I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 285: Triple-combo-torture

[Great-white shark killed, seven-hundred-system points have been given to you as a reward]

[Since this form of slaughter isn't entirely based, on what I as a system have provided... you've lost three-hundred of these same points]

[Total system points = one-thousand-and-twenty-three]

Since the system assured that yet another shark had been slaughtered, it only made sense that the same soul-draining void had appeared again.

The void itself had re-appeared when the shark’s remains were shattered into thousands of pieces. It was as if this overwhelming darkness craved blood above anything else; but no, what it came for was the soul of any victim.

The scene itself was amazing to witness for sure. He'd be absolutely staggered by its visual characteristics, regardless if this was the second or thousand time he witnessed it.

But right now, something else was affecting the boy, and it was far more noteworthy.

A great portion of the burden, that had been enslaving his mind through these past few days, had suddenly been lifted. Such an effect was impossible to ignore!

The young stingray, could feel every ounce of his concentration coming back at an almost overwhelming pace!

Since the shifts between such mental powers was drastic, he could pick up a noticeable grand fact: this level of concentration had not been achievable in the past, even before he conversed with Azelaq!

Yet it was still confusing to figure out, just why had his abilities to focus suddenly spiked up for the better?

The battle's need itself could not influence it. Hours earlier he was almost absent-minded enough to be considered paralyzed. Just how could this shift be possible?

Overall this was quite a weird effect. Especially after considering that a little portion of his mind, was still carrying that burdening cloud.

Unsurprisingly, it made the situation more difficult to understand. Because if the cloud was still present in his mind, then how did the hero’s concentration grow more honed than ever? The math did not add up.

Such a severe question would likely require quite a few hours of pondering, but that was a luxury that he didn’t quite possess right now.

Simply because the multiple shades of the dark void, had been quick to dissipate after the shark’s soul had been ripped off its body!

Which necessarily meant that Timmy had to face the battlefield right now.

The thought of fighting, managed to make him feel nervous right away. A battle like this, didn't fit any usual petty fight and could quite likely end up killing the entire team.

However. After he managed to get a good glimpse of the whole battlefield, he noticed a few details that were disturbing, but at the same time proved quite convenient.

There were a couple of great-white sharks that had been utterly ripped in half!

Timmy did not remember delivering such damage. And no one in their team was strong enough, to obliterate such a thick body in such a gruesome manner!

So for a second, it was difficult to puzzle this scene together. Just what could have caused such colossal damage?

His question was answered after he noticed, that these sharks were quite close to where the dark void had expanded itself a moment ago.

Ultimately meaning that these carcasses had been too close to the void. And in exchange, they had been ripped in half!

Insane for sure. And he did not know if Azelaq had claimed these souls or not. But right now these couple of carcasses were a problem less to worry about.

So instead, Tim put in a bit of concentration to try and locate his friends. And the first comrade he noticed was Osira; mostly because she wasn't one to stay idle.

The black-grouper was pacing from one side of the battlegrounds to the other. She was mashing against various enemy necks, and ripped off as many bits of meat that she could.

Such actions were all done within a handful of seconds. Such success was likely related to the crave for blood, but it was quite convenient in terms of turning the tides of battle!

At the moment, it seemed like the good lady was doing quite enough to assert dominance through this commotion ~ but Timothy had to start contributing as well.

Simply because there were still, nearly twenty living enemies in this battlefield - and the ones that had been struck silly by the first void's power, had mostly recovered by now.

So without the slightest hesitation, Timothy eyed one of the biggest sharks here and instantly charged towards it!

His speed usually topped at five-miles-per-hour, but the adrenaline rush that was setting its deep roots in his heart right now, aided to achieve just a little bit more speed!

Which ultimately led to the hero, reaching this foul enemy in a matter of seconds, even though the said target was over ten-meters away.

And to greet this enemy, the sea-disk put in quite some muscle work, for the sake of pushing his barb forward.

It was a tedious procedure that required him to almost swim upside down, but it was worthwhile.

Especially since it has aided to inevitably form the bumble-bee-attack! The enemy was anything but a fan of such a delivery.

Especially since the hero had managed to stab this bastard, right across the noggin! It caused quite a reaction that was solely pain influenced, but that wasn’t quite a surprise.

The great-white violently shook its head from left to right, for the sake of shaking off this underwater-bee-mimicker; but it was an attempt that can be labeled as poorly timed.

Because Timmy had strategically unleashed a second attack, in the same second that his marvelous barb had pierced through this bastard’s head.

Apart from every bit of tail-venom that he had, the hero also activated the eruptive-heat power move!

It was quite a combination! Because not only was this target supposed to deal, with the internal pain that a venomous stab provided; but this fat-beast had to deal with external factors as well!

For example, the infliction of such heat, had managed to fry a plate-sized but of skin, across the enemy’s face!

It wasn’t enough to kill this bastard that weighed a few hundred pounds, but it did manage to cause quite some irritation.

Timothy had been tossed a few meters away from the actual collision, but that wasn’t necessarily a problem to worry about. Because the massive shark had simply swam a few meters, instead of trying to deliver any attacks.

It was convenient, as the little stingray could focus on any other target, instead of trying to desperately kill this one.

So he began eyeing another shark, and swiftly swam towards it for the sake of delivering a gruesome attack!

But what he did not know was that another one of these numerous predators, had similar devilish thoughts.

A foul enemy was approaching from the left side, and had already opened its jaws wide for the sake of ripping through Timothy’s flesh and bones!

The only thing that kept the two of them apart, was the sea-waters themselves creating a minor resistance.

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