Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

148 - Sermon

The cavern pulsed with an eerie bioluminescence, casting writhing shadows across the assembled monstrosities. Hundreds of twisted forms huddled together, a sea of chitinous limbs and membranous wings. Shane stood among them, his own luminescent patches glowing softly in the gloom. His eyes – solid black orbs nestled in his wings – scanned the crowd, drinking in the swirling eddies of Wildsoul energy that permeated the air.

A hush fell over the gathering as a figure emerged from the depths of the cavern. It was a nightmarish fusion of serpent and centipede, its segmented body easily thirty feet long. Each segment sprouted multiple arms, some ending in claws, others in wicked points. Its head was a mass of writhing tendrils surrounding a maw filled with needle-sharp teeth. But it was the eyes that truly commanded attention – dozens of them, in varying sizes, covering its form. Each one was as black as the void, seeming to drink in the light around them.

As it spoke, the creature moved sinuously through the crowd, its multiple legs carrying it with unnatural grace. It weaved between the assembled cultists, its presence both terrifying and mesmerizing. The disciples parted before it, some cowering in fear, others reaching out in reverence as it passed.

Its voice reverberated through the cavern, a chorus of whispers and hisses that somehow coalesced into words:

"My children," it began, its tendrils weaving intricate patterns in the air as it circled the gathering. "We gather here in the shadow of blasphemy, in a world twisted by the machinations of false gods."

A ripple of anger passed through the crowd. Shane felt his own revulsion rising at the mention of the Overseers.

"They dare to call themselves Overseers, as if they have the right to oversee anything but their own destruction!" The creature's voice rose to a shriek before dropping back to a sibilant whisper. "They have perverted the natural order, turned the System against itself. But we... we know the truth."

The assembled cultists leaned forward, hanging on every word as the serpentine figure wound its way through their midst.

"The one we serve, whose name we are not worthy to speak, is the true architect of change. It is through their crucible that we find our strength, not through the artificial manipulations of usurpers!"

A chorus of agreement rose from the crowd, quickly silenced by a gesture from the speaker as it reared up, looming over a section of the gathering.

"But make no mistake, my children. Our path is not an easy one. We must be willing to embrace the darkness, to let it reshape us in ways that may seem... unnatural." The creature's eyes flashed, each one blinking in unsettling synchronicity. "For it is only by pushing beyond the boundaries of what is 'natural' that we can truly evolve!"

Shane felt a shiver run down his spine, both excitement and fear coursing through him.

"The Overseers would have us believe that their way is the only way. That their 'Integration' is a gift!" The speaker's voice dripped with contempt as it slithered closer to Shane's group. "But we know better. We see the truth that they try to hide. Their power is stolen, their authority a lie!"

The cavern erupted in snarls and screeches of agreement. The speaker let the noise build to a crescendo before silencing it with a piercing shriek.

"And yet," it continued, its voice suddenly soft, almost seductive, "we must not underestimate them. For they are powerful, make no mistake. But power built on lies is fragile. It can be broken. And we... we will be the ones to break it."

The creature's multiple arms gestured grandly, encompassing the entire gathering. "Our blessed patron has shown us the way. Through sacrifice, through pain, through transformation, we will become the instruments of the Overseers' downfall!"

Suddenly, its voice took on a frenzied pitch. "We will rend their flesh! We will drink their essence! We will unmake them as they sought to unmake us!"

The crowd exploded into a frenzy of howls and shrieks. Shane found himself caught up in the fervor, his wings unfurling as he joined in the unholy chorus.

As quickly as it began, the frenzy died down, silenced by the speaker's raised arms as it towered over the center of the gathering.

"But this is not a path for the weak," it hissed, its eyes scanning the crowd. "To stand against the Overseers is to invite their wrath. Are you prepared for what that means?"

Its multiple legs carried it in a slow, deliberate circle, each step punctuating its words. "Are you willing to let go of everything you once were? To become something beyond the comprehension of those who cling to the old ways?"

Its voice dropped to a whisper, yet somehow still carried to every ear in the cavern. "Are you willing to give yourselves, body and soul, to the Great Serpent that waits in the void between worlds?"

The silence that followed was deafening. Shane felt his heart pounding in his chest, a mixture of fear and exhilaration coursing through him.

"For make no mistake, my children," the speaker continued, its massive form now coiled at the heart of the gathering. "Our path is one of madness to those who cannot see. But it is through this madness that we will find true enlightenment!"

The creature's eyes pulsed darkly. "Even now, our agents move through the shadows, preparing the way. Soon, we will strike, and the false gods will tremble!"

A wave of anticipation swept through the crowd. Shane felt it too, the promise of action after so much waiting.

"But remember," the speaker's voice turned cold, cutting through the excitement like a knife. "Betrayal will not be tolerated. Those who waver, who doubt, who might consider turning back..." Its maw opened wide, revealing row upon row of razor-sharp teeth. "They will feed our growth, their essence fueling our ascension!"

The threat hung in the air, a palpable thing. Yet Shane felt no fear, only a burning desire to prove his worth.

"Go forth, my children," the creature said, its massive form beginning to slither back towards the depths of the cavern. "Spread our truth. Gather strength. For soon, very soon, we will rise from the depths and show this world the true meaning of evolution!"

