Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 120: Edward Arthrast

With the Army of skeleton keeps swarming over us, I and the woman keep destroying skeletons after skeletons with great vigor.

With a hundred blade Qi that flying around my body, destroying the skeleton army whenever it passes, I swing my Iron rod to raising the number of the skeleton being destroyed under me.

Anna and Anni working together with 5 members of the Silver Wolf to defeat the skeleton army that keeps swarming at us untiredly.

As for Silvi, she is already consumed by her rage and rampaging around as she keeps shouting Edward Arthrast's name, adding some atrocities in it to taunt him.

[Edward Arthrast!! You cursed thing!! Show yourself and stop hiding!! Haah!!]



Silvi moved like a wild beast as she keeps swinging her cutlass in madness, leaving behind a pile of broken bones on her path.

I moved my eyes on the battlefield, keeping the woman in check as well as heightened my senses to the limit to trace the Edward Arthrast whereabout, hiding among this skeleton army.

Of course, my hand not stopping to destroy the skeleton that trying to hinder me while at it.

'It'll be better for me to find that guy first before Silvi, who already became a mindless beast right now…'

Maybe you guys wondering, why did I not use my magic to destroy this sea of undead in this place?

First of all, since this place is cramped, I can't us a big move as there's still my comrade who fighting with me nearby, more importantly, I don't know why, but I can't control magic power properly like usual in this place.

Secondly, most of the skeleton has magic immunity skills, even though some of my element abilities could penetrate their immunity, but as expected it's not efficient.

Lastly, as I thought, swinging my staff like S*n wu kong is more effective as I can control the damage as well as keeping the number of the swarming skeleton in check, to make our battle more effective in a team.

Moreover, with I, myself changing into Wind Element, every time I swung, the AOE wind blade will destroy the skeleton more efficiently.

As I keep busy swinging my staff and keep my surrounding in check, I got a glimpse of Edward Arthrast who was hidden among the Undead, controlling them with an expressionless face.

'This guy is very slippery, one time he still sitting on the throne thing, just with one blink of my eyes, he already hid there'

Without hesitation, I appraised his status.


{Litch King} *projection*

-The Cursed One-

Lv -

HP : E

MP : S




Skill : The King Of Undead [Legendary] Necromancies [Unique] Dark Magic VIII[Unique] Cursed by Light[???]

The King Of Undead [Legendary]: Immune to any elemental magic except Light magic. Absorb Dark magic damage into HP. The King of Undead, the prestigious King that lead the undead army under his control. (Weakness : Light element [Light Element skill will deal a double damage to your body or projection])

Ability :

-  Soul essence : With this ability, you can place your soul lock into an Item as a soul's vessel. As long as your vessel is not destroyed, you will not die.

-  Projection : creating a projection of yourself to fight. The projection will have some of your strongest skill intact. This projection has a fatal weakness of low HP. When your projection disappear, it will turn into invisible magical energy and back to your body to recover your HP and MP.

-  Undead Army : this ability will let you store your undead army into a special dimension in your body.

-  The Undead King prestige : Increase the status of the Undead under your command by 300%

Necromancies [Unique]: The manipulator of death. You can create undead from the corpses and skeleton to fight for you. The undead will have their status halfen of their original status when they're alive. The older their corpses the weaker the status. Consume : the MP consumption depends on how strong the corpses are.

Cursed By Light [???] : As a freshly Undead King, the Spirit 

of Light, cursed your very existence, any Light element damage taken will increase by 300%. (Time Remaining before the curse dissapear : 1 month)


Looking at his status, I know Edward Arthrast already got us good.

[Shit!!! This cunning bastard!!]

I hurriedly chanting a spell of one of the Light Magic attack that appeared in my head.

Ah, Of course, I didn't forget to copy all his skill except the curse, into my skill storage.

Since I didn't know what effect is the King of the undead gave to my body, to be safe, I save it on my skill storage skill for now.

{Garr. Zuc schi. Tar Bazhaa, Karii bi. Lighh schurt!}

When I shout my last chant, I pointed my finger into Edward Arthrast projection body as I could feel the magic power all over my body moving into the tip of my finger, shooting a strong light beam that even illuminate the dark cave in brightness.


The beam traveling at a light speed, turning every skeleton undead it passed by into a speck of dust, scattering it in the air.

Within a second, the beam penetrated the Edward Arthrast, or his projection more precisely, right into his heart.

Realizing the beam that penetrated him and slowly turning his projection body into a magic particle, he turned his head to me as he smiled with a hint of ridicule.

I hurriedly activating my Magic Eye and traced his projecting body which slowly disappears, becoming magic power that traveling in the air.

Before long, I found an ordinary skeleton that trying to strike me at the beginning of the battle, which I shrugged off into the gap of the room before.

Upon observing more closer, I saw an inconspicuous ordinary necklace hanging on the skeleton body which now lying lifelessly on top of the blood magic circle.

The inconspicuous necklace started glowing brightly as the bloody magic circle dimly shined as if trying to activate whatever spell is designed to.

Looking at this scene, even if I'm stupid, I know what this sly bony bastard trying to do!

