In the Extraordinary Era, My Career Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 45: Ask for help

Chapter 45 Asking for help

“Your Changfeng brand fully intelligent prosthetic limb has been initially ordered and is expected to be delivered in another month. Please wait patiently!”

 A text message prompt pops up.

Qi Sui was sitting on the sofa, with a fruit plate just washed by his mother on the coffee table in front of him. There was a tinkling sound in the kitchen, and the tempting aroma of pork ribs wafted out.

“It’s really troublesome to customize this kind of high-tech precision product. It will take another month. I’ll make an appointment with a doctor for my mother then, and then take her to Kang’s Medical Center for physical therapy. She should be fine.”

 He stuffed a fresh strawberry with water droplets into his mouth.

At present, the initial renovation of the secret realm is basically coming to an end. With the support of the financial sponsor Gu Xiyue, the number on the account balance has also begun to increase. There is still no pressure in this aspect of small money.

“After finishing the college entrance examination, go to those aristocratic communities and buy a house for your parents.”

An idea came to Qi Sui's mind.

This world is not as peaceful as it seems.

 In the era of prosperous martial arts, the evil that breeds in the dark will only become more violent than before.

 Such as various criminals, demons, believers of the old gods, etc., as well as secret realms that may break out at any time, can easily threaten the lives of ordinary people.

I heard that those luxurious aristocratic communities are equipped with high-level warriors for security, and even more powerful ones have martial arts masters on duty. After I go to university in other places, I can give my parents some extra protection.

 “Xiao Sui, dinner is ready, come over and eat!”

 Zhang Fen is still busy in the kitchen.

“Okay mom, where is my dad? Isn’t he off work yet?”

Qi Sui asked as he sat down at the dining table.

 Since he started practicing martial arts, the food at home has become richer and richer day by day.

A large plate of beef is placed in front of him. Even his parents who are not very knowledgeable know the importance of meat energy to martial arts students.

“Your dad, he will run express for a while after get off work. Don’t worry about him. You can eat first. Mom left food for him.” Zhang Fen came over in a wheelchair.

Hearing this, Qi Sui slowed down his chewing of beef, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

He had long told his parents that after becoming a disciple of Mr. Qin, he would receive a monthly training subsidy of 100,000 yuan, and he wanted to use some of it to support his family.

But no matter how he tried to persuade him, his parents refused to take the money. If his mother had not injured her leg, she would have gone out to look for money long ago. Both of them have a character that cannot be idle.

"Mom, call Dad and ask him to come back early today. Uncle He just sent me a message saying that Qinhai City has been uneasy recently. A third-level wanted criminal has escaped, and he has not been arrested yet." Qi Sui said.

That Lao Ronghui has been wandering around bars, nightclubs and other chaotic places all year round in search of prey. If his father asks a customer to go to such a place, he will be in trouble.

“Ah, is that so? Then I have to call Lao Qi.”

Zhang Fen looked worried and immediately rolled her wheelchair to find her mobile phone. Sometimes she might not take the child's words to heart, but Uncle He had already said it, so it must be serious.

When the phone was connected and he heard the message was from Uncle He, Qi Hewei didn't lose his temper and said he would go home after delivering the order.

Half an hour later, the sound of the door opening was heard from the entrance, and Qi Hewei walked in with a tired face, carrying a box of fresh milk specially intended for martial arts students.

Qi Sui was relieved.

 The family huddled on the sofa and watched TV for a while.

The evening news was over, Qi Sui yawned, said good night to his parents, and returned to his bedroom.

 Lying on the bed, he called the statue of the goddess into the palm of his hand, and was about to go to the secret realm to practice for a while, when the cell phone next to his pillow suddenly vibrated.


Qi Sui, who was still casual at first, suddenly sat up from the bed after seeing the screen.

 It was a message from Liu Haoyun.


 The content was a bit confusing, but Qi Sui could still see what the other party wanted to express at a glance.

"help me!"

And the environment Liu Haoyun was in must be very urgent, so he couldn't even type two words.

Qi Sui didn’t hesitate and immediately got up and put on his clothes.

Let alone Liu Haoyun, even if any classmate in the class with whom he has a good relationship and whom he doesn't dislike is in danger, he can't just sit back and ignore it. At the very least, he has to go and take a look, and then make a decision based on the situation.

In order not to worry his parents, Qi Sui opened the window instead of opening the door. His family lives on the 6th floor, nearly 20 meters away from the ground. Fortunately, there is a platform above the first floor, about 15 meters away.

 It’s not a big problem!

After visually measuring the distance, he held the window edge with one hand, jumped out of the window with his legs, and did not forget to close the window at the last moment.

The body fell rapidly, the whistling wind could be heard in the ears, and the internal organs were a little uncomfortable being compressed in the weightless state.

This highly developed child still has some chance of survival, but ordinary adults will definitely die.

 Three seconds later, his legs showed a light golden luster and came into contact with the platform. His whole body turned forward several times, releasing the power carried by his body.

 “Health value -2”!

 “He’s really a superman!”

Qi Sui raised his head and glanced at his window. His muscles tightened, and the force he burst out was like a cheetah running at full speed, and his figure quickly disappeared into the darkness.


 Jianshe Road, Liuma Tavern!

 This is a place Liu Haoyun had mentioned to him before, so Qi Sui immediately went to look for it.

He guessed that this guy definitely didn't take his reminder to heart and came to this kind of place to find his girlfriend again.

 It's going to be a bit tiring as soon as a relationship is established.

 It was almost nine o'clock in the evening.

For working-class families like Qi Sui, it’s almost time to fall asleep, but for bars, the lively nightlife has just begun.

 At the entrance of the tavern.

There are young, beautiful and fashionably dressed handsome guys and beauties constantly coming in and out.

 The weather has not yet warmed up, so the white thighs were exposed and the skirts flew, showing youth and vitality.

“Hey, you guys, check your ID cards, our pub does not accept minors or high school students!”

The entrance to the infield was guarded by two burly security guards, who stopped the group of one man and three women in front.

 The boy looked mature and we let him in after seeing his ID card.

 But the three girls made one of the security guards frown.

“16 years old, 14 years old, 15 years old, you should imitate others and come to the bar at a young age. We won’t accept them in our store, so go home quickly.”

"Hey, why don't you let us in? Are there any of you doing this kind of business? It's not like my brother Tao has no money!" The younger and shrewder girl was not happy. The shiny nose ring from the dispute was still there. Shake.

 The thin man was stared at by two burly security guards and was a little scared.

 He took the initiative to withdraw from the aisle.

“Babies, don’t be angry with them, let’s go play somewhere else.”

Looking at the backs of several people leaving, the security guard's eyes clearly flashed with disdain.

 At this moment, another figure came over.

 “Hello, hello, please show me your ID card, I...”


Qi Sui lowered his head and looked over.

The security guard's words were stuck in his throat and he could no longer say them. He immediately smiled and said, "Sorry sir, please come inside. There are service staff in the inner area who can reserve tables and booths. Have a good time tonight."

Seeing the person walking away, the security guard next to him glared at him: "Brother Wang, are you crazy? Have you ever seen such a burly minor? I'm a good boy. He's a head taller than me. He feels like he's almost two meters taller."

“Haha, I made a mistake. At first glance, my face looks quite young, but at second looks like a King Kong!”

 The security guard who spoke first smiled.

He touched his bald head and continued to stop people to check their identities. Except for minors, the focus was on middle-aged women.

 This is an order issued from above today. No one dares to take advantage of the situation. If something happens, no one will be able to afford it.


 (End of this chapter)

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