I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 282: Laws of physics

The team only had to travel for twenty or so minutes more, before they noticed a few details that they had been looking for.

At first they had only seen some large and fat shark, that was just calmly swimming across a body of water.

There wasn't anything too interesting about that, but any great-white could be the said target; so of course they had to pay attention towards such an animal.

And since this potential target was over fifty meters away, they had to swim closer towards it for the sake of making out any details.

This had led them directly towards the second step, which was the discovery of more big sharks!

It didn't take much thinking to realise, that these menaces could most likely be the targets, of which the group had been looking for all this time ~ but they still had to get closer, for the sake of assurance.

Timmy and his friends craved the idea of being unnoticed as they approached. Because if these sharks weren't the ones they were looking for, it would be pointless to exhaust their painfully limited fighting power.

So the group approached these potential targets, by using the sea-floor and its many twists and corners, as tools to remain hidden.

These bodies of water didn't have a sea-floor that was completely flat, so such an aspect proved as quite an aid, in terms of remaining hidden.

Eventually, they got just under ten meters close to this group of sharks, and managed to make a bit of detail out of them.

It was even more useful, how these opposing sea-animals didn't just float in one place, but continuously swam around instead. Such behaviour helped make detail out of several sharks, instead of just one.

Which led to figuring out the grand and seeked for detail, that these blasted sharks were all missing a pelvic-fin! It was still odd how all of these sharks lacked such a feature, but in this case it was tremendously helpful.

And now, it felt like a huge burden had been lifted off their backs. Because the team understood that even though they had to fight some big sharks; there wasn't another goal to complete after this battle. Well at least, there wasn't exactly a task in this area.

Most of the work had been done already, and now what remained was to massacre these evil bastards and just head home with a strut of confidence.

Considering how important the situation had swiftly become, Timothy actually began getting a grip of reality.

A tiny portion of the overall absent-mindedness which weighed him down, had been pushed away and replaced with focus. So he was able to pitch an idea that could quite likely increase the odds of task-oriented success.

He slowly recited through a whisper, "I should attack them first with Azelaq's scream."

This idea wasn't exactly an ego game. His aim was not to deliver the first blow, for the sake of boasting about it later on... but he wanted to make a big contribution instead.

That was why he swiftly continued to explain, "This scream can scare all of these dumbasses, so we will have more time to attack them."

"I'm impressed," Gerlach the mantis shrimp, complimented.

The last thing he expected out of this day, was for the little stingray to prove useful in this battle. The situation was not normal right now, as the hero was battling with some weird brain problem. With that considered, much of his help had not been expected.

That was why, the compliment that had been given out just a moment ago was truly heartfelt, and the rest of the group agreed with it too ~ even though they did not say a thing.

"Thank you," The sea-pancake lightly expressed.

But then continued pitching a plan, "After I attack them, all of you will try to hit as many of them as you can. This will help us kill them all faster."

At this point the entire group was utterly surprised. Because even while carrying such burdens, the young man could still use his creative intelligence quite swimmingly.

Although they didn't quite understand the concept of creative intelligence, they were utterly happy that the hero had such traits.

So after exchanging a few nods and agreements, the group felt ready to finally face these bastardous creatures.

With a bit of effort, Timmy slowly slipped out of the little hole they had entered before for the sake of stealth, and began targeting one of the biggest sharks that this body of waters had to offer.

He had not yet tried Azelaq's scream against a living being, so he was utterly clueless regarding what the result would be; but there wasn't a better time to try it out than now!

So with nothing but the aid of a thought, he activated such a scream, and shot it out against the notorious enemy!

The scream started out as nothing but a small and pole-shaped portion of transparent light.

But then it's dark-toned, and silver features; swiftly turned lighter in colour and exploded in size, all at the same time!

It's size growth was note-worthy, but it was still quite limited, as it only grew four-feet wide.

However, the scream's actual shape was swift to transform, into a geometrical short-tailed cone. Such swift change, truly managed to prove intimidating.

Apart from that, the loud scream that came along with this attack was powerful as well!

Timothy had hollered while unleashing it, that's for sure. But it also sounded like the light itself had a scream of its own.

Because the further it expanded in size just a moment ago, the louder it became. And once it reached a full size, the sound it made was more like a loud whistle, that was also heavy in tone.

Such a couple of characteristics were contradictory against each other, and beat the point of an actual whistle - but it sure managed to prove creepy, and impactful at the same time!

The transparent-looking silver itself, swiftly travelled towards the chosen target, and managed to deliver a shot that was almost impossible to believe!

Because the ray of silver light, managed to break the laws of physics itself!

As once it striked against the enemy's belly, a large chunk of bodily flesh had been ripped out of that same spot!

But that wasn't all. The rays of silver, had managed to relocate a great portion of the enemy's body!

And those body parts had been transformed into nothing but silver, that had been nailed against the ground!

Ultimately meaning that there was a spiky, and narrow mountain of silver; that had the enemy's body parts trapped in it.

It was quite some art, but the disturbing view that came as an aftermath, managed to push away any appreciative thoughts!

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