Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 119: The Litch King Transformation?

When I try to focus my eyes to see the appearance of the person hidden within the darkness, all of a sudden, a powerful ominous aura enveloped the entire skeleton graveyard room, coming from the deep part of the room that made me startled and raise my guard.

Crkl* Crckle*

A slow step that produced a low cracking bone voice echoed throughout the silent, eerie, and dark skeleton graveyard room.

Step by step, the eerie step that produced a cracking bone sound that made people's ears in discomfort, slowly moving in our direction.

Before long, that step stop as the appearance of the mysterious person become visible after illuminating from the light which comes from the gaping cave wall I created before.

It was a man who has his body covered by a dark and dirty cloak.

His face looks very thin and pale as if it consists of his skull, covered with its skin, making his true human appearance became very vague, and more like a skeleton.

His soulless eyes staring at us with lifelessness, as if he, himself just a walking corpse.

With his disheveled curly white hair, he looked like a walking neglected corpse rather than a living human

[Oh, Anni, it's been a while, I didn't expect our reunion will come in this span of a short time… and, hmm? Aren't you that Shaman elf guy's wife? Ah, I'm sorry that I kill your husband, It's my job after all, so I hope you not taking that incident into your heart..]


Hearing the last word of the mysterious bony man, Silvi suddenly became agitated and leaped forward, trying to strike the bony man recklessly.

I hurriedly enveloped her waist and embraced it tightly to stop her action, calmly reasoning with enraged Silvi.

[Calm down, Silvi, I didn't know what grudge you have with him, but please collect your mind first for now…]

If this bony man in front of me is just an ordinary person, I will unhesitatingly help Silvi to beat him down without question.

But, for some reason, I feel this bony guy is very strange.

When he showed up, I try to appraise him, but for some reason, my appraisal ability didn't show any result yet as if it's loading some information.

Not only that, I can't feel the ominous Aura from him, heck even there's no trace of living aura from him!

[Master, Let me go! I.. I want to kill that bastard!!]

[Cool your head first, I try to assess the situation here… don't be reckless]

Hearing my serious voice, Silvi gritted her teeth and held her anger as she continued glaring at the bony man in hatred.

[He is Edward Athrast, the bounty hunter as well as the missing criminal wanted by Duchess Alucard De Maria. Master, he was the one behind the Monster Horde before, of course, he just a pawn of the crown prince at that time]

Anni suddenly opened her mouth and briefly telling me the information about the bony man as she walking to my side.


After knowing this bony man was the one behind the monster horde incident, I slit my eyes and stared at his deep socket lifeless eyes coldly.

[huhu, Anni, I didn't remember you're this talkactiv->

Swusssh* pssshh!

The bony man couldn't finish his word.

With my blink ability, I suddenly appear in front of him and penetrated his chest with my punch.

However, when my hand hit his body, I feel like my fist hit nothing but air.

Looking at the bony man who suddenly turned into darkness, I knew that the one I hit wasn't his true body but some kind of dark magic that imitate his body.

[Ck, so that's why I can't appraise it..]

I moved my leg, jumping back to the place I used to be as I clicking my tongue in annoyance.

I didn't know when, but iron gloves already covered my hand when I hit that bony bastard a while ago when I checking my fist as I jump.

'hmm? Is it Nir? It seems the elemental spirit is more useful than I thought. To swiftly change into a weapon with just according my thought, this is quite convenient'

[Sigh… you're impatient one aren't ya~] 

When I still thinking about the usefulness of the elemental spirit, the hoarse and eerie voice suddenly sounded once again from the deep part of the cave.

[Master! Let me beat that bastard!]

Silvi, as usual, became agitated and hot-headed whenever hear this voice and trying to leap, but as usual, I hold her waist, embracing her once again to restraint her from suddenly moving selfishly.

[Stay at your place, raise your guard up! Don't forget to have each other in check and beware of your surrounding!]

Since I didn't know where exactly the enemy position is, I gave this command to the ladies behind me.

They started making a battle position and looking around with extra caution.

After assuring they're already getting themselves in position, I used a fire element and create a flame to surround the cave wall in front of me and lighten up the dark place, even though it's quite hard to control in this place as I feel my magic power hardly to flow.

By lifting my hand to the front, the fire started spreading and illuminated the dark place with a red hue and hot temperature.

I could use Light Magic if I want, but since I need to chant the spell to activate it, as well as this strange place affecting my magic power control, it's quite a hassle for me to do it in this situation right now.

As the place became brighter, the skeleton graveyard became more clearly visible.

After slightly illuminated this place, I became conscious of this spacious stony room at the size of a football field.

The ground is covered with numerous piling up skeletons, making the original ground not visible at all.

