Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 115: Elemental Spirit Contract!

Near the Agricultural district, on a barren wilderness, I put the material for the Elemental spirit contract.

When I just get this Elemental King Title, I became excited and trying to make a contract as soon as possible the next day after the Monster horde battle.

But, after using the Otherwolder title to comprehend this title further, I didn't find any method about how to contract an elemental spirit.

Realizing this, I became somewhat loss and dumbfounded.

At that time, I decided to not dwell on the contracting spirit thing at the moment and wait until I found a way to contract a spirit properly.

One day, when Al visited my place, I unconsciously asked her about this elemental spirit stuff.

Hearing about my ability that could make a contract with Elemental spirit, her eyes shined brightly like a child and told me about this ritual thing to make a contract with spirits.

From Al's statement, this ritual needed a lot of rare material and some A rank magic stone.

A few A rank Magic stone isn't a problem for me, but the problem is those rare material things. 

Among those rare materials, most of them turned out only could be found on other continents, so it's quite difficult to get for me now.

But, I recalled there's a saying, in any world, as long as you have money, you can get any difficulty simply solved at a price.

With the help of Federic house, luckily we could find that rare material.

It seems we're quite lucky at that time, some of the noble from the capital actually turned out to have this rare material laying in their collection.

For your information, this rare material isn't something legendary or anything, it can be found in some special area quite a lot, so this stuff is rare depending on which continent you live.

Anyway, After hearing that I was the one who needs it, those small nobles began to curry favor to the Federic house and sold this material to them with a wide smile.

I knew those guys' intention is, so I accept those rare materials happily too.

'I'll keep in mind to return your favor later, hmmm, I think becoming a business partner and sell my fast-food franchise is good for these small nobles'

Anyway, Al who knows that I already collected all the material, become excited and trying to go to my place to see the process of contracting spirit directly.

As usual, her very competent butler, Eliz, stop her willful and self-indulgent interest after hearing her intention.

Eliz said, there's a lot of things to do concerning the rural development project that will become the main supplier for the poultry for my fast food business, Al's presence is needed.

Just like this, I ended up preparing this ritual alone, in this barren place not far from the Agricultural District.

As for my woman, they're busy with their own thing and work, Included Chali.

'As expected, I have to find a way to get more manpower… these days my woman hand full with the work on this ghost city... except "her".

Anyway, let's think about this thing later~'

I decided to throwback this thing on the back of my head and placed the material on the magic circle that I already drew using the magic stone dust.

After finishing the preparation, I nodded my head in satisfaction as my heart started thumping in excitement.

Without further ado, I began to chant the mantra that I already memorized from the book about contracting Elemental Spirits, lend by Al.

{Alkhaza. Bardhur. Ul. Bhalaam~}

I could feel my magic power slowly drained and absorbed by the magic circle after chanting the mantra.

The rare material started to melt and blend with the magic circle as a dark whirlpool-like gate, slowly formed above the Magic circle.

When I concentrated my senses on the gate, somehow I could see the vague spirit world beyond the gate.

Some unknown energy seems to shield the spirit world, dampens my perception to see through what beyond the whirlpool.

I have a feeling that this spirit world can't be trespassed by me instinctively, it seems something the mysterious barrier covering it and guards to any living being from this world who try to pass the gate.

Thus, I decided to wait patiently as my magic power slowly drained little by little.

Even though I said it's draining, but it's just about 5% of my total magic power, so it's not a big problem.

After a few moments, I feel the presence of three tiny being in the form of light, passing through the gate and speedily flying toward my body.

The color of their light is blue, red, and pinkish purple.

'If I remember correctly, the contracted spirit will randomly come depending on the affinity between the master and the spirit'

Yes, there's no such thing as stating oath and stuff for forming the contract.

As long as the person in heed drawing the magic circle, proceed to finish chanting the mantra, the chanting will automatically forge the contract that bond to any spirit who leave the Elemental spirit gate.

In the book, after leaving the gate, the spirit will fly directly toward the contractor's body and became accessories that bound to the contractor, like earrings, rings, bracelets, or necklaces.

Like what happen to me right now, after the three tiny lights roaming my body for a while, they started to change themselves into three different accessories that reside on the respective part of my body.

The blue spirit, which looks likely to be ice spirit, changed into a somewhat fashionable necklace that has a cool looking blue tiny skull as the main design and black chain hanging on my neck.

The red spirit, which looks likely to be fire spirit, changed into a cool looking black cross earing. In the intersected part of the cross, there's a tiny red gem inlaid, slightly inconceivable if seeing through a far place.

The pinkish purple spirit, which looks likely to be a lightning spirit, changed into a simple black ring that has a pinkish purple gem inlaid in it.

