Infinity from Hogwarts

Chapter 31 Wesley is fully involved

Jack temporarily lived in this textile factory and watched Wesley being entered through the main entrance by a black gunner.Watching the naive Wesley being completely trapped by Sloan little by little.

Wesley can't go anywhere except following these killers.He is wanted.With his brains and that huge sum of money.In addition to following Sloan's arrangements step by step.Even Jack couldn't think of what else he could do.

In this way, Wesley was arranged by Sloan to start training as a professional killer.Get beaten.Got chopped.Then thrown into the restoration room.Wake up in the medicinal pool.Then, led by Firefox, he found a black gunner and started shooting training.

This process is repeated.During this period, Firefox took him to jump on a train to train his courage.Catch the shuttle flying rapidly inside the mechanical loom.

During this period, he also met the Russians in the restoration room.There he witnessed the cross teaching the Russians the rat bomb.The price was that the pet rats raised by the Russians were blown to pieces.Wesley became confused.He has never found his place.It wasn't until he was forced by Fire Fox to speak his mind when he was beaten once.

"I don't know who I am!"

Sloan sensed it was time.Bring Wesley to Mr. Fat's room in the organization.Here Sloan began to reinforce the words he had previously instilled in Wesley.

Wesley believed that his failed life was because it was a life full of lies.He doesn't belong in that life.Now he finally knew what he was supposed to look like.He puts on the clothes of the fat gentleman he thinks is his father.

Wesley began to actively strengthen training.Instead of following the crowd and being pushed forward a few days ago.He has an ideal in life.Become a great assassin like his father, Mr. Fatty.

Although Jack was watching everything from the side.This is just a conspiracy and a joke made up of lies.

But after seeing Wesley, he seemed to suddenly have an epiphany.Training like crazy.Jack did nothing.It's better this way.Wesley completed the Assassin's League training one day earlier.You can start the final task one day earlier.

During this period, Wesley also kept checking all the tasks completed by Cross, who thought he was the enemy who killed his father.

Watch the mission introduction without fail.Studying the killing method of the cross.Learning.Fantasy of the moment when he kills the cross to avenge his father.

During this time he completed his spanking training.In turn, he beat up the repairman.

He completed cold weapons training.In turn, he cut down the butcher.

He completed the training given to him by Firefox to catch the shuttle.Playing a game of snatching little red flowers with Firefox on top of the speeding train.

Until the last and most important connection.The foundation of the League of Assassins.Arc shot.

He needs to use the arc shot under the witness of Sloan and the others.

He still couldn't do it.time is too short.His habits still haven't changed.I haven’t learned how to hypnotize myself strongly.

Until Firefox signaled to Sloan and blocked in front of a dead pig that was originally an obstacle.

During this time, Wesley had fallen deeply in love with the woman who led him into the assassin organization.

With a strong desire not to harm Firefox.His heart began to beat faster.Adrenaline begins to secrete in large quantities.His bullet traced a perfect S-shaped curve.An arc was drawn in front of Firefox's head.Hit the target prepared behind.

Hit the bullseye.He succeeded.Sloane laughed.He stood up behind Wesley and patted his shoulder to congratulate him.

"Welcome to the League of Assassins."

Jack watched as Wesley finally mastered the most important skill.The conditions for departure were met.He knew that the day to leave this world was not far away.

Jack followed Wesley and Sloan in front to the depths of the fortress.Stopped at the door.

He knew that Sloan came with Wesley to strengthen the mysterious nature of the organization.The Loom of Destiny is in this room.But it wasn't time for Jack to face the machine head-on.The most important things in the world are inside.

He was afraid that the consciousness of the world would also observe him when he faced the loom of fate.It would be a joke if this happened.

He was waiting at the door for Wesley, who was lame after being tricked by Sloan, to come out.In his hand was the record of the first assassination target assigned to him by Sloan and a square piece of cloth.

Robert Dean Dutton,

Sex: Male

48 years old, 182cm tall and 81kg in weight.

This is what is recorded above.It's amazing.Jack doesn't know how it works until he sees the true face of this machine.Even specific physical data can be accurately recorded.

Wesley was led by Firefox to begin preparations for the first assassin mission in his life.

But just as two people were standing on a speeding train passing Target.Wesley aimed at Robert Dean who was talking and laughing outside the window.In the end, I didn't do it.He lowered his gun.The opportunity was missed.But the next second something happened that even Jack didn't expect.

Wesley actually used arc shooting.Killed the target.

Jack, who originally thought Wesley could still be saved after giving up the attack, twitched the corner of his mouth when he smiled.The smile disappeared from his mouth.Lips pursed.Is this the weak-willed Luther?Everyone has obviously begun to doubt the organization's hasty killing method.Ready to give up.

In the end, he killed the smiling target.

Qiu Fu?Looking at the man sitting in the main seat, Wesley thought of his past?

Men's self-esteem?Firefox is watching beside you, don't you want to be embarrassed?

Or is it not what Jack thought at all? Wesley just wanted to look cool in front of Firefox and use the arc shooting he just learned to kill people?

Jack thought a lot at this moment under the influence of the scene that happened in front of him.He didn't know what was going through Wesley's mind in those short few seconds.But he gave up thinking about it.He knew Wesley was totally into it.Killing a potentially innocent man according to Sloan's instructions.

Wesley officially joins the Assassin's League.He also made it onto Jack's must-kill list.Just like that saying.

"In an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent."

Jack looked at Wesley who had officially bid farewell to Luther's life.There is no such dispensable mentality now.At this moment Jack really wanted to kill him.Although the Lord God asked Wesley not to die, Jack could have killed Wesley before leaving this world after the mission was completed.Just an Avatar question.Jack was in no rush.

