Infinity from Hogwarts

Chapter 30 Wesley’s Transformation 2

Early the next morning, Wesley woke up to the roar of the train.While I was half asleep and half awake, I raised my hands in a gesture of surrender.Until he opened his eyes and looked at the familiar room.And the familiar smell coming from the girlfriend next to me.

Wesley let out a breath.It turned out to be just a dream.Wesley thought as he walked to the bathroom.Until he took off his pants and was about to release the water.There was a ding.His pants fell to the ground with the pistol in his belt.

Wesley's heartbeat accelerated and he brought back what he had brought back last night in a panic.Sloan said his father, who had never been masked, threw his pistol into the toilet tank.

Jack started following Wesley as he was leaving.He didn't sleep well last night.The sound of passing trains often made him sleepless.He was a little irritable after living like this.

His tracking cannot be discovered, and he cannot study magic.Not to mention the delicious Acromantula eggs.Days like this are a nightmare.

Unable to sleep, Jack began to study the Lord God's seal out of boredom.You can obviously put things in there.Why can't it be taken out?Jack had always been curious.It just so happened that I was bored during this period.Jack found himself the nearest target.

Break through the seal set by the Lord God.Try to get something out of the demiplane.Not big.At the very least, he must be able to get rid of the Acromantula eggs.

If only it was be honest.Jack could have found other substitutes.But the strange vitality and magical power contained in the Acromantula's eggs can accelerate the growth of his snake-like body.This is an important thing.

Jack knew it when Wesley came out of the house.He put away the magic tent he made casually before the Lord God Dimension came to this world.Stealth followed.

Wesley felt a little excited when he went out.He trotted across the street.Go to the ATM near your home.He inserted his bank card with some trembling.Then quickly enter your password.Looking at the balance displayed on the pop-up interface, I almost screamed with excitement.

Wesley took a few deep breaths and took out a wad of money.I stood in front of the ATM and counted.

Wesley, who had finally had enough, walked towards the company.

At the company, he was a little excited and opened the online banking, looking at the deposits inside and smiling happily.

It wasn't until his good brother spoke in his ear that Wesley, who had been giggling, woke up.

Wesley turned around.His good brother felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by the smiling Wesley.I had a casual chat with Wesley.I found a reason and left.

Wesley didn't care either.He turned around and continued to glance at the balance of more than 300 million US dollars displayed on the bank interface.Then turn on the news.Found the news about his father that Sloan mentioned yesterday.

While looking at it.The voice of the fat supervisor, Janice, slowly approached.Finally stood by Wesley's side.Jack stood invisible on the other side watching all this happen.

Janice began to criticize Wesley for all kinds of things.Wesley's heart began to beat faster.At this time, he also saw the news being displayed on Wesley's computer.A man was shot in the head on the roof of a building.are expressing their opinions.

Wesley exploded.

He yelled to shut up.Then stood up.While saying loudly: "She only has a little authority. But she thinks she can bully everyone."

while walking around the nearby work area back to his own position.He walked over to Janice who was sitting in his chair, grabbed her stapler and said, you don't need this anymore.He threw it directly with his backhand.The stapler hit the photo with Wesley hanging on the wall of his brother's workshop opposite.It fell to pieces.Janice was dumbfounded as she watched what Wesley did.

And Wesley began to laugh and mock Janice.Jack looked at Wesley and began to guess that Doris was bullied in school.Then, after getting some rights after going to work, he started to bully every employee.She also said that the reason why she is so fat is that everyone knows that she hides a lot of donuts in her desk drawer.Originally, everyone would sympathize with her obesity.But given her attitude towards her subordinates.Wesley smiled and said the last thing to Janice.

"On behalf of all my colleagues in the office, I say to you, go to hell." Everyone around stood and watched this drama of resistance to power not being born.His brother also silently made a "wow" mouth gesture to the surroundings.

After saying this, Wesley stood up and pulled out his mechanical keyboard.Tucked under the arm.Smiling, he walked towards his brother.His brother also raised his hand to high-five him.

"Yeah, that's great, bro, who's the best?"

