with. But necessarily, anxiety came along with such optimism.

Because the idea of having to deal with over twenty massive great-whites, portrayed itself as a suicidal thought!

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