Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 113: Anna's Request (Last SS)

On one certain day, when I leisurely drinking mango juice and oversaw the base development from my mansion garden, under the clear bright sky, Anna suddenly came to me, seemingly wanted to talk about something.

Anna, Upon arriving here and met with her twin sister Anni, her complexion started to change to be better, and became happier.

At the time at the Orphanage, she stressed a lot and seemingly thought about a lot of things inside her head.

'Maybe she just has some concerns about her twin sister situation at that time'

Anyway, after arriving here, she tries to fulfill the second condition, which was observing me from the time being before deciding if she really wants to follow me after.

In these past few days, she not only observed me but also observing this hidden base that was slowly being built by the people here. 

Even though there's still no high rise building being built right now, but most of the building that I requested to be built first was almost finished.

Anna seemed to amaze and awe when she saw the 4 engineer woman build the building at a fast speed and install the electricity as well as the plumbing in a skillful manner.

Like the usual first timer who visiting my base, she was really shocked and amazed after seeing people with an unusual engineering side job as well as the mysterious magic tool(from her perspective) that being used inside my hidden base.

After getting know to some of the non-combatant residents in my base, she seemed to understand slowly that all the strange things here were provided by me.

'I'm sorry, even though you will end up not choosing to work under me, I have to make sure you do not unveil all the thing here with some method, since you already see these secrets of mine…'

I already decided to give her freedom, but as expected, I'm not that naïve and showed her all my secrets recklessly without a backup plan, if some cases she will decide to not work under me.

Since Anni, her twin sister was already working under me, I'm sure I can silent and persuade her about not leaking about all the things here.

Anyway, let's back to the current situation.

With the sudden arrival of Anna who interrupting my leisure time, I decided to spare my time to hear her out.

[Sir Alex… I'm sorry for interrupting you]

[Um, no problem, please take a seat~]

Anna nods her head and pulls the chair before sitting in front of me.

She stares at me with a nervous expression as she hesitatingly to open her mouth and tries to speak.

Looking at her nervous appearance, I decided to open the conversation lightly to slightly ease the tension

[So, did you already adapt yourself living here?]

[A-ah… it's a good place, the people here always have a happy smile and a strong sense of belonging in this place. Especially the school, the children there get free education and place to play to spend their childhood inside a healthy environment, I'm very impressed at sir Alex. As expected, you're a benevolent person~]

[Hahaha~ you're exaggerating, like I said, I have my own plan by helping them. 


Looking at your expression from before, it seems you want to talk to me about something?]


Anna lowers her head and hesitating for a while after hearing my question. 

She seems to struggle about something inside her mind before firming herself to convey her request.

[Sir Alex… if it's an inconvenience for you, could you help all the slum orphanage children to go to school at your place?]

Hearing her request, I quite understand why she suddenly praised me for building the school here before.

'This Anna, it seems she really loved children...'

'Anyway, I used to have the same intention when I saw the slum Orphanage. It will be good to nurture children and forged a sense of belonging to this place when they're young to create a loyal and strong individual that can work for me later'

'But, the problem is, that children have to stay here in my hidden base until they grew up to keep what inside my base to not leak out outside…'

I stopped thinking about this by myself and decided to discuss this with Anna.

[Anna, as you already know, this place is held all my secrets. I can grant you that request if you moved all the Orphanage children to live here. Of course, since you're the one who builds the Orphanage, I leave this decision to you]

Anna has a troubled expression after hearing me.

Yes, the problem was not just the Orphanage children.

But the Slum inhabitant children who still have their parents and come to play to the orphanage from time to time.

I could imagine, what will happen if the Orphanage in the slum area suddenly disappears, the children, as well as the single parent like Agatha, surely would find it hard if there's no place like an orphanage that had a daycare-like system.

Since the parents usually went working during the day, they had to take the children to the orphanage to make sure that their child is safe.

Anna, sure understand this.

Thus, she hesitated to agree about my condition directly as there's a lot of things to be considered to move all the Orphanage children here.

Not only that, by Anna disposition, she surely considered taking the Slum children to get a free education at my base too.

I'm 100% sure about it.

I'm waiting for her silently and give her time to think carefully before making her decision about this problem.

After a while, she seemingly gets a new idea as she probes that idea to me.

[Sir Alex, can you just take the slum people to work directly here? I'm sure they will be grateful to you]

[I can't do that. You know, for the time being, I can only let the people that 'guaranteed' to be trusted, residing this place. As for your situation, it's because of Anni that I let you stay here. that's why I can trust you for not leaking my secrets outside]

[Is that so…]

She lowers her head in defeat after hearing my reasoning.

Even so, she seems isn't giving up yet.

Anna starts to seriously think deeper to get a better option about letting the children get a free education here.

As she's still thinking in silence, all of a sudden, the sound of the vehicle slowly approaching the paved parking lot in front of my mansion.

Before long, a limousine car stops and parked there.

I can see one woman started getting off from the driver's seat and two women getting off from the back seat of the luxurious car, after.

The three women wearing a maid dress as they cheerfully conversing about their experience driving the car.

Yes, they are Al's battle maid trio.

After I successfully doing some reverse engineering with the vehicle, I decided to call the trio here, to learn how to drive first before giving the limousine that I will modify to Al later.

When I was doing reverse engineering, it's apparently not as hard as I thought.

With the help of the mechanical book about the machine as well as my reckless tinkering, torn apart the vehicle into pieces by pieces, I fastly learned how the car work before trying to change the gasoline power into magic power.

When I came into this part, it was quite challenging as it not as easy as the Teleportation Gate's knowledge that was already provided by the skill.

After experimenting for three days, I can get a grasp of it and use the Magic stone as the source of energy. 

Of course, I can't just shove it up barbarically into the vehicle machine.

I have to create and design the tools that could control the magic power usage inside the magic stone to make the vehicle not explode while consuming the magic power recklessly.

Anyway, after some trials and errors, I can now change the car into a magic carriage like the people of this world always called it before.

'It seems they already grasp and learn about how to drive, I just need modifying that Limousine before sending it to Al later'

As I thinking about these things, all of a sudden, Anna excitedly shouting her new idea at me

[Sir Alex, how if we used the magic carriage to take the children to the school directly, daily! 

I believe as long as you can set that the carriage to pass the teleportation gate with the children inside it, as well as design the carriage window to always became dark and cover the outside scenery, we can take the children into the school area only without showing the secret of your base!

As long as we were not let them go out of the school area, I believe your secret will remain hidden and unknown to them!]

Hearing her new idea, I became stunned.

For some reason, her idea reminds me of the school bus service from my previous world.

[It's a good idea…]

[Right?! I will discuss this school thing with the Slum resident and will convince them about sending their children here to get free education!]

[Umu, do as you wish~]

[Then, please excuse me~]

Anna hurriedly stood up before leaving like the wind excitedly to the Teleportation Gate direction.

For your information, it's not impossible to make the bus using the Teleportation gate within my knowledge.

As long as I can modify the space inside it to resist the Teleportation Gate twisted space with some Space Magic and branded the bus itself to get recognized by the Teleportation Gate, Anna's idea is doable.

'Sigh… it seems I have a new work to do…'

'Whatever, secure a youngling is important with the development of my base anyway~'

I stood up from my chair and stretched my body for a while.

'Let's work hard experimenting with a new thing today too~'

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