I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 286: What's fair and what isn't

Timothy remained clueless of the swiftly approaching threat. The result of such a lack of knowledge, only had a single route towards a devastating result!

But right before the shark got close enough to land a bite, that straight route it had taken, was forced out of the tracks!

Because a foul attack had struck this enemy, right underneath the chin!

Considering the method of infliction, one would think that Osira has noticed this bastardous shark and caused yet another bloody-mist, by striking around the neck.

But that was not the case. Instead, an elongated tail had ruptured a hole through the enemy's neck; and had impaled narrowly enough to reach this massive fish's brain as well!

So ultimately, an instant kill had been landed in this bloody battle; and the inflictor didn't have to do much work in order to achieve it!

That someone was Dana! She sensed the threat, and unsurprisingly had put in quite a lot of effort, all for the sake of saving her friend.

She saved the boy from what could have been a devastating blow, a foul doom!

Timothy has successfully escaped from those jaws. Not because the bony-lady landed a blow that was heavy enough, to push the enemy away from the prior direction.

But because the damage was strong enough to force the shark into a reaction, that was solely dedicated to escape the pain!

This shark has tried to nudge away from such a burning sensation, which firmly meant that this beast's mouth had been closed and moved to the left.

And since this great-white was still big and strong, Dana ended up being dragged a few meters through the waters!

Her tail was longer than that of Timothy's, so it wasn't a surprise how she was stuck in the enemy's neck for a little while.

It was a little sacrifice that didn't really cause any damage. She managed to retaliate after a second, and Timmy was already fighting some other shark; utterly unaware that this good skeleton-lady had saved his life.

What came as a bit of an attempted heart stab, was how the same stingray that she had just saved ~ was fighting some other shark, in cooperation with the black-grouper.

It wasn't the best time whatsoever to have such emotions. But, it still felt a bit unfair.

Dana was the one who just risked her life, to save her friend. So shouldn't she be the one, to have a date with Timothy; even though that actual date featured bloody slaughter?

It was quite a tough thought to contemplate. However, those emotions had to be stuffed in a bag for now; because this battle needed more of her attention!

Likewise, she aimed for another shark that was a few meters away, and began charging towards it at full speed.

In the meanwhile, Timothy was trying to pick apart the best time, to attack one of the sharks with the aid of quite a useful power-move.

Him and Osira had managed to punch a few wounds against one shark, but it wasn't enough.

This blasted enemy was not going down, and more of these sharks were recovering themselves by the passing second. Sure those couple of dark voids had shaken their shit, but it had only managed to damage most of them, rather than killing them.

So ultimately, the odds were swiftly steering away from this little team's favour. It was difficult enough to kill one of these bastards, without the aid of superior powers; it would be horrific if they had to kill all of these sharks, with the aid of these other limiting powers!

And right now, the hero felt a bit rushed to act as fast as possible. He had waited for the best time to attack, and now may be that moment!

Because the massive great-white, was paying the most attention towards the black-grouper, rather than having a good eye around all surroundings.

Such a clumsy decision, had no other fate but to backfire. Because Timmy began following this foul enemy from behind, and found the best second to deliver a plentiful blow.

He latched right in front of the enemy's dorsal fin, quite near the head ~ and then bit through the opponent's flesh for the sake of holding on.

Just to get more stability, he also stabbed this shark near its rough spine, with the aid of his tail. Now, he felt ready to unleash the prime attack.

At the moment, his tail didn't carry any drop of venom; but that wasn't necessarily a problem, he didn't want to poison this bastard.

Instead, he simply shouted. "Eruptive heat!"

And without a doubt, this tremendous power move was swiftly activated!

His entire body heated up in a blink of an eye, and reached a deadly result of one-hundred-and-fifty degrees celsius!

Now normally this would be the best time to escape the scene, because the water itself would heat up and cause him quite a burn too!

But no, that was not what the hero planned. The burn he inflicted was only hot enough to fry the enemy's skin towards a darker shade, but it also brought another result that the naked eye could miss.

The attack itself had managed to soften the enemy's head-flesh. Well, at least around the area where the wound had been inflicted.

Which ultimately meant that this specific spot had become more vulnerable, than ever to any other external attacks!

Such a result was rather useful, because a shark's skin normally tended to be tough. But now, this enemy couldn't do anything, to resist the stabs that were swiftly being inflicted against its head!

Timothy didn't even want to put a second in vain. His tail went up and down, as he stabbed through the enemy's flesh quite a few times in a matter of seconds!

Such an amount of pain was quite overwhelming. Especially since the attack continued to be around the same place, it was even more stressing how nothing could be done to escape this pain!

For a few seconds, the shark wished that it had thumbs and hands, for the sake or latching off the parasite that was causing so much pain against the noggin!

But that was quite impossible. Escaping the barb was difficult enough, but escaping a battle strategist was even harder.

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