Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 121: Silvi's Emotion And The Information About Litch King Transformation

After the sudden changing situation, the dumbfounded ladies asking me about the current situation of what really happened to the Edward Arthrast.

Silvi who still radiating a strong bloodlust, trashing the skeletons in the ground mindlessly, as if trying to find something in the distance.

Looking at her current condition, I hesitated between telling the truth about Edward Arthrast's escape or telling them to go home directly for now.

However, after thinking a bit about it further, it may be better to tell the truth about his escape right now, and deal with the mad Silvi, all at once.

The woman who realized my warped expression, making a complicated face as they become silent and glanced at Silvi who still swinging her two cutlasses to the skeleton littering the ground.

[Edward Arthrast… he escaped, even though I already activated my Space&Time magic to freeze the time, some unknown mysterious energy suddenly help him by hinder my movement to stop him…]

Just as I finished my explanation


Silvi suddenly let out a heart-wrenching scream, swinging her two cutlasses in madness and thrashing on the skeleton in the ground in a crazed manner, overwhelmed by the dark emotion in her mind.

I hurriedly blink behind her body and embrace the rampaging Silvi tightly.

Even though I already held her body with a tight embrace, her hand still flailing around, struggling by swinging her cutlasses around in the air.

Her eyes still continuously showing a hint of craziness and madness, dying it in red.

[Silvi, calm yourself, I'm sorry, it's my fault for being outplayed by that guy… I'm sorry, even though I'm your master, I can't help you and be useless… sorry…]

Silvi who hearing my sudden trembling voice apologies, full of guilt, ceased her rampaging body slowly.

I can see her flailing hand slowly lose its strength and hanging down limpidly as the cutlass in her hand falls to the ground.

Clang* clng* dropping cutlass SFX

With the sound of falling cutlass echoed in the silent stony room, little by little, the madness and craziness in her eyes disappear, as a hint of her consciousness slowly appear.

Slowly, tears started to drop from Silvi's watery eyes as she cried in a hoarse-wrenching voice, filling the silent atmosphere in this silent room with her heart-wrenching sadness.

[Uuuuuwwaaaaa! Hicc* hic*]

Looking at her messed up and pitiful appearance, I strengthen my embrace, apologies to her in a low voice with a whisper.

[sorry.. sorry…]

Silvi turning her body toward me and embraced me back.

She buried her head to my chest and vented her chaotic emotion, crying, as she sobbed in my embrace.

[Sob* sob* Uwwwwwaaa!]

I gently patting her back and caressing it with gentleness, slowly help Silvi to stabilize her emotion.

Even though I can feel my clothes wet from her tears, I decided to ignore it and keep appeasing her.

I don't know when, but it seems Skadi, the Frost Spirit already back into her necklace after finishing her duty.

And Nir, he already turned back into a dagger and hanging in my waist like a usual.

It seems the heavy atmosphere in this room affected them slightly, giving a space for us to pour our emotion and understandingly transforming themselves in silence.

'I don't know about Skadi though, maybe she just sleepy as usual and decided to rest'

I appeased the weeping Silvi in my hug while having this thought.

I started reflecting on my naivety as well as the lack of information about the upper-chain creature who moving this world.

I know for sure, that Edward Arthrast isn't a simple person.

Even though he is not terribly strong, but the one who assists him is different.

I know for sure, the menacing dark aura from before was a Devil Aura, probably.

The feeling it gave me was the same as the godly aura from Gaia, at least it's on par with her aura or maybe stronger, the difference is the dark aura from before isn't Godly but Devilish and ominous, giving a chill and a deep fear to anyone who felt it.

The Devil Aura assistant aside, I can't underestimate this Edward Arthrast too.

His shrewdness is made him quite troublesome to deal with.

The scary thing is, he seems can read a person's psychological behavior, the way of people think, precisely.

He taking advantage of my carelessness after seeing my strength, and understand that I was the type of person who ignored a small fry when I focus or thinking deeply about something.

That's why he used the seemingly weak and ordinary skeleton to bait this nature of mine to annoy me before.

Something like that, at least it was what my impression when fighting with him a while ago...

But, after remembering the mocking smile and smirk that radiated with proudness, as if all of our action is within his control, the possibility of this guy has a strong psychological observation skill is strong.

Just looking at Silvi's condition right now, he sure knows how to mess people's mind for sure.


I sighed in defeat and started lamenting about my inexperience when controlling the flow of the battle.

'This time, I being outplayed by you, but I will make sure it'll be different next time…'

After firming my resolution to pay back this time humiliation for the future, as well as stabilized my jumbled emotion, I turned my head, looking at my surrounding.

The Skeletons graveyard, the silent dark stony room, the eerie devil statue that silently hanging in the cave wall, and Silvi who already lost her consciousness after vent out her chaotic emotion in my embrace.

I called one of Silver Wolf members and passed the unconscious Silvi for them to care.

