Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 118: Mysterious Cave

After hearing Anni's report, I hurriedly head toward the Great Waterfall direction.

Nearby the river not far from the waterfall, I spotted Anni and Anna's figures waiting for me patiently.

They have serious expressions plastered on their face and examining the surrounding area vigilantly.

Upon seeing me, they slightly eased their vigilance and bowed politely to me.

[Did you really find a suspicious place behind that waterfall?]

I dropped in front of them and candidly asked.

[Yes, when I and Anna investigating the waterfall, Anna finds a hidden cave behind the water curtain of the waterfall… but…]

Anni answered me unhesitatingly at the beginning, however, her last word seems unconfident for some reason.

She looked at Anna beside her, seemingly asking for help to explain their founding to me.

Looking at her twin sister who not good with words like usual, she sighs and begins to explain it to me.

[Sir Alex, I found a trace of suspicious activity happen in that cave, but the problem is, after I observed it carefully, it's just a small cave that seems to be abandoned already]

She hesitated for a while before resuming her words

[Since sir Alex order us to report any suspicious places, I decided to report this to you, firstly, I'm sorry if there turned out to be nothing to be found in there]

[It's okay, both of you did a great job, let's check that place later after waiting for the others to come here]

Just as I give them the praise as well as the order to wait for the others, a sound of multiple individuals running and flying toward this direction suddenly heard from our place.

[Speak of the devil~] 

Silvi and the 5 Silver wolf members arrived.

With all our team already regroup, without hesitation, I brought them toward the suspicious cave Anna found before.

With Anna's guide, we're passing through the rocky part area nearby the waterfall, heading to the big boulder hitting by a pouring water curtain of the waterfall.

Anna's said there's a cave hidden behind the water curtain slightly above this boulder.

From her words, there's seems to be a hidden way to go behind the water curtain safely without getting wet.

Before she could tell and guide us to pass the water curtain through the hidden way, I stopped her with my action, using my Element Manipulation skill, of the water element to split the water curtain in two.

The woman who saw this scene became flabbergasted and looking at me in awe.

Element Manipulation[Unique+] : Manipulate All Element in your Atmosphere to assisting your combat skill or control it to deal Magic damage. You can manipulate your body into an Elementalize state to immune to all pure physical damage(Consumed Stamina) *when you overuse this skill, you will enter a hungry state for 1 day.

]Controled Element available :

-Fire (Increase damage or skill Damage by 200%) | Elementalize body : Deal 10.000 fire damage in the surrounding 100M area around your body

-Ice (Giving 50% Movement Speed slow debuff after being hit by the skill [cannot be blocked by Immunity Skill]) | Elementalize body : Reduce Magic damage by 30%

-Lightning (Giving 50% Attack Speed slow debuff after being hit by the skill [cannot be blocked by Immunity Skill]) | Elementalize body : Increase Movement Speed by 300%

-Water (Increase damage or skill damage by 300% to any creature with fire element body after being hit by the skill) | Elementalize body : Increase HP by 200%

-Earth (Giving 50% DEF decrease debuff after being hit by the skill) | Elementalize body : Increase DEF by 200%

-Wind (Every attack will summon a 5 wind blade that deal 50% of MAtk on 10m area around the target) | Elementalize body : Dodge Ability increase by 200% 

With the increasing controlled element, I can manipulate more natural elements of this world with my magic.

You guys may realize there's a certain nature element that was missing.

Yes! It was the Light and Dark element, the Dark magic that I didn't see someone have in their status aside, the Light magic the priest have should be already copied by me, but for some reason, the element manipulation skill could absorb the magic skill.

Not only that but also my body itself, can't take the Light magic into my own, ended up with the skill filling my copied skill slot.

Ma… since it's just rare-level magic, I can take it without problem since the slot of that kind of low rating skill is unlimited.

'Is this because of my Immortal bloodline skill?'

That is what I thought in my head when this anomaly happened.

Let's back to the current situation.

Looking at the now visible hidden cave, I nodded my head, confirming Anna's information about the suspicious place hidden here.

After seeing that this cave actually looking suspicious as they said, I turn my head toward the still shocking ladies.

[Let's go~]

With my voice, they came back to their senses before nodding at me in affirmation.

We lightly jump into the cave that's slightly located above the big boulder and landed into it easily without being stained by the splashing water at all.

Upon arriving there, I sense a very thin dark aura left in this suspicious cave.

[Be vigilant, and watch your surrounding and checking out your teammates' condition all the time].

Realizing there's a possibility of unpredictable danger, I hurriedly gave my order to the ladies behind me.

Seeing my serious expression, all the woman readied their weapon and observed the small cave vigilantly.

I, myself, raising my sense to the limit and started observing the cave with full of attention.

[Master? Where is this? Yaawn~]

The little hamster Ra who lying her tiny body above my head suddenly yawn and woke up from her slumber carefreely.

[Ra, can you help me examining this small cave?]

[Umyumyum~ Okay~]

Ra jump off from my head and started trotting pitter-patter her small fat body as she roaming the cave.

Since she is immortal and can't die, it will be safe to make her helping with checking the cave to find any secret place or passage that may be hidden somewhere in this cave.

I don't believe that this small cave was the end of it, it must be something hidden beneath this small suspicious cave.

I resumed observing the cave carefully with the woman behind me.

I found some mysterious trace in this small cave, as Anna said before, this cave seemingly just being used for some suspicious activity.

For example, there's a bloody magic circle drawn on the ground in front of the dead-end of the cave wall.

the blood already dried and became very dark.

By this alone, I know that this magic circle was drawn a long time ago.

The strange thing is, when I activated my magic eye, I couldn't detect any strong magic power from it.

