In the Extraordinary Era, My Career Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 44: He Jing'an's message

Chapter 44 He Jing’an’s message

 Throughout the whole day, Qi Sui stayed in school doing exercises and studying.

 Martial arts practice pays attention to the combination of work and rest, and proceeds step by step.

The amount of training in the past month has been exhausted. Taking into account the time flow in the secret realm, I have nearly fifty days of hard training, and my own strength has been improved in all aspects.

 Concentrating on one thing for a long time is very stressful mentally. It is still necessary to change your mind occasionally.

The setting sun hangs softly above the school's teaching building, pouring its bronze glow onto the long tree-lined avenue.

The afterglow is like a thin golden thread, passing through the sparse clouds, dyeing the sky a light orange.

Qi Sui yawned and stretched. There was a set of "Four Final Sets of Advanced Mathematics Postgraduate Entrance Examination" on his desk. It had been fully written, and the average score was above 140.

“Professional [scholar] experience +223…”

 “It’s time for school to end!”

He glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. The bell would ring in 20 minutes.

 As for evening self-study, he has no interest in continuing.

 “Buzz buzz~”

There was a vibration in the pocket of my trouser pocket.

Qi Sui didn’t shy away from the teacher’s attention. He took it out and placed it on the table. It was a message from He Jing’an.

“Senior Brother Qi, Qinhai City is not very peaceful during this period. Try not to go out at night or go to bars, karaoke bars and other chaotic entertainment venues.”

Qi Sui always found it strange to be called senior by someone who was more than 10 years older than him and far more powerful than him.

“Uncle He, what happened?”

“Accepting news from the National Security Bureau, a Level 3 wanted criminal has fled to our city recently. I am leading a search throughout the city, but no trace has been found yet.”

“Okay, Uncle He, I understand. Can you send me a copy of the wanted criminal’s information?”

Qi Sui had some thoughts in his mind.


 Soon, a PDF file was sent.

 Lao Ronghui


  36 years old

 Six levels of strength

 Level 3 wanted criminal

  700,000 reward amount

 Following this is a description of her crimes. She likes to go to chaotic places to capture prey, as well as information about her martial arts training. Finally, a photo is attached.

 Photographs were taken by surveillance eyes.

This is a plump middle-aged mature woman with narrow cheeks and small and pointed eyes. At first glance, she gives people a mean impression.

She brandished the dagger and stabbed the middle-aged man beneath her mercilessly. The stomach and white intestines squeezed together gushed out from the slashed belly, and blood spattered, as if she had arrived at a slaughterhouse. .

“Hey, Brother Liu, look at the photos in Moments. Did you go to a bar a few days ago?”

Qi Sui hit Liu Haoyun with his elbow.

He has been in the classroom for a day, and Liu Haoyun no longer comes over to chat with him every once in a while like before. Instead, he has been secretly playing with his mobile phone, not knowing who he is chatting with.

"Yes, the Liuma Tavern on the other side of Jianshe Road has a very nice atmosphere and the fruit wine is very refreshing. Brother Qi, are you interested? I just plan to go there tonight to play." Liu Haoyun did not look up, his attention was focused on on the phone.

"Oh, why did you suddenly learn to go to the bar? Is it because of your girlfriend who sells drinks?" Qi Sui said with contempt on his face.

Liu Haoyun suddenly became unhappy and muttered: "Brother Qi, you are talking about a wine saleswoman. How unpleasant it sounds. She is a wine sales consultant, okay? She is a very strong girl. Her parents are seriously ill and bedridden, and she has a younger brother who needs to be supported in school. I was just cheated on by my ex-boyfriend again…”

Back when Qi Sui didn't come to school very often, Liu Haoyun, who was bored, could only spend his energy on playing with his mobile phone. He happened to meet a girl from nearby. The more they chatted, the more they became more and more attracted to each other. It only took a month.

 Most of the weekly living expenses given by her parents are spent on that girl.

“It doesn’t matter, your family has money anyway, so in the end just think of it as buying a lesson.”

Qi Sui knocked on the table, interrupted the other party's conversation, and then lowered his voice and said: "But the past few days have been uneventful. I went home early after school, and a third-level wanted criminal came to our city."

“Level 3 wanted criminal? Real or fake!”

 Liu Haoyun did not show much fear.

As ordinary people who are closely protected by the state and warriors, most people will never be able to experience the blood and cruelty of that kind of killing.