After that, I slowly walked toward the Devil statue direction outside this skeleton graveyard room with the others following behind me.

When I feel my magic power inside my body became normal upon taking a step out of the secret place, I lifted up my hand toward the creepy statue and pouring a huge amount of magic power to create a small and very hot fire to melt the statue.



But contrary to my expectation, the devil statue was left unscathed and just falling with a thud to the ground, as the cave wall behind it started to melt like magma from the super-hot fire I created.


[So… In the end, it'll the same even if I try to destroy the statue first. It seems this statue is unbreakable for sure…]

However, after thinking about it further, if I know this weird statue is unbreakable, I'll become more vigilant before enter the secret room or dealing with that bastard for sure.

As expected, this time it's my fault to be careless and ended up letting that Bastard Edward Arthrast escaped.

I decided to take the statue inside my inventory skill, planning to ask about the information of this statue to someone more knowledgeable in the future.

After doing this, I recalled what Anna said about the Litch King transformation when we going to get ready to clash with the skeletons swarm before.

I turned my head toward the silent and dejected Anna, no, not only her, but the other also seems this downhearted expression plastered in their face, after knowing that we let Edward Arthrast, Silvi's mortal enemy to escape.


Anyway, let's just asked the Liich King transformation stuff to her first, for now…

[Anna, I remember you talked about the Lich King Transformation before, can you explain it to me?]

[Ah? Sure…... Litch King Transformation....

And thus, her explanation begins.

Lich King Transformation.

Just as it named, it's the process for an advanced undead monster, Lich, ranked up into a Litch King, the monarch-rank undead.

Even though it sounds simple if it just looking at this short explanation, actually the process is more complicated than it seems.

First of all, ordinary Undead Lich can't be transformed into one, the most important condition, to have high intelligence or retain the intelligence when they're still alive, must be fulfilled.

For most Undead, there's a low chance for them to have their intelligence intact when they're raised into an undead.

That's why most ordinary undead can't transform into a Lich King.

Only the special one, a powerful person who changed into Undead with their own will, could retain their intelligence and pass the first condition to become Litch King.

There're various reasons, grounded those people's purpose to become undead, however, most of the cliché one is to find immortality and expand their life-expectancy.

Most of these people already prepared before turning themselves into undead, that's why they mostly have a special way to become one.

A forbidden Grimoire, forbidden magic or technique is the most common way to become one.

Anna also said that there's a rare or special case, that is sold their soul to the devil in exchange to get immortal life.

Looking at how Edward Arthrast's situation, I'm sure he chose the latter one, selling his soul to the devil.

Anyway, let's back to the Litch King Transformation.

After the main condition, that's having high intelligence already fulfilled, next, enormous dark magic power is needed to transform the lich into the monarch of Undead, Litch King.

The dark magic power usually could be found on a corpse of an intelligent creature which died, leaving behind a strong grudge.

The stronger the grudge, the stronger the dark magic power manifested in their corpses after they died.

Anna said this is the reason for people in this world usually bury and perform a burial ceremony with the help of the priest from Olimpia church, cleansed any remaining Dark Magic power manifested in the dead family member to avoid the dead to become mindless undead.

I don't know why she suddenly explaining this, but I have a hunch, maybe Anna slowly realizes my true identity as an Otherworlder or sort.

Let's not dwell in it further and continue to the Litch King transformation process.

The last but not least process, that is the Dark Ritual!

Anna apparently didn't know about this last process for detail since it's considered forbidden knowledge in this world.

In summary, all the explanation she was told me just now, was came from her own experience and research from the monster bestiary, as it seems she has a great interest in monster stuff.

Nonetheless, even though I miss the last detail about the Dark Ritual, by just seeing the trace in the secret skeletons graveyard room, I'm sure the bone throne, as well as this sea of skeletons, showing a glimpse of what is the dark ritual she said before.

Anyway, I started savoring all the information given by Anna, and somewhat get the gist of this guy called Edward Arthrast on the surface.

It seems this guy is the Devil accomplice, or maybe calling him a Devil contractor suited him more.

With the help of the mysterious aura of the strange devil statue, he managed to escape and unconstrained the Chronosphere time lock ability.

'What a terrifying Aura… Sigh… but this is still within my expectation. 

I know this Chronosphere isn't an all-powerful skill.

By looking at the magic rating which was just Unique, I know there's someone out there that poses a power to be unaffected by this seemingly OP skill'

'And this personage called Edward Arthrast, maybe I can know about his information better when I ask Silvi later after she has stabilized her emotion'

With this thought, I close this case to an end and turned my head toward the ladies behind me.

[Let's go back…]

After saying this to them, I try to activate my Teleportation skill but stop.

'Before that, let's take all the skeleton here.

Since I get the necromancy skill from that bastard a while ago, who knows this skeleton will be useful later'

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