I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 1968 Lift Off!

1968 Lift Off!


Can you feel it?

Can you feel the wave of heightened emotions in the air?

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Olivia reporting Live from Channel 5 news! Today, for the first time in human history, mankind will conquer the space above the skies!.. Tom, how do you feel about this?"

"Well, Olivia... I have to say, I'm very excited for this moment. Remember little humans, will walk the face of the moon."

viewers, for this is the first time, we

Olivia and one for her crewmates, Tom, from Channel 5 news, reported excitedly.

"You there, sir... yes, you. Can you share your thoughts on the matter?"

"Ahh! Mom, mom! I'm on TV!! Oh yes, here are my thoughts. The price of my favorite drink, Guinness, has gone up by 0.15 BAYS this year! Sure, salaries have also gone up, but why take up the cost of my booze too? As a Non-treaty person working in Baymard, I feel offended, even if my salary went up by 3 BAYS from what I typically get per hour!"


What does this have to do with going to the moon? If not for professionalism, the reporters would have rolled their eyes by now.

"You madam, what do you think of us going to the moon?"

"I think it's great! Maybe there will be moon people there! I've always said I'm too good-looking for people in this world. This is why I'm still single!"

"Oh, moonwalking? Sure! I'm totally for it, only if they allow me to go now with them too!"


"Yes, yes, yes! It's amazing! To think k will Live to see the day when we will reach the Moon. But wouldn't the immortals there feel angered by our presence? Will they send thunderstorms to destroy us all?"

"Hmph! if you ask me? I don't know what all the fuss is about. I don't think we should pay any attention to this matter. Do you really believe that massive structure that really fly itself so high up? Even normal plans are like toothpicks compared to it. So how can it really lift up?"

"Me? I support it. Anyway, this is a great moment, as we humans prove we are the smartest in history" "Blah, blah, blah, blah"


Several people have their thoughts on live TV, making the ace even more rowdy than before.

Of course, after talking with the onlookers, the reporters then headed into NASA to get close up footage of the astronauts preparing to leave.


For a moment, the reporters sucked in their breaths when watching the cool emergence of the many astronauts heading into space.

"Viewers! Viewers! They are coming! Can you all see it?"


In a close by giant space that looked like an aircraft hanger, the giant hole on the center slowly began filling with little heads.

And then shoulders of strange white suits holding giant helmets.

So Cool!!

Several people's eyes almost feel from their sockets when seeing the many people emerging from below. the astronauts emerged from the building, clad in their pristine white suits, a hush fell over the crowd. The only sounds were the clicking of cameras and the occasional murmur of awe.

"Daddy, daddy, are they what the adverts call Astronauts?"

"Yes Son, you've got it right. Today, they will be the ones bringing glory to mankind."

"Dad, when I grow up, I want to be just like them!"


The astronauts walked unison, their movements synchronized, allowing their faces to be captured in


And at this moment, several children of the astronauts watching within NASA's facilities, all jumped excitedly when spotting their fathers, mothers, children, or relatives in there.

"Mom, mom! That's dad!" Little Angela and Claus were so excited, seeing their father in a new light.

Who knew dad could be so cool?

Dad is their hero! Dad is their hero! So several children felt pride swell up in their chests, knowing that their dad was a hero.

Angela looked forward to rushing home and telling her little friends about it after this.

"Wow! Your dad went to the moon? Awesome!"



Angela and Claus could see it now.

In no time, the crowd watched the many astronauts from all over the UN empires get into long open-top bus-like vehicles and get driven into the distant center where the Rockets were.

For the astronauts, they all had different thoughts despite how calm they looked on the exterior.

As they climbed into the rocket, the enormity of their mission weighed heavily on them.

The hatch sealed with a finality that sent a shiver down Victor's spine.

He took his seat, strapping himself in and ran through the pre-launch checklist with others.

'All systems go, announced the mission control officer, "-minus 15 minutes to launch."

- Buduum!

Sanchez also felt his heart almost leap out of his chest.

'Am I really going to space?"

Inside the confines of the rocket, the astronauts exchanged glances.

Everyone was nervous, after all, it was their first time leaving Hertfilia.

Luckily, Landon was there to calm them all down.

Funny enough, Little Momo and Linda were also here too.

"Everyone, Landon called out. "We've trained for this, so have faith. We've got this!"

"Right!" Several people nodded, all taking deep breaths.

"To the moon and back, we go!"


15 minutes later, all humans had entered the rockets.

Now, they watched the livestream sent from within the Rocket, and watched as several astronauts all secured themselves in and began pressing buttons here and there, as though in a Sci-fi movic.

So cool-

Baymard has never released any Sci-Fi content, so this was their first look at what Sci-Ti was all about.

Many people might not know it yet, but they had actually released a satellite a month ago in the middle of the night while everyone was asleep.

They needed the satellite so as to ensure proper communication with the ground team.

Or else how would they even be able to watch the live stream transmitted from the moon?

"Oh my God, here we go! Someone exclaimed, when sensing Landon's next move within the rocket.

The countdown began, cach second stretching into eternity. The rocket rumbled beneath them, a beast awakening from slumber.

The crowd outside watched with bated breath, their faces a tapestry of emotions-hope, fear, pride. "Three... two... one.... liftoff! The words echoed through the control room, and the rocket surged upward, a

pillar of fire and smoke.

It was incredible!

Countless lights flickered, as the huge majestic and elegant Rocket began vibrating and spewing orange flames

from below.

It looked like a giant explosion occurring below the rocket.

Many were first. frightened, but soon relaxed when listening to the reporters say that this was expected.

and then, blast off!


The rocket shot into the skies, leaking an insane load of fire behind its butt.

Up, up, up and away it went, causing the entire Baymard to fall into collective silence, with no one uttering a

single word.


And then, the footage switched to the outside cameras on the rocket that showed how several parts of the rocket began breaking up, falling one by one after reaching several heights in the sky, leaving just or the

rocket's structure flying high.


Again, the haters were happy, only to have their hopes dashed when the footage switched to inside, showing the astronauts being very relaxed.

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