Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 114: One Month Later

One month already passed.

Within a month, as the four Engineer ladies promises, the building as well as the facilities inside my base already being built.

Maybe, if there's no increased number of people who gained an engineering side job, they will need more time to finish this project.

But since 4 more people gained engineer side job, the work could be done successfully.

So, with 8 people building the city with magic and an unbelievable amount of MP-pool from my 10% status, the project could finish in time.

If looking at a far distance, The silhouettes of a modern urban small city could be seen towering among the sea of trees, looking quite misplaced and mysterious.

If you guys asked where did I get the money to build the city? Of course, it's from the thousands of monster corpses I sold to the adventurer guild.

Mah... it's excluded the Twin Immortal Ogre body of course. I want to save their body as an emergency fund later if I need a huge amount of gold in a certain situation

With the sale from the thousand monster corpses, I got crazy amounts of money that even could make me faint!

Since it's become a ridiculous number, I decided to not count it and just put it into the chest that I got from the Orc king cave before, and asked Chali to put that chest in the treasury room(It's just an empty room that changed and decorated into one)

Anyway, since I need to reward the people who contribute a lot to the development of the base, I needed a treasury and the person in charge and manage it. 

So, in the end, I choose Sofia.

Since she always maintained and managed the inhabitant of this base well being, I think she is the correct person to have this job.

During this month, I didn't just idly do nothing and rest to wait for my Absolute Copy skill to finish upgrading. 

Ah, the Absolute Copy skill is already unlocked now, but let's talk about it later.

For now, let's talk about the technological development that I researched during this month!

No, I'm sorry if I let you guys down, but there's no magic weapon development this time…

Like you guys already know, since Anna requested me to build a bus that could pass the Teleportation Gate, I busy tinkering with the motor machine as well as the car(the last SS chapter).

I spend a few days before I could successfully modify the car to pass the turbulent space inside of the teleportation gate.

But, It seems I become overboard with my research and ended up researching the car further.

Without knowing, I found a way to create a levitating car with the help of my Space and Time magic!

Maybe if the car was still the obsolete car that powered up by gasoline, this thing will be impossible to achieve, but since I already change the car to be powered up with magic power before, this sci-fi dream of many people in my previous world could be done, and reproduced by me!!

Okay, I will be honest with you guys, I just lucky and unconsciously found this levitating car by chance when I trying to create a magic system that can resist the space turbulent…

But, the thing about me founding this technology is a fact! 

Anyway, let's move to the other technological development.

After successfully creating this levitating car, I become excited and hooked with the magic engineering research.

The inspiration flowed inside my head like a river!

And the fruit of this inspiration is the Magic power generator!

With the magic-powered car as the base, I further developed the usage of the natural magic power to change the electricity usage in my base.

After researching it for a few days, it's started showing some results!

Yes, I use the concept of absorbing the surrounding magic power from my passive skill and successfully implemented it to this masterpiece of mine!

Should I change my name to Alex faraday to honor the founder of electricity from my previous world? Hehehe~

Anyway, with this Magic power generator, there's no use of the annoying cable to connecting the power to my base anymore.

With the help of Al, I create a magic circle formula drawn with special ink, mixed with magic stone, to design it for connecting and distributing magic power to the respective household in my base.

I know you guys started doubting me.

^Hey smartass, are you stupid? How about the electronic appliances? They still need electricity to work, did you really want to waste your time to research the electronic appliances into magic-powered usage, one by one? This cringe mofo MC!^

Humph! You guys, amateur better stop blabbering your mouth!

I already think of and consider those problems further, at the beginning I did my researches!

Did you guys forget that who am I? Yes! I am an Elemental Controller that could control lightning and thunder, without you guys remind me about that, I already solved this problem myself!

At the same time I created this magic generator, I also found a way to convert the magic power into electricity with my elemental expertise!

With the help of Al, I created this simple magic tool and installed it in each respective household. 

So, with this thing, I also didn't need to tire myself to torn apart their house for removing the electricity system already installed there.

I just need to put this magic tool as their source of electricity and controlling the input of the power depending on the need of each household.

This is all about magic technological development. 

As for further R&D about mechanical limbs, robots, as well as a weapon, I decided to pass it to the two people who had their side job advance into the magic engineer.