When I moved my gaze to the deep part of the room, a high piled up skeleton could be seen creating a small mountain, even higher than the one I saw when I first step my foot here, in this place.

On top of that pile-up skeletons small mountain, a throne made up of bones gaudily visible.

A person is sitting at the throne solemnly, staring in our direction as he keeps radiating the strong ominous aura, enveloping this room.

It was the bony man from before.

He continued staring in our direction with his eerie lifeless eyes as his expression remain dead and expressionless.

Who was it again? Ah yes, Edward Arthrast is it?

I didn't know why, but after looking at him sitting on the throne silently, I feel a bad premonition suddenly hit me and made my hair rising to no end, chilling my spine!

Without hesitation, I activated my Magic eyes and perceived an unbelievable scene of magic power movement in front of my eyes.

I saw the vague dark disturbing magic power, that dwells inside every bone, being absorbed by the throne and seemingly devoured by Edward Arthrast's corpse-like body!

'This bastard, is he just buying a time when escalating Silvi emotion before'

I reflexively controlled the fire element, albeit hard, to attack Edward Arthrast's corpse-like body when thinking like this inside my head.

[Too late…]

He opened his mouth and spat this short sentence with his hoarse voice as he looked at the huge fireball flying at him in high speed, undisturbed.

I can see the huge fireball that flew to his body, gradually disappear as if being absorbed by a dark miasma that now became visible, enveloping his body, overwhelmed anyone who sees it.

[T-that dark miasma, don't tell me!! The Litch King Transformation?!!! Y-you, did you sell your soul to the Devil!! Outrageous!]

Hearing Anna who suddenly trembling and became agitated as she spat the information about what really happened to Edward Arthrast's body right now, I slit my eyes and observed the dark miasma as my heart started being restless.

'What the hell is that? magic immunity?'

[Edward Arthrast!! You BASTARDD!! I will kill you! Cut your body into pieces! And burn your soul!!! I swear on the moon goddess name!!]

When I nervously trying to appraise Edward Arthrast's status, Silvi who still in my embrace, suddenly trembling and struggling hard to escape, shouting out some curses to Edward Arthrast with bloodshot eyes take my attention.

Tremble Tremble*


When I just turned my head to check Silvi, the ground that was covered with skeletons below me suddenly trembling.

With the bone crackle sound, all of a sudden, the littering skeleton below us started rattling and moving in madness.

Crattle* trrk* crkkle* bone noise SFX

The skeleton started rising and assembled themselves into completed skeleton figures as they started swarming, trying to attack us with the blade made of bone!

Looking at this scene, one word suddenly appear inside my mind!


[T-This is!! Necromancy! Everyone, raise your guard up and use a dull part of your weapon to smash the skeleton bone! Sir Alex, please use Earth element or Light magic if you want to defeat this undead skeleton with your magic!]

Hearing Anna who already unsheathed her small dagger, and smashing the skeleton who trying to raise with the back of the blade after giving a warning to us, I forged her advice into my brain and trying to appraise that bony bastard once again.

With a sudden scenery already being covered in white, full of a skeleton monster, I checking my surroundings and find the ladies already unsheathed their weapon to fight vigorously with the endless swarm of the skeletons.

Especially Silvi, without knowing, she already escaped from my embrace and destroying skeletons that blocked her way.

With bloodshot eyes, she rampaging around with her twin cutlass and destroying the skeleton into pieces as she trying to move into the supposedly Edward Arthrast direction.

Looking at this scene, I decided to find that bony bastard who has his whereabouts suddenly missing in this white sea of skeletons for later and helped to deal with the situation in front of me first, lessen their burden by destroying the swarming skeleton army.

I tried to control my magic power into controlling the earth in the cave, but for some reason, the earth element in this cave is really hard to control as some mysterious matter hindering me to control it.

'Come to think of it, this also happens when I trying to manipulate the cave wall into revealing this hidden place… it couldn't be helped then'

When I still thinking like this and observing the situation, I shrugged one of the ordinary-looking skeletons who trying to strike me with his bone sword lightly as its body flew away in the gap(entrance) that I created to unveil this hidden room before.

Unknowingly the Frost spirit, Skadi, already transformed herself into a cool looking ice armor that covering my body.

Not only her but also the Thunder spirit, Nir, changed himself from gloves into a cool-looking iron rod with just my thought of wanting a blunt weapon to deal with this situation.


An army of skeletons trying to swarm my body with their numerical advantage, but with just one swing of the Iron Rod in my hand, the explosive sound echoed, as the skeleton army was annihilated with their bone Broken into pieces.

'Bony bastard, don't think you can hide among these small-fry forever!'

With this thought I started destroying the skeleton wherever I go, supporting the woman as well as trying to find Edward Arthrast whereabout, among this sea of undead. 

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