From my knowledge I get from Al, a magic circle should be radiating a dense magic power when it's going to be used or not left any trace at all if it was already used.

However, this bloody magic circle just emitting a slight dark element of magic power.

If I don't have the magic eye, I'm sure will be deceived by this magic circle by thinking that I would be transferred into a secret place after activating it.

But I know, the small amount of magic power left behind by this bloody magic circle wasn't enough to activate any magic. Should be.

'is this a trap? Or maybe a feint to deceive a magician? the dark color of the magic power itself looks suspicious too... Hmmm…'

Anyway, since it gave off an ominous feeling, I decided to observe somewhere else and left the blood magic circle alone.

In this small cave, I spotted a strange-looking small statue on the cave wall nearby.

It's a statue of a strange humanoid creature that has the body of a nude male with a goat skeleton head.

Looking at this strange statue somehow reminds me of the statue of the Devil in my previous world.

Since I couldn't detect any trace of magic power in it, I decided to not think about it further and moving to somewhere else to examine this small cave.

Suddenly, I couldn't help but think to myself after seeing these traces left behind in this small cave.

'Bloody magic circle and devil statue…'

'could it be, is this cave used to be a place for someone doing a dark ritual to worship the devil?'

But since I can't feel any magic power from the statue, I ended up in the conclusion that the person who used to be in this place to do the ritual is already left.

I walking around vigilantly and continue observing the cave carefully.

Before long, I found a suspicious boulder that has a mysterious engraving in it.

When I inspecting it closer, I found a mysterious device like a magic tool installed in one of the engravings on the boulder.

Looking at this, I know there's more something, hidden in this small suspicious cave.

The ladies who already became tense upon arriving here started to become more nervous after seeing my sudden serious expression.

They're increasing their guard more and carefully observing their surrounding.

'This unknown person, what a cunning one, he almost fool me with the ritual set up like thing and make me think that this was just ordinary small cave used to be some suspicious dark ritual'

I carefully observed the device hidden in an inconspicuous engraving on the carved boulder before trying to find how to activate this device.

I try pouring my magic power and enveloped the device with it but nothing happens.

When I decided to use my Origin magic power this time to enveloped the device, a small creature suddenly jumped into me and made me flinched!

[Master! I found it!! I found a scary hidden place full of skeleton somewhere behind this small cave!! Master!! I'm scared! Hiiii~]

Looking at the speaking round and fat red hamster that tightly clinging to my body, I sigh in relieves and caressing Ra, the small hamster in my embrace.

[Master… there's a possibility that someone hid in that hidden place]

Silvi who carefully checking her surrounding suddenly said to me with a hint of nervousness in her voice.

I don't know why, but Silvi and Anni being are the most restless among the people I brought here, at the time we just arrived in this place.

'Is there some reason to make them, the strongest among my people here to act like this?'

I shrugged this feeling off and decided to ask Ra who still trembling cutely in my embrace.

[Ra, where did you find that hidden place? Did you remember the way?]

[I-I didn't know, Ra just playing around in the cave when I found a small hole that lead me to that scary place… Right! maybe the scary place is behind that cave wall near the strange magic circle!] 

[Is that so? Then Ra, please rest for now and thanks, I will give you a gift later after we back~]

[Um! He-hehehe a gift! I can't wait for Master gift! Giggle*]

After giggling cutely in a bright tone, Ra turned into translucent light as she back to the black cross earring in my ear.

'This Ra, she sure changed her mood easily, what a simple-minded tiny guy~'

without knowing, I'm amused by Ra's antics and smile unconsciously.

'It's not the time for this now'

I changed my expression again to become serious and head toward the dead end of the cave with all the woman following behind me.

I touched the cave stony wall that should be the dead-end of this small cave and trying to sense the thickness of the wall.

As I closed my eyes and heightened my sense, I realized some strange and mysterious power seemingly blocking my sense and trying to confuse my perception.

After perceiving this mysterious energy, I was convinced that must be something behind this dead end.

I used my Element Manipulation skill of the earth element to manipulate the cave wall with my magic power!

Like you guys already know, earlier I use this skill to split the waterfall.

This time, I intend to use this skill to create a path that leads us to the secret place behind this cave.


When I pouring my magic power and activate my skill, I feel strong resistance when I try to control the stony cave wall with my skill.

I poured more magic power as I furrowed my brow in annoyance.

'What the hell is this, let's see whose Magic Power is stronger!'

I raise my spirit and increase the output of my magic power more recklessly!


The sound of the stone splitting and transforming like a rough hard clay, as well as the ground tremor suddenly sounded from the cave wall in front of me.

Before long, the transforming stony cave wall stop as it created a path to the dark hidden spacious room behind it.

Seeing an eerie dark room laid before us, I give a sign to the others behind me with my eyes and head toward the room cautiously.

The others slowly following me behind as they cautiously observing the darkroom.

[What the hell is this…]

I unconsciously throw this sentence upon seeing the ground full of human skeletons as well as humanoid creature-like skeletons inside of the darkroom.

Not only that, in the corner of the room, I saw more skeletons pile up like a small mountain that made my spine chill in eeriness from just its sight!

[So, you have come… Hm? It seems there's also two acquaintance coming this time… cuckle*]

When I became flabbergasted and uncomfortable with the dreadful skeleton graveyard in front of my eyes, all of a sudden, an eerie and hoarse voice sounded from the further deep part of the cave, hidden by the darkness.

I don't know why, but when this voice sounded, I feel like two of the 8 women behind me became stiff.

One of them even radiated a very strong bloodlust toward this voice.

'Sigh, it seems this mysterious person isn't a simple one…'

With this thought, I slit my eyes and gaze at the deepest part area of the cave with a serious expression.

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