Wesley, who returned to the repair room and lay down in the repair room that night, was actually a little confused.He chatted with Firefox in the repair room.As a result, Firefox told him a story.

Once upon a time there was a little girl whose father was a prosecutor.His father was an honest prosecutor.And he is very stubborn in believing that all those who break the law must be punished as they should be. The case that my father recently tried was a criminal case involving a gangster.The gangster wanted a new prosecutor who could be bribed.

So on this day, the little girl was controlled by a man who suddenly broke into the house.She just watched her father come back.Then she was knocked unconscious by a man who suddenly appeared from behind her father who walked in.Tie the little girl up with her father.The two men woke up from their chairs a few meters apart.The little girl saw that the man who broke in poured gasoline on his father in front of her, and finally lit a fire and burned the little girl's father alive under the fearful eyes of the little girl.After that, the perverted man carved his own name on the side of the little girl's neck.

It wasn't until Firefox was absorbed into the Assassin's League by Sloan that he discovered from the data that the perverted male killer that day had actually appeared on the assassination list.It's just that the person from the Assassin's League who received the assassination mission was a novice, and he had the same suspicions as Wesley, so he didn't take action in the end.That's why the little girl's prosecutor father was burned to death in front of her.

If only the rookie back then could be as decisive as Wesley.The little girl's father would not die.Firefox asked Wesley to think carefully. The organization's philosophy is to kill one person and save a thousand people.If he lets that person go today.What about the other people killed by that person?

After saying this, the fire fox stood up and sat down by the pool where Wesley's body was running the healing potion, and then walked out directly.

Wesley, who had been staring at Firefox, accidentally discovered the name scar on the side of his neck when Firefox stood up.

That name was the name of the perverted killer who burned the little girl's father alive in front of the little girl's eyes in the Firefox story just now.

Wesley understood everything instantly.Firefox is the little girl who was burned to death by the perverted killer.

Wesley was completely brainwashed by Firefox's own tragic experience.

From early the next morning, Wesley began to take on the assassination mission.Every time he saw Sloan he would ask Sloan for the task of killing the Cross.But Sloan always said it wasn't the right time yet.Then he was given another assassination list with names on it.

Jack just kept following.Watch Wesley kill people one by one.The irony is that on the first night, when Firefox and Wesley broke through the police blockade and drove across the blockade, Wesley said sorry to the policeman who was looking out of the car window and looked at him.The tone at that time was sincere and I felt sorry.

But in an assassination mission just now.Wesley also said sorry to his assassination target.

But I said sorry in this game with a smile.With indescribable happiness and ridicule.

Just a few days before and after.One person becomes another person.It seems that everyone got it wrong.Wesley is a born assassin.

Wesley and Firefox, who had just completed the assassination mission that night, returned to Wesley's original home.

Knocking on the door, it was his good brother Bailey who opened the door.

Wesley kicked the door open when Bailey was about to say hello.He stepped over Bailey, who was knocked to the ground by his kick through the door, and walked directly into the bathroom in front of his girlfriend.He just came back for the pistol he had put in the toilet reservoir.

Firefox listened outside the door as Wesley's girlfriend in the room began to taunt Wesley.Walked in directly.Walked towards Wesley who came out of the bathroom.She held his head and kissed him.Wesley was stunned.When Firefox's sexy lips left him.Wesley came to his senses.He looked at each other and smiled.Another French kiss.

Wesley's ex-girlfriend, who was still talking about where Wesley paid for the woman when she saw Firefox coming in, shut her mouth.

As we all know, those who pay money will not be kissed.

That is, Wesley dumped her.I just brought my current girlfriend back to get some things.

Wesley's ex-girlfriend, who was standing, and his good brother Bailey, who was lying on the ground and had already moved into Wesley's house, watched the two of them finish a French kiss and walk out.Bailey, who was lying on the ground, finally said to Wesley: "You are the best!"

Jack, who was watching from the sidelines, almost laughed out loud.Wesley, the brother who cuckolded him, is still very funny.Silly look.Fortunately, Jack didn't just give the two of them a free Avatar on the first day he came into this world.It's not common to see people who are not so funny.

Jack felt something was wrong with the atmosphere outside.The breath of the cross appeared in Jack's perception.He immediately followed him out of the house.

Jack, who had just come out, saw Wesley discovering the cross, and Wesley fired.Cross then fired a shot.The two bullets collided in the air.

Jack, who was in a very good mood at this time, amused himself and said a compliment that only he could hear: "Wow! It's a classic!"

Sloan's plan worked.The cross appeared next to Wesley.

Jack had already discovered it.As long as Wesley goes out, the Assassin's League will send several main assassins to follow him secretly.Just to find a way to deal with the cross when Wesley meets the cross.They knew the cross would not give up on his Son.It's obvious.Tonight is your chance.

Jack followed slowly.Watch Wesley chase the cross into the cluttered no man's land.

Watch Wesley lose his sights.

Then Wesley accidentally injured the Russian who suddenly appeared in the repair room.

Looking at the Russian who suddenly appeared behind him and was injured by him, he hit the target and fell to the ground.Wesley caught it.The gun tuner and repairman suddenly appeared and ran past him.They actually didn't know why the Russians were here.

Wesley, who stood still like a fool, asked: "Why is he here?"

Wesley, who had not yet reacted, looked at the repairman who pushed him away and chased the gun adjuster. Just as he looked back, he was hit in the upper arm by a sudden arc shot from the cross.Wesley fainted.fell beside the Russian he had struck.

Finally the cross also ran away and disappeared.

The few people who came back quickly took the Russians and Wesley back to the repair room in the textile factory.

Jack has begun to slowly work his magic.The time for the mission to begin is approaching.

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