After the three spirits manifested themselves in the real world and dwelling on my body, I can feel the Whirlpool Gate-like thing slowly disappear, together with the magic circle.

They're turned into a magic particle before slowly drifting to the air and gradually being absorbed by the three accessories on my body(Elemental Spirits).

With the magic particle finished being absorbed, the skull, and the gems that inlaid in the accessories started to glow in a luster.

This shining luster slowly turned into a three tiny fairy-like being, flying around me and stopped in front of my eyes as one of them seemingly giggling cheerfully.

Giggle giggle*

[Hello! Are you my master? My name is Ra, I'm a fire spirit that contracted to master! Nice to meet you! Master, can we play together? giggle~]

The bright female tiny fairy with fire dragonfly-like wing on her back, wearing a tiny and simple red dress, introduce herself in front of me with a bright smile

[My name is Skadi, nice to meet you master~ zzzz]

This time, the sleepy female tiny fairy with crystal-like butterfly wing on her back and wearing something child-like bikini introduces herself before started sleeping while standing.

[My name is Nir, Master, you can leave your weapon to me!]

The last, a burly male tiny spirit who had a rising pinkish hair as if it's electrocuted, enveloped with purple lightning around his body, and wearing a tuxedo introduce himself to me.

Looking at the three tiny being in front of me, I become excited and appraise them one by one!





{Elder Frost Spirit}

Rank : Epic

Ability : [Personification] [DEF Buff] [Armor Transformation] [One With Master]




Personification : Transformed into a spirit fairy. Only Elder spirit can have this ability

DEF Buff : Passive. Increase the defense of the contractor by 100%

Armor Transformation : Transform into armor. The Frost spirit can eat any armor and replicate the status of the armor after processing it.

One with Master : The Spirit is immortal, the spirit will die only when the master itself dies. After dying, it will reborn into the spirit world and get her/his memory reset.





{Elder Fire Spirit}

Rank : Epic

Ability : [Personification] [MAtk Buff] [Animal Transformation] [One With Master]




MAtk Buff : Passive. Increase the MAtk of the contractor by 100%

Animal Transformation : Transform into any small animal that has the same size as the spirit itself. The Fire spirit can eat any small animal and recreate the status as well as the skill of the animal after processing it.





{Elder Thunder Spirit}

Rank : Epic

Ability : [Personification] [Movement Speed Buff] [weapon Transformation] [One With Master]



Movement Speed Buff : Passive. Increase the Movement Speed of the contractor by 100%

Weapon Transformation : Transform into any weapon. The Thunder spirit can eat any weapon and recreate the status of the weapon after processing it. When the Thunder spirit transforms into a weapon, the weapon will deal additional lightning damage of 40%  MAtk to the enemy.

[Wow! You guys are great! That is what I want to say… but... sigh, anyway, since you're all my contracted spirit, let's get along well from now on. My name is Alex, nice to meet you all~]

[Yayyyy!! Master! Let's play~]

The fire spirit, Ra, circling around me excitedly!

Before long, she turned into a small hamster-like creature and play with my hair while giggling

[Uhn? Nice to meet you, since there's nothing else that you need, I'll back to my sleep then~]

Skadi said after waking up from her sleeping state, she turned into translucent magic particles and back to the skull on my neck.

[Master, since you seem didn't to have any weapon on you, I will turn into a dagger and protect you!]

Nir turned himself into a dagger after flying into my belt and hang himself in my belt.

Looking at their action, I realized that when this guy transforms, the accessory itself still sticking in my body. 

And by looking at how Skadi act, this accessory seems the same as their home to rest.

'But still… their ability is kinda plain… sigh, anyway, their transformation ability will help me to instantly ready into combat mode without preparing myself wearing a complicated armor, so maybe they're quite useful?'

That is what I try to convince myself from this feeling of loss.

When I absentmindedly looking at the Hamster Ra who now playing around on my shoulder and caresses her furry tiny cheek to mine cheerfully,

Bzzzzttt* Bzzzzzt* vibration noise

All of a sudden, the smartphone that I put on my pocket pants, started to vibrate continuously, indicating an incoming call in.

I hurriedly took my phone and tap the screen to answer.

[Hello? Chali?]


[Hmm… Okay, I'll be there in a second~]


[I love you too~]


I ended the call and put the phone back in my pocket.

'What? Did you guys confuse why I suddenly can use my smartphone for communicating?'


'Of course, it's because the Internet Function already open!

Anyway, let's talked about this later.

For now, Chali seemingly needed my help urgently.'

[Ra, let's go home, I will introduce all of you guys to my family~]

[Yaaayyy!! Can I play with Master's family too?]

[Of course~]

[Uwaaaiii~ Master, love love~]

After finishing silly banter with cute Ra, I unhurriedly activated my teleportation skill and teleport to my mansion...

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