"Brother Liu, don't take my words seriously. This kind of thing is not afraid of ten thousand, but afraid of just in case. If you are really unlucky, you will cry." As a friend, Qi Sui still reminded him patiently. A few words.     “I know Brother Qi.”

Liu Haoyun had an absent-minded expression on his face, and he didn't know if he listened to what he said.

Qi Sui couldn’t say anything else.

In fact, he also felt in his heart that Qinhai City is so big, with a permanent population of more than 60 million, and the probability that his friends around him will be affected is very slim.

 After all, it didn’t really happen to him. No one wants to believe that he is the unlucky one.


 The hour hand points to seven o'clock.

The melodious school bell echoed over the campus, bringing some lightness to a dull day's study atmosphere.

"Brother Qi, I'll see you tomorrow...forget it, your kid won't be here again tomorrow, I'll leave first!"

Liu Haoyun randomly stuffed a few papers into his schoolbag, and then rushed out of the classroom in a hurry.

 “This boy…”

Qi Sui shook his head incomprehensibly.

As the college entrance examination approaches, others are working harder and harder to study, but this kid is letting himself go. I heard that he just pestered his dad to buy him a high-end car some time ago, and he will drive it out to show off whenever he has time. He is such a slut. .

 He packed up his books and walked slowly outside the classroom.

What a coincidence, Gu Xiyue also left her seat at this time.

 “Senior sister~”

Qi Sui lowered his voice.

Qi Sui couldn't help but laugh a little when he saw the girl dressed up now, with a loose and fat school uniform that completely covered her body, thick front bangs, and pink frames that almost covered half of her face.

 The eldest daughter of the Gu family, Mr. Qin’s third direct descendant, a high-ranking martial arts student...

 With all the incredible titles, it is difficult to associate them with the rustic, somewhat indifferent high school girl in front of her.

 In a sense, the other party is more low-key than yourself.

"Well~ You did well in the cultural class this time. You got 150 in Mathematics, which is 4 points higher than me. If my Chinese handwriting hadn't been better than yours, the first place this time would have been yours alone." Gu Xiyue helped her. Holding the mirror frame, his voice was as cold as ever.

 The two walked side by side in the corridor of the classroom, attracting the curious eyes of many students.

"Senior sister, I have not forgotten the challenge agreement I made with you last time. How about it? The throne that I have occupied for the first place for three years is about to be taken away by me. Are you a little disappointed?" Qi Sui asked half-jokingly.

 His impression of Gu Xiyue is quite good.

Especially when it comes to trading spiritual objects such as Xuanling Valley, the other party kept his promise. Not only did the money come in, but he never caused any trouble, making many of his subsequent precautions in vain.

He looks like a wealthy father!

“There’s nothing to be disappointed about. Being able to have a qualified competitor in my studies will actually give me some excitement.”

At this point, Gu Xiyue tilted her head, glanced at the boy who was nearly a head taller than her, and said seriously: "But you have to keep working hard, I will not be defeated so easily."

"Don't worry about this. There is still the last college entrance examination. I will not be merciful to my senior sister."

Qi Sui smiled and changed the topic: "By the way, senior sister, do you have time recently? I have made great progress in martial arts and I want to have a fight with you."

 Fighting will bring huge experience points to the profession.

 But the choice of opponent is also crucial. If the difference in strength is too great, the experience value gained will be close to 0. After all, the experience value actually corresponds to what one can gain in the battle.

The best opponent is one who is equal to or slightly stronger than yourself.

There is no doubt that Gu Xiyue is a good candidate at this stage.

"Okay, if there is nothing else, I will wait for you at the teacher's place this Saturday night." Gu Xiyue said calmly.

Seeing her cold look, Qi Sui felt some evil thoughts in his heart, and said with a smile: "Senior Sister, you have to be well prepared. I am no longer the same person I was a month ago. If Senior Sister has not improved in strength during this period, There is a high probability that he will be knocked down by me.”

 “I appreciate your courage!”

Gu Xiyue suddenly stopped, her eyes under the pink frames were gleaming: "However, my current strength will only be stronger than you imagine."

After purchasing those Xuanling Valleys, the only shackle that restricted her practice speed also disappeared. To describe her current martial arts growth as a thousand miles a day is not an exaggeration at all.

Seeing the girl walking away quickly with her long legs open, Qi Sui stood there and touched his chin, showing a thoughtful expression, and then waved [Exploration]!


 (End of this chapter)

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