Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 125: Combining Skill, The Preparation Before Going to Dungeon City

In these past weeks, I've been busy dealing with a lot of stuff.

Early in the morning, I checked Elli's fast-food restaurant, making sure the business running smoothly, according to the standard that I and Chali already set.

During that time, I met a lot of acquaintances.

The Guildmaster Harminton, Vice Guildmaster Kael Albens, the Guard Tom, and some of the adventurers from Galiust Sword.

However, for some reason, I couldn't find Gart, their leader.

I wonder if he still down after losing the duel with me.

After getting more information from some of the members from Galius Sword, like Nyamo and Damian, apparently, their party decided to take a break for some time.

With the money they get from the monster sale, after the Monster horde incident, they can suffice for a long time with no problem.

It seems Nyamo and her cousin, Goro, are going to go back to their home country, somewhere in Arshlan Dukedom.

Actually, Nyamo was very adamant to not go back home.

She cried that she couldn't get to eat her favorite fried chicken in the Arshlan Dukedom.

Ma.. it couldn't be helped if she became addicted to the Fried Chicken here, in Elli's fast food restaurant.

The flavor of fried chicken in Elli's is 10 times more delicious and addicting than the taste of the fried chicken in my previous world after all.

Since the recipe is created by Chali, who already has a Chef side Job, I'm not surprised if she can enhance the Fried Chicken's already delicious taste to a new level.

Apparently, when I asked her the secret of the delicious Fried Chicken, she answered me that it was coming from the special spice that she found coincidentally, inside the forest area, nearby my hidden city vicinity.

Basically, it's coming from the unknown spice from this world that she accidentally found after using her ingredient appraisal skill.

As expected of Chali! She's very dependable!

Anyway, it seems the Galis Sword party will not go to do any adventurer job in the meantime.

Ah, if you asked about Alexa, I saw her come to Elli's restaurant to eat.

After that one-night time, our relationship is kind of became awkward, or so from my perspective.

However, contrary to my belief, she seems to act like nothing happen when she met me as she greeted me with a silent nod, like usual.

This woman seems pretty good to hide her true emotion, so I can't read what her true feeling by just looking at her deadpan expression.

Seeing her like this, it's quite made me conflicted inside my heart.

Since I was taking her virginity, there're some guilty feelings inside of me.

I wonder that she still has a crush on Gart…

For the time being, I can't do anything since I don't know that she has a feeling for me or not.

Forget it…

Anyway, She looked like doing some quest solo these days, I guess she's doing her best to increase her level and fine.

Speaking of Gart, I got a piece of information from Damian, the priest of Galiust sword, that he seems to go to the Southern Continent to train.

As expected, after losing the Duel, he was quite down and realized his weakness, thus, he seemingly decided to do reckless training by adventuring toward the Southern Continent, alone.

Let's end the Galius Sword thing for now, and back to my daily routine.

In these past weeks, I wasn't just checking and inspecting my running business, like fast food and Federic Firm, but also prepared a lot of things for combatant people to go and diving the Dungeon in the Dungeon City Alabatrost.

With some of the A rank, Red Ogre Skin that I got from the Monster Horde event, I used the skill of the craftsmen that I copied in the past from [Arnold's], to make uniformly battle suits for the Silver Wolf by myself.

After browsing a lot of things on the internet, in the end, I got inspiration from the Assass*n Creed Origi*n cool Assassin hoodie coat, and make something similar like that for the Silver Wolf member.

Anyway, since a lot of them had assassin or Archer combat job, I believe this white coat Assassin like design suited them perfectly.

If you guys wondering how did I change the red leather into white, it seems you can get a special dye from the Craftsman Guild in Arkhaim town.

For white dye, it was made of a special flower called Frost Tulip, which only can be found in the mountain area of Arkham mountain.

Yes, the price tag is very pricey, since this flower only can be found in the dangerous Arkham Mountain.

But, money isn't a big deal for me now.

And with this dye, I can add a cold-resistant option to the Battlesuits, so it's quite worth it.

Not only battle suits.

Since there's an influx of new people in my hidden city, more importantly man, some of them turned out to have a blacksmith job, that's why I request them to create a Silver Mask that shaped like a wolf head to them.

With the help of Al enchantment, this mask can increase the Silver Wolf combat status slightly.

Not only battle suits and masks, but I also asked Eliz to get me rare rating weapons for them.

For the time being, I just need to wait for the weapon to be delivered here before all the preparation is complete.