I know the inconspicuous necklace hanging in that skeleton was his Soul's vessel!

Even though I can't see the true expression of the skeleton, but for some reason, I feel like this lying skeleton is smirking at me as if all that happen all this time was within his calculation.

Feeling like I being ridiculed by whatever this Litch king with unknown origin, all of a sudden, I can feel a flame of rage ignited inside my heart that made me using my ultimate skill without hesitation.

'This fucker! Like I'll let you escape that easily'


A blue translucent screen suddenly appeared, enveloped the surrounding, freezing the time in it.

The skeleton army, the smirking skeleton(seemingly), Anna and Anni, the Mad Silvi, and the 5 Silver Wolf Members, all stopped in their spot, freezing in time.

Without hesitation, I try to blink into that damn skeleton, but failed, as if some mysterious force trying to disrupt the movement of magic power in my surrounding atmosphere!

Feeling the bizarre sensation which my magic power in my body suddenly become more chaotic, I turned my head into that bastard skeleton, only to found a shocking scene that made me opened my mouth in disbelief!

For some reason, the bloody magic circle continued to shine brightly as the devil statues that hanging on the cave wall nearby it, started radiating a very strong dark devilish ominous aura.

That dark aura keeps moving inside the freezing space, Chronosphere, as if time itself couldn't hinder it.

Fueling with an uncomfortable feeling as well as rage, I tried to run with all my strength to stop whatever magic that trying to activate under that skeleton bastard, right now.

Just when I take a couple of steps, the dark menacing aura started creeping over me and covered my body with it.

With just a little of it touching my body, I could feel every cell and blood inside my body started struggling and moving in a very chaotic manner.

All of a sudden, my body became heavy as if a giant mountain pressing me with its enormous weight.

My muscle fiber became stiff, stressed by unknown pressure that suddenly hit me mysteriously.

'Damn it! What happen! At least, let's destroy that skeleton bastard nad that ominous devil statue!'

Nir, the thunder spirit changing himself into the sword, albeit, it's transforming slowly, seemingly being hindered by this dark ominous aura.

With Nir changed himself into a sword, I swung it while screaming to unleash and squeeze all of my power inside my body!



With a great swing of my sword, a giant Sword Energy flying into the skeleton bastard, as well as the devil statue nearby it!

But, contrary to my expectation of seeing the destroyed split up cave, a scene in which the Giant Energy failed to cut even the slight Dark menacing aura that blocked in front of me and disappeared into particle energy, greeted me in front of my eyes!

I looked at this unbelievable scene dumbfoundedly, as it's ridiculous to be true.

Before long, the red glow from the bloody magic circle, as well as dark aura, started enveloped that skeleton bastard body inside the frozen chromosphere.

A vortex suddenly appeared right above that bastard skeleton, sucking the skeleton, Edward Arthrast Soul's vessel as well as the mysterious dark aura that radiated by the devil statue.

Not only that even the blue translucent Chronosphere was also sucked as the freezing time effect disappear slowly as the time started to flow once again.

After sucking the skeleton as well as the dark menacing aura and my Chromosphere, the vortex disappeared, leaving behind a clean ground where the bloody magic circle couldn't be seen, as if it's not drawn in that ground, to begin with.

As the time started to slow normally, the Twin, Silvi, as well as the 5 silver Wolf member, resuming their unfinished action, fighting to destroy the skeleton army in front of them.

Scratatark* crumble*

Crtk* clatak clatak*

However, when they trying to move their weapon to destroy the skeleton army in front of them, all of a sudden, the skeleton started to fall to the ground powerlessly, as if the string that controlling them suddenly disappeared.

Looking at this scene, the woman becomes dumbfounded and trying to understand what was suddenly happen to the skeleton army.

Except for Silvi who still rampaging around in madness… Let's talk about her condition later. 

Not only them, I, myself looking at the disappeared Edward Arthrast with a depressed feeling.

An uncomfortable feeling suddenly enveloped my heart and spark a wave of anger within, but not only that, there's a deep feeling that I try very hard to conceal and didn't want to show it for whatever it cost to be, fear, a deep fear.

I gritted my teeth and held that deep fear to sprout, deep within my heart.

It's not Edward Arthrast that instill this fear, but that mysterious Dark Devilish Aura.

'I'm sure that menacing dark aura is not an ordinary aura… it's almost the same with Gaia's Aura… but more powerful and violent'

'Come to think of it, that creepy sensation where all the cells of my body suddenly struggling and moving chaotically from before, isn't that fear? It's an extreme fear of someone who saw a higher food chain predator that forced all inside a being into trying to struggle with anything they have…'

My body started trembling unconsciously after thinking about the menacing dark aura.

My hand started clenching and grip the sword tightly as it started bleeding and made the trembling cease a little…

'This Edward Arthrast, who is his true identity?'


'Devil race… or maybe its accomplice?'

This thought unconsciously appeared inside my head…

Recalling the escaped Edward Arthrast, I suddenly become disheartened and down.

But, After thinking for a while, I could only sigh and take this experience into a new lesson for me, remind me there's still a lot of things that I don't know about this world. 

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