I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 1969 One step for man, one giant leap for mankind!

1969 One step for man, one giant leap for mankind!

Inside, the astronauts were pressed back into their seats, the immense force of the launch a physical manifestation of their monumental journey.

'Oh my God!'

'Oh my Ancestors!"

Several people were praying silently in their hearts while feeling the rocket's many vibrations.

Victor's heart raced as she watched Hertfilia shrink away, replaced by the vast expanse of space. Ahh! We.. did it?

"We did it," whispered Sanchez, his voice filled with awe.

"Yes," Victor smiled, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "We're on our way."

Who could believe they would one day go out into space?

As the astronauts smiled teary-eyed, those on the ground were exclaiming so loudly the world around them began shaking.

"Look! Look! It's round!!! His Majesty Landon was right. The world is ROUND!"

Several people held their faces with teary eyes hugging and jumping ecstatically, knowing that today has proved their visions for following his Majesty Landon wasn't wrong.


If it was flat, how come when sailing, you don't see everything all at once, but only a curved horizon?

How come when mountains are becoming visible, you only see the mountain top before slowly seeing the bottom parts?


Round! Round!

There was something called gravity keeping everything all out together in this round world!

But again, they had to admit that. Hertfilia itself was freaking huge.

It took forever for them to get a whole picture of the world.

"So beautiful..."

The blues, the land masses... it all goes wonderfully.

Some people could already identify what place was what, proving that the globe used in schools was accurate. Soon, the Zeus, which was the name of the rocket, was now gearing towards the moon, causing everyone to sick their breaths when watching the final incredibly huge structure pause in outer space close to the moon. And then, then, they saw all astronauts unbuckle their seatbelts but didn't fall.

"Ahhh!! Are they all floating? What is this concept?"

"Hmph! You people who laugh at the science Column in the newspaper must be regretting it now. Well, if you must know, they're floating because of Zero-gravity!"

"Hold on, I've heard of Gravity, but never zero gravity. What's that about?"

"Well, it's when blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."



Many people below fell the footage was something they would never forget in their lives.

And as the rocket settled into its trajectory, a sense of calm had long enveloped the crew.

They floated in the zero-gravity environment, their movements slow and deliberate. The moon loomed ahead, a distant yet ever-present goal.

"Look at her," said Landon, pointing to the window. "Hertfilia... she is a beautiful, the true reason why we came out."

Several people floated in the gathering, gazing at the blue marble that was their home.

And in that moment, the enormity of their mission crystallized.

They were not just astronauts and Space goers; they were ambassadors of humanity, venturing into the unknown.

"Everyone, let's make history," Landon spoke softly, his voice filled with determination. "Time to touch the moon!"

-Tick-tock. Tick-tock.

Time moved quite slowly to everyone both in Hertfilia and in space, as the astronauts entered another corner of the rocket that then detached itself from the main rocket and slowly headed to the moon.

Almost there... almost there...


The triangular figure landed its feet on the moon, and soon, the door opened, relaxing the astronauts all holding flags.

3...2... 1...


The crowd went wild and crazy.

"Look! Look! That is my Titarian flag!"

"Ahh! I'm so happy and can now die peacefully tonight! Why does my Caronian flag look so damn cool today?" (^~^~^~^)

Happy, happy

Several people were smiling from molar to molar, but broke down into even more excitement, when seeing Landon jump from a high height to the Moon's surface.

Instantly, the eyes of several scientists grow to the size of pool balls.

"It's true! It's true! So the gravity on the Moon is far less than that on Hertfilia, resulting to them jumping higher and flying when walking on the moon?"

"Wife! Wife! Even if the heavens themselves come down, I too must go to the moon!"

The landing speed when one jumped on the moon was quite slower than if one jumped here in Hertfilia.

And when you jump on the moon, it was like you had superpowers, jumping far distances that seemed impossible in Hertfilia.

Victor couldn't believe his eyes when seeing how his body, the one he has lived with since birth, could jump such a lat distance with one single jump.

Who am I? Moon Man?

Suddenly, he felt like a child again.

"Hey, I'll race you, old man. How about it?"

"Little Momo, you sure are good at picking fights. But who is scared of who?"

Victor knew Little Momo, so he had no problem teasing the child.

Several people joined in, jumping and racing excitedly on the Moon. looked so much fun that, many back in Hertfilia could only look on with envy.

They want to go to the Moon too, okay?

Even Angela and Claus, Victor's children, began pouting hatefully.

"Timph! Smelly dad. Wait till you get back and see how we will punish you."



Landon allowed them to have fun, as they jumped, grabbed moon dust and began throwing high into the air. The reports invited to the Moon also did their jobs, taking the cool images of the crater-like moon surface.

Alas... What Immortals?

The moon was just one huge giant rock.

Only when staring into outer space, do they see other planets and rocks floating about the Black abyss abyss

called 'space!

Indeed, his Majesty Landon was right.

There were no immortals living on other planets, only other lifeforms different from theirs.

Now, they began wondering if they would find people living in this rock called the Moon.

Just today's matter alone, had opened up another door to human thinking,

And Landon who planned to release a stream of Sci-fi movies, including Marcel movies, would soon give insights to the vast galaxies and world's beyond.

But for now, many were just ecstatic to see man walk on the moon.

Landon raised the Baymardian flag high and firmly planted it into the Moon at its highest peak visible from

Baymard's point of view.

At this moment, all Raymard's, even those at home, stood up and mimicked military salutes when staring at

their flag inserted into the Moon.

"One step for man, one giant leap for mankind!!"



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