I’m the dungeon master

2. I really regret it


With an awkward smile “thank you so much for your help, I think I’m good for now, so if you need to do anything you can go right ahead I don’t mind me”

-honestly I just want to get rid of this guy, he is here talking about genocide with this face creepy as fuck-

He looked at me with an elegant movement, bowing slightly, right hand over his chest, left behind his back. "My only reason for existing is to serve the master."

-Yup, this guy has a couple of loose screws-

“I see… then you can go to the other 2 rooms, you know, to make sure that everything is in order.”

-whatever order is supposed to be like, just get the fuck out-

The man looked at me for a moment before nodding; he turned around walking towered the stairs, before leaving he stopped & turned his head slightly, with a voice neither calm nor loud, neither sharp nor dull, a voice that left no room for any other sound as if the water stopped dripping from the old roof he said

“master, I will always be by your side, protecting you from both external and internal threat. That is my duty as your first subordinate, so please always know that you can talk to me.”

He turned his head as if he had finished his speech and was about to leave

That’s when I realized I might’ve been too harsh on him. After all, he might be just a normal guy after all, he noticed when I brushed him away…. He noticed when I saw him as a freak, which he is, but I can’t show it in the future. I need to be more sensitive; I lowered my head with a smile of self-mockery and thought,

-alright man, I will make this up for you in the future, after all it’s just the two of us here-

That when I heard his voice again

"after all I saw your legs shaking since I laid my eyes on you, just know I don't swing this way master"

His hair whipping around like a demon lord from the abyss.

Thunk Thunk Thunk

With the sound of his footsteps disappearing, I stood there head lowered, nostrils flaring with anger, veins showing underneath my skin

-this fucking asshole, it’s my fault for worrying about you-

I took a deep breath to suppress my anger, lifted my head, eyes closed, oddly I was calm, this entire situation, no matter how you look at it, I never felt overwhelmed, my memory is all fuzzy, I mean It’s like I know earth for all my life talked to many people, seeing their culture, understanding their strength and weaknesses, but not living any of it, as if I was a shadow, a lone observer, yet I know I used to live there, however I feel no attachment, love or hate for planet earth or its people.

I looked around the dark room that doesn’t even have a place to sit and sighed

-it doesn’t matter let’s just get to what actually matters, when the system got first activated it said to call for it to design the dungeon, let’s see what this is all about-

“Hey system, what do you mean by design a dungeon?”

<‘you want a nickname go fuck yourself’ can change the layout, create traps to certain areas of ‘how do I assign it anyway’, recruit subordinate, strengthen them with, weapons, armor, alchemy and facilities to defend and expand ‘how do I assign it anyway’>

-Okay, I think I understand the genuine issue here. “

With a serious face, “system, how do I change my nickname?”

< ‘you want a nickname go fuck yourself’ needs to request a nickname change within 71H:49M:56S>

-so all I need is to request a nickname change, and I think I know how to actually do to, unlike the first time when I screwed up-

“system I request a nickname change”

<‘you want a nickname, go fuck yourself’ please assign a new nickname to reactivate the system>

-okay, what should I pick???-

-I mean, I don’t even know what my actual name is. Well, since I don’t remember what my name is and since it looks like, this will be my life from now on. Let’s go with something contradictory-

After a moment of thought, “Nickname Raven Hart”

-I fell like me with full memory would be proud. I might’ve liked the Robin Hood story in the past, but I feel like I wouldn’t be doing much heroic work from now on -

<Nickname assigned: Raven Hart >

<the Dungeon master system is active, welcome Raven Hart. You are one of the 4,246 dungeon masters assigned to planet earth>

-system I can assign a new dungeon name too, right?-


“Then system, I request a dungeon name change.”

-since the nickname works this way, then the dungeon name should be the same-

<Raven Hart, please assign a new dungeon name to reactivate the system >

With a smirk, I said, “dungeon name Ravenswood,”

<dungeon name assigned: Ravenswood>

<the Dungeon master system is active, welcome Raven Hart. You are one of the 4,246 dungeon masters assigned to planet earth>

Anyway, I guess now I’m fancy enough, except that I’m only wearing an underwear, I grimaced

-system what are points, Since this system told that I don’t have enough points I had a bad feeling now is time to see-

<points are the system of currency, used to upgrade and manipulate the dungeon, creating facilities, recruit subordinate, strengthen them with classes, weapons, armors, alchemy, and many other functions that are currently unavailable to Raven Hart>

-well fuck, hopefully I spent little on this underwear-

looking down, I gulped

“system, how do I gain points?”

<1. based on the dungeon size, every set period, Raven Hart will receive a set number of points.

2. based on the number of invaders killed and their level, Raven Hart will receive a set number of points.

3. based on the damage caused by Raven Hart’s to planet earth & its inhabitants, Raven Hart will receive a set number of points.

4. based on the dungeon destroyed, Raven Hart will receive a set number of points.>

-okay, so this should be in line with my subordinate said, too. I mean, what the fuck did the system mean by unnamed? Should I name him?, maybe asshole would be nice-

-Ahhh, let’s forget about that for now and focus on points.-

“System, how many points do I have, and how many points do I get based on my dungeon size?”

-currently the only method for me to gain points is through dungeon size, so let’s see-

<Raven Hart currently owns: 72 points, and gains: 1 point per hour>

-I see, based on these numbers, then the things that I could buy aren’t that expensive; otherwise I would die before I could set a defense-

“System, how much does it cost to increase the dungeon size, and if I do, how much will my points per hour be?”

< Ravenswood’s next upgrade will add a room size of 75ft by 75ft for the price of 20 points. Increasing Ravenswood size will cause an increase in the amount of point gained per hour>

I frowned, “system, what is the exact amount?”

<Raven Hart has not purchased the upgrade yet>

-I hate this system, but at least now I know things aren’t expensive-

“System, what are the current actions available for me to spend points?”

<1. upgrading Ravenswood ‘increase dungeon size’

2. Ravenswood’s style manipulator ‘changes the dungeon layout, creating traps’

3. recruit ‘summoning subordinates (low possibility of betrayal)’

4.shop through it Raven Hart can buy items, weapons, armor, alchemy, facilities>

-what the fuck, so I might just summon subordinates that might betray me… I think I should keep myself away from this option for a while-

- oh right, where does this underwear categorized armor? Certainly doesn’t look like one-

Just out of curiosity, “system this boxer you bought me, how much was it?”

-probably just a couple of points, although it’s too bad to waste important points that could most likely save my life at some point. It’s not like I can go around swinging my package around that creepy bastard, pulse I want to buy something other than this underwear if possible-

<extra comfortable fit auto-cleaned blue boxer is priced at: 1628 points>


“System, what the fuck? Why did you buy something this expensive?”

<Raven Hart asked for anything as soon as possible, dungeon master system processed this order as an emergency, dungeon master system decided to buy the most expensive item under category clothes, as the extra comfortable fit auto-cleaned blue boxer was the highest affordable ranked item of Raven Hart, the dungeon master system found it inappropriate to waste points to buy other items of lower class>

I almost spat out blood, “NOW YOU FIND IT INAPPROPRIATE”

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