I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 287: A grey clash

Within a handful of seconds, Timothy had managed to land over thirty stabs against this foul enemy already!

This unfortunate shark was shaking its head from left to right, fairly desperate to achieve any favourable results, but it was a futile attempt!

Because the hero has been latched right in front of this bastard's dorsal fin, with a success rate higher than any leech could ever achieve!

The spikes that Timmy had recently grown on the end of his fins, aided to cling on this enemy; so right now there wasn't anything this victim could do, to escape the vicious pain!

However. After a few seconds, Timothy decided to loosen his death grasp against this great-white.

But that could be considered anything but good for the victim, because Tim had voluntarily let go of this howling bastard!

Such combinations of decisions coming from a highly strategic boy, can only mean that the damage that was dealt, could be considered quite plentiful!

As he peeked at the spot where all those wounds had been inflicted, it was easy to notice that the scene was anything but pretty.

The shark's head has become like a warzone. It was torched black as a start, and blood was breaking everywhere thanks to the many stab wounds...

It wasn't easy on the eye, but this shark was not dead yet, and it might take more effort to deliver a killing blow.

So Timmy aimed to contribute a few more strikes. All for the sake of making sure that this shark wouldn't be a big problem, through the rest of the expansive battle.

With a few flaps against the waters, he slowly built up a fast swimming pace; and began calculating the best way to initiate this attack!

Within a second, he decided to head for the enemy's belly, which was a target distance that took little to no effort to achieve.

Simply because this large marine animal was still trying to retaliate from the last attack, it was not easy to recover from numerous head wounds; but here it allowed the hero to approach without worry.

Any normal individual would show a bit of sympathy in such a situation, and simply spare the enemy; it made quite a bit of sense to a certain extent, for the stingray to be merciful.

Especially since it was tough to see a large opponent suffer like this, it didn't feel right when put on the scale of power.

But this good little boy was not one for feelings. He has killed many fish before, and will do it again. Allowing an enemy to live, could likely lead to his own death ~ this was a bloody battle, and it should be treated as so.

Which was why his tail whistled against the water's, furry stood as its last name!

And the prime aim became to activate a power-move that was quite foreign, because it was new and still unused against any target so to speak.

He managed to activate this power, with the aid of an urging thought, that recited. "Grey-tail!"

Such a firm decision forced a bit of light to generate, right where the power's name itself, suggested.

This grey light itself, swiftly molded itself towards quite a noteworthy transformation ~ it has become a transparent tail.

This marvelous weaponry, perhaps stretched just about a meter long. Such a size was three times longer in comparison to his actual tail, truly marvelous!

For the sake of attaining balance through such a power, the light itself had fully surrounded the hero's tail.

It was convenient. Especially because this light, didn't form a tail that was any thicker or thinner than the original weaponry.

A grand expression can be used here. The power-move simply fitted like a glove, in perfect cooperation with the hero!

While this power-move took a few seconds to activate, Timmy had managed to swim right underneath this foul enemy.

The plan was to deliver a blow, that would take quite some effort to retaliate from. He did not know just how powerful this attack could be, but now was the best time to find out!

His marvelous grey-tail flicked upwards upon will ~ and the very tip of it, managed to crash against the enemy's skin!

In exchange, a loud snap reverberated across the waters! One would think that a bone had just been broken, all thanks to the high pitched sound of this result; but no, that was not the case.

The impact itself was a bit too strong, which in exchange had caused a slap-like sound to erupt!

It was noteworthy to say for the least, this power-move could prove tremendously useful in the future. But now was not the time to focus on an aspect like that.

Instead, he focused on the actual damage that had been dealt against this struggling bastard!

The collision itself had managed to open up a short-lengthed wound against the enemy's belly!

It was a deep cut, and the wound itself was puking out a lot of blood at the moment; which ultimately gave a great sign that the very tip of this grey-tail, was a true force to be reckoned with!

However. The wound itself wasn't exactly a long devastating cut, as one would expect from such a thudding impact. The actual result was a bit difficult to ponder.

The tail's tip had managed to open up a deep wound against the enemy, but that was about all of the damage that had been delivered.

It was interesting to say at least. Because it firmly meant that the transparent grey-tail had disintegrated, right before it could have inflicted a truly deadly cut!

Yet thankfully his actual tail was still in one piece, but this result still seemed bizarre.

So after he swam just a bit away from the enemy, this situation had led to generating a question. This head scratching theory, was quick to set a strong foot-hold on his consciousness.

He dotted attention towards the system, and questioned. "What happened?"

[The cloud in your mind has probably forced you to forget, but the tail disappeared for a reason]

[This power was a one-time purchase, meaning that I won't be giving you any upgrades that further improves the ability]

[You need to learn how to use and improve this power, all by yourself]

[That was why the tail disappeared too quickly. Apart from the shark's skin being tough, you don't have any mastery whatsoever over this new power]

There were quite a lot of reasons behind those statements, thankfully the hero could follow along through the whole thing; he understood what the deal was.

And through the same seconds where he was putting in effort to understand, the young man was also swimming towards the same enemy he had attacked just a moment ago.

This bastardous menace was a bit too battered and bruised to deliver any comebacks at the moment, ultimately becoming great for target practice.

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