These two people are the two of the 8 engineers who spend their day off, helping me researching the new magic technology during this month.

Even their lack some basic knowledge for now, but I believe with the books, they could catch up to some of the scientists in my previous world, I hope.

Let's move to another topic and be done with this magic technology development stuff.

I'm sure you guys already curious about the modern urban city which the inhabitant of my base already built, right?

If you guys know about Singa*pore? Then you can imagine this small city of mine almost the same as that city. 

The difference between them is, my city is smaller. A lot smaller, I mean. 

Maybe, it's just at the size of 2 or 3 districts. So yeah, it's a very small city

There's some public transportation terminal like bus station as well as MRT(Mass Rapid Transit) station completed with its designed route already built and operate in my city(Only one of them operating right now).

The problem is…

There are still not many people inhabited this hidden city of mine, so it's not lifely and looks more like a ghost city…

B-but, don't worry, I'm sure there'll be a day that this city of mine will become a metropolitan city that shines with its Nightlife! Maybe...

Anyway, I already started gathering new people to inhabit my city by saving the illegal non-criminal slave from the underground forces.

As you guys already know, during my discussion with Al and Eliz about my fast food plan(SS chapter), we agree that I can take these slaves from the underground forces by force.

Since I didn't want to trouble Al yet, for now, I just only plundered the illegal slaves from a small fries smuggler and merchant that looked like don't have a great background.

Even though I didn't know these cockroach backgrounds for sure, but, with the help of Elizabeth, the skillful information gatherer and butler, we can detect some of these guy backgrounds.

There's a lot of them that still unknown and considered to have a mysterious background, so I just destroyed and "saving" the slaves from the smuggler and merchant that already completely scanned by Eliz.

Right now, the total population in my base is :

170 people, excluded me, Chali, The twin, and Silvia.

170 : 

- 84 woman

- 46 children

- 15 men

There're some disabled people from the slum, I bring them here to help the magic engineer in my base to researched and developed a mechanical limb for them. 

So these people are not included in my city population for now.

As for the profession of these people, most of the teenagers helping in the agricultural district to farm, taking care of livestock, as well as working in the processed food factory.

Since they're still young, they can only work part-time, in a shift system.

These teenagers have to go to school. 

Since they have to work part-time, the school class is divided into two, the morning class and the afternoon class.

Don't worry, They have two holidays a week.

Since the system of the calendar works the same as in my previous world, I design the holiday on Saturday and Sunday.

I wonder if this world calendar design by the Otherwolder hero in the past? there's a high probability that it was really the case.

Talking about the agricultural district, this district is placed outside the urban area. 

Since it's quite far from the urban area by walking, I design a special route of the MRT to connect the urban area and agricultural district.

Heck! Maybe the only train that active right now is this MRT route for now!

As expected, I really lack manpower a lot.

or maybe, my vision is too far that make me ended up building this Ghost city? whatever.

Maybe, it should be best if I take people who lose their home from some heavily conflicted kingdom in this continent and save them to work peacefully here.

Anyway, in the Agricultural district, only a few adults working there to managing the people and oversee their work.

Some of them who interesting in farming, working as a farmer there with the modern technology I provide.

If you guys are curious about how could I only placed a few people managing the field, I have a surprise for you!

After my Absolute Copy skill was unlocked, I pasted the taming passive skill to the patrolling Silver Wolf member that had a shift to patrolling the outskirt of my base.

Since most of the monsters that they spotted were goblins, they tame quite a lot of them.

At first, I became dumbfounded and flabbergasted by these tamed goblins, but after thinking about it further, I decided to place this tamed goblin to work on the farm, orchard, and barn to do simple work and helping the people work there.

Hohoho, free labor is wonderful right? what? I already feed them and they're happy with just getting food, so it's not that I abused them okay?!

Anyway, that's all for now. 

There's still some development that I did not tell you guys yet, but let's talk about that later, I'm busy now.

Maybe you guys curious about what am I doing right now?

Hehehe, I'm now near the Agriculture district, preparing for my ritual.

What ritual did you ask?

It's a ritual to contract the Elemental Spirits, you blockhead! Did you guys forget?!

I spend a month asking Al and Eliz to find material for this ritual, and now is the time I make a contract with my three Elemental spirits!

Let's prepare the magic circle first!

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