Wesley just walked over with a smile. Under the gaze of everyone in the office, he picked up the keyboard with both hands and hit his brother who was about to high-five him in the face with a sweep.The keyboard keys flew out, and Jack also noticed the bloody teeth that flew out along with the keyboard.

Wesley dropped the keyboard, raised his legs and collapsed over his brother who fell to the ground.

"I am the best!"

Wesley, who left the last words, walked downstairs happily.Jack just watched Wesley's transformation.The power of money.interesting.

After becoming rich, Wesley became more confident.Jack followed all the way.

After Wesley went downstairs, he looked at the news hanging on the wanted notice about the last night's road chase between Firefox and Cross in the supermarket shootout, and the blurry photos of the three of them captured by surveillance cameras and laughed.

Just then Firefox also saw Wesley.Just drove the car over.

The League of Assassins will be waiting for Wesley to find them.Of course we have to send people to follow up at all times.We must also prevent Cross from contacting Wesley and telling the truth.

Wesley also saw Firefox who lowered the car window and smiled at him.Went directly around.boarding.

On the way Firefox drove Wesley to the textile factory.Wesley, who became more confident, made awkward jokes with Firefox.

Finally, he fell asleep in the awkward atmosphere where Firefox ignored him.And when Wesley got in the car, Jack turned into a little snake and swam under the car seat and followed him.

Along the way, I watched Wesley suddenly transform from Luther to a rich man who thought he was a figure now.Jack laughed to himself.

The money was all prepared by Sloan to lure Wesley into the trap.Sooner or later he will no longer belong to Wesley.And that time is not far away.Just when Wesley killed the cross or was killed by the cross.Of course, there is a high probability that Wesley killed the cross.

At that time, Sloan only had to forge the name of a person named Destiny Loom.Send Wesley directly to death.The money returned to Sloan's hands.

Sloan can make a large killer organization so big.Hidden in a textile factory on the edge of the city.It doesn't matter that Jack doesn't believe he's official here.But Jack couldn't be bothered with that.Now he just hopes that time passes quickly.Or during this period, everyone in the Assassin's League was driven back to this textile factory by crosses.

That way Jack can launch directly.He really didn't want to stay in this world any longer.No benefit at all.The only advantage may be that the Lord God did not give him special protection.Just throw him into this world and forget about it.

In this case.Except after he completes his mission.Only the Lord God will pay special attention to himself.Normally he could feel it.It is the mechanical consciousness inside the watch that records his behavior.The main consciousness of the main god did not pay attention to itself at all.

So he can secretly use his soul power to try to break the Lord God's seal.Or it's the same principle that soul power can continue to strengthen the demiplane.Secretly create a passage to get things.He felt like he was studying all night last night.He has found a way.

Jack got out of the car after turning invisible.Following Wesley and Firefox, we walked into the No. 17 textile factory that looked like a castle.Look around at these assassins from the Assassin's League disguised as textile workers.Jack's eyes were cold.He could already feel the wails of the dead souls.These were left behind by people who had just been killed.Even if he has been forced by the cross to find the son of the cross to deal with him.Are you still continuing to take on missions to kill people?

Everyone I met around me had signs of the ghosts remaining.It was the last curse left by the souls of those they had killed.This world without mysterious power can only be like this.What if this were a world where mysterious forces were rampant.Now this textile factory is definitely like a ghost at night.All kinds of dead souls wander around.

Let these people live for a few days.Jack promised it wouldn't be long.Jack's murderous desire could hardly be suppressed.The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped.These killers are very sensitive to murderous intent.One by one, they suddenly took out the weapons hidden in various places.

Jack quickly controlled his leaked breath.After half a day, the killers found nothing and slowly returned to normal order.

'You still need to exercise more.As the snake's body becomes more and more powerful, its control over its own power is somewhat reduced.If this problem is not solved.It will be difficult to do a sneak attack and assassination in the future. Otherwise, if you want to do a sneak attack and assassination in the future, you can only use a gun to solve the problem remotely.When encountering powerful individuals, guns are really not as powerful as magic. 'Jack hid himself in the form of a snake.The killers, who were watching these killers who had turned into ordinary workers in the shadow of the building, thought to themselves.

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