Ah! Come to think of it, when Eliz knows that I buy a lot of weapons for the Silver Wolf member, she gets inspired and decided to create a Knight Group for Federic House.

It seems she already using the Federic House connection to get a special slave who had a great combat ability to create their Knight Group.

Eliz said it's better to use slaves rather than hiring the son of a noble's house or a commoner, to create a private knight group.

With slaves, you can assure their loyalty by promised them to get their freedom after finishing their service, as well as prevent a chance of spy, infiltrate the Knight Group.

The cons are, you have to train the Slave to forge a discipline as well as etiquette to them, taking a year or so before they became a proper Knight Group.

In short, there are pros and cons to using slaves to create a private knight group.

Ah! The knight group in here isn't a group of people who had a knight job, but a private force that worked under a noble.

Anyway, I understand why the nobles and the society in this world can't abolish the Slave system.

It's too useful to be abolished.

'Whatever, I'm not a white knight or anything, why should I dwell in this slave problem in this world. As long as I can take care of my own people, that's enough for me'

With this thought, I stop thinking about the slave thing and proceed to continue the thing I have in hand right now.

Ah, if you guys wondering what am I doing right now, I'm browsing some skills that I tried to combine on the barren land near the Agricultural district.

I love to do training or testing some skills as well as relaxing myself here.

With the great scenery of nature and the gentle breeze, this spot is very good to keep my mind relaxes while doing something here.

Leaving that aside, when I browsing my skills, I found the Soul Link skill of the Immortal Ogre.

Until now, I'm still not put this skill into use, as I conflicted, to whom this skill must be used.

This skill is very useful, however, it only can be used to link the soul of one person with me.

At first, I want to paste this skill into Chali, but after thinking about it further, I decided to hold it for the time being.

Maybe I can found a good skill to combine in the future to optimize the skill used further.

Anyway, let's forget about this skill for now.

After browsing some of the skills, I decided to combine some skills into two different skills.

For the first one, I picked the status enchantment skills, like STR Up, AGI Up, INT Up, MP Up, HP Up, etc, to combine them into one skill.

Skill Combination.

This function can combine up to 8 skills to create a new powerful skill after placing the skills in the columns inside the skill combination function that appear as a translucent screen before me.

After placing all the skills, I tap the combine button on the skill combination interface.

[The success rate is 95%, continue combining? Yes/No]



[Combining seccess]

[You gained Extreme Status Enchantment [Unique]]

[Congratulation for truly gaining [Unique] rating skill!]


Extreme Status Enchantment : Increase all your status by 300% [Passive]


'It's kinda plain for a unique rating skill…'

Even though it's quite plain, but it's two times stronger than the Uncommon rating one, so it's not that bad.

I try to move the [Uncommon] rating status enchantment skills from my skill storage into my skill slot, but as expected, it's failed.

After getting this Extreme Status Enchantment skill, I can't place the [Uncommon] HP Up, STR Up, etc, into my status.

Apparently, it seems counted the same as attaching the same skill on my status.

'Sigh… the world isn't that sweet it seems…'

I shake my head in disappointment and sighed before resuming to combine the next skills to create the second combined skill.

This time, I put the skills that I got from that bony bastard, adding one of the Dark Ogre skills and Blood Magic.

If I further put it in detail, I put the Necromancies, Dark Magic, King Of the Undead, Blood Magic, and Embodiment of Dark from the Dark Ogre skills into the Skill combination column.


[The success rate is 78%, continue combining? Yes/No]

I flinched for a while.

All this time I always succeed when I combining the skills automatically, however, since I get this Skill combination, I can't be so sure that all of the skills could be combined successfully.

For your information, when I first got the notification of my Absolute copy skill unlocked, I tried this function once to do some experiments.

The result is, at 75% percentage, I was failed to combine some skills, ended up with those skills being disappeared.

Fortunately, the skills I place was just the common and uncommon one that I get from low-level monster…

'But, since it's 78%, maybe there's a high probability that this skill can be combined successfully, probably…'

'Shit! Screw it, just combine it!'

If it really failed, I can hunt it by asking for the information about Lich and Immortal Ogres once again from the adventurer Guild anyway.

I hurriedly choose yes, and wait for the notification inside my head in nervousness...

Even though I just say I can hunt it once again, but I couldn't help myself for being nervous as it was rather easier to talk and harder to be done, if it's actually happened...




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