As the speaker disappeared into the shadows, the cavern erupted into a cacophony of voices. Plans were made, promises exchanged, dark oaths sworn. Shane stood among them, his black eyes gleaming with purpose. The path ahead was fraught with danger, teetering on the edge of sanity.

But as he looked around at his fellow cultists, at the impossible forms they had taken, at the power that thrummed through their veins, Shane knew one thing with absolute certainty:

The Overseers' days were numbered.

As the echoes of the sermon faded, Shane felt a pull towards his assigned comrades. He moved through the crowd, his wings folded tight against his body, until he reached a small clearing where two other monstrosities waited.

The first was an insectoid horror, its chitinous exoskeleton gleaming with an oily sheen. Multiple compound eyes, each facet a deep crimson, swiveled independently, taking in every detail of its surroundings. Gossamer wings, nearly invisible in the dim light, twitched with anticipation. From its abdomen, a constant, low-pitched hum emanated – the sound of countless minuscule wings beating in unison. She was a swarm commander, their scout and advance guard.

Beside the insect loomed a behemoth that seemed more geological than biological. At first glance, it appeared to be nothing more than a mound of segmented armor plates, each the size of a car door and mottled in shades of brown and grey. Then the mass shifted, revealing a cavernous maw lined with concentric rings of teeth, each as long as Shane's arm. He was their siege engine and primary combatant.

No words were exchanged. No words were needed. Their purpose bound them tighter than any friendship or camaraderie ever could. Shane's eyes, those void-black orbs nestled in his wings, pulsed with dark energy as he took in the Wildsoul signatures of his teammates. The insects aura buzzed and flickered like static electricity, while his other companion's was a slow, inexorable pulse – the heartbeat of the earth itself.

Around them, other groups were forming. Shane's enhanced vision allowed him to see the pattern emerging. Each trio followed the same composition: a deadly striker, a support unit, and a reconnaissance specialist. It was a time-tested formation, perfected through countless battles and refined by the guiding will of their unspeakable patron.

Their mission crystallized in Shane's mind with perfect clarity. The Shards of Supremacy – those fragments of power gifted by the false Overseers – were to be collected. Any who possessed them would be given a choice: join the cause or be eliminated. In the grand scheme of their patron's design, there could be no half-measures, no loose ends.

The worm was the first to move. Without a sound, its massive form began to sink into the cavern floor. Rock and earth parted like water, swallowed by the creature whole. In moments, only a perfectly circular opening remained, the faint vibrations of its passage quickly fading.

Wings buzzed as the insect chittered softly, a sound like fingernails on slate. From hidden apertures in its exoskeleton, a swarm of insects began to emerge. Each was the size of a hummingbird, with needle-sharp proboscises and wings that moved too fast for even Shane's enhanced vision to track. They formed a living cloud around them, awaiting direction.

Shane unfurled his wings, the bioluminescent patches pulsing with an eerie, ghostly light. Together, they moved towards the cavern's exit, their flight silent and purposeful.

As they emerged into the night air, Shane's breath caught in his throat. The sky above was a tapestry of stars, each one seeming to pulse with a life of its own. The landscape below was bathed in shadows, the twisted remnants of the old world barely visible in the gloom.

But it was the Wildsoul energy that truly captivated Shane's attention. From his vantage point high above, he could see it spreading out from the cavern like spilled ink. Each of his fellow cultists was a point of dark radiance, moving with singular purpose into the wasteland.

The swarm fanned out, a living radar network probing the darkness for any sign of their quarry. Shane focused his own unique senses, scanning for the telltale flare of a Shard of Supremacy. He knew the signature well – a discordant note in the symphony of Wildsoul energy, a power that didn't belong.

As they flew, the landscape below changed. The barren rocks gave way to withered forests, their branches reaching up like gnarled fingers clawing at the sky. In the distance, the ruins of a city loomed, its shattered skyscrapers a testament to the world that was.

Shane felt a thrill of anticipation course through him. Somewhere out there, bearers of the Shards were waiting. Some might not even know the power they carried, the potential locked within their transformed bodies. It didn't matter. All would be brought into the fold, one way or another.

A subtle stirring in the earth below caught Shane's attention. Their heavy hitter was on the move, tunneling through the ground with the ease of a fish through water. Its path was unpredictable, zigging and zagging, but always moving in the same general direction as the airborne pair.

As the night wore on, Shane reflected on the gravity of their mission. They were the vanguard of a new order, the heralds of a truth that would shake the foundations of reality. The Overseers, in their arrogance, had thought to reshape the world in their image. But they had underestimated the power of true evolution, the strength that came from embracing the darkness within.

Shane's wings caught an updraft, carrying him higher. From this elevation, he could see other teams spreading out across the land. Each moved with the same relentless purpose, their Wildsoul signatures burning against the backdrop of the ruined Earth.

A grim smile played across Shane's monstrous features. The hunt was on. The Shards would be gathered, their bearers converted or consumed. And when the time came, when their nameless patron finally broke free from its cosmic chains, the Overseers would learn the true meaning of fear.

The night was young, and the world was vast. But Shane and his brethren were patient. They would search every corner, overturn every stone, until their mission was complete. For in the end, there could be only one truth, one power that ruled over all.

And that power waited in the void between worlds, coiled and ready to strike.

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