Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 126: Combining Skill, The Preparation Before Going to Dungeon City #2


[You gained Monarch Of Death [Legendary+]]


[You unlock one of the 4 conditions to gain ????? ?????? Title]



I shouted excitedly after hearing this notification inside my head!

Even though there's a weird notification in the last part, I ignored it for now after knowing that I combined the skills successfully.

Anyway, since it just unlocking a condition to gain a strange unknown ??? title, why should I dwell on it further? It'll be better if I appraised the [legendary +] rating skill I gained first.


Monarch Of Death [Legendary +] : Hail the Monarch of Death! The greater being who controls the death and created the Undead Empire!

Abilities :

- Perfect Undead : Rising the death into a perfect undead with 100% original status and skill intact if you fulfill a certain condition. [With all the body part intact : 100% original stats and skill [Dark Race], with some of the body part missing : 80% original stats and some of the skills [Zombie], with only the skeleton : 60% original stats [Skeleton]]

- Artificial Soul : creating an Artificial Soul for your undead. By creating an artificial soul, you can design an artificial intelligence for your undead. *Creating a trait and giving an emotion only applicable to the perfect Undead [Dark Race]

- Absolute Obidience : All the Undead creature under you bound by Absolute obedience special status condition[Unable to betray]

- Dark Blood Essence : Absorb any Dark Element attack and Blood Magic attack [*Under Legendary rating] to recover your HP. Dark Blood Essence gives you the ability of Perfect Invisibility under the dark place [Weakness, All Seeing Eye[Legendary skill]], and the ability to resurrect yourself from death with just a drop of blood intact.

- Shadow Palace : You can store your undead under your shadow.

- Monarch : You can control an unlimited number of Undead under your command

- Anti Devil Magic[small] : giving an Anti-Devil property to your magic power(Deal damage to the Devil race[small])


[Wh-what the heck is this!!!!!]

As expected of [Legendary +] rating skill, it's ridiculous as ever!

Even though it's not enhanced my raw status, but the ability it provides alone is very ridiculous!

'Huh? Strange… why did I have the ability to absorb Dark element power? Shouldn't the Immortal bloodline have the Dark element as its weakness? Ah! I forgot, since this skill just appears in my copied skill slot, and not truly gained by me, I can have this ability just fine'

'maybe I should combine some skills to create a similar skill like the Monarch Of Death, but with Light Element as its expertise to erase the weakness effect from Immortal bloodline completely'

'It's worth trying in the future when I collected more skills!'

Leaving that aside, the last ability, Anti Devil Magic[Small], I don't know why but I suddenly feel a foreboding feeling after seeing it somehow.

'Did I have some Ill fate with the Devil Race? Ck! This is very troublesome, even though I just want to live peacefully, the world seems to think different'

'Whatever, Since I have some Ill relationship with that Edward Arthrast, I think this ability is quite handy in the future'

I decided to throw this thought at the back of my mind.

There are more important things to do now, that's is to experience creating undead and trying the ability of my new skill.

First of all, let's try resurrecting the skeletons.

Since I already hoarded it from that mysterious cave before, I have a lot of skeletons in stock inside my inventory skill.

Upon taking out some of it, I excitedly use my new skill ability, Perfect Undead.


I shouted out on my mind.

Before long, my magic power suddenly poured into the skeletons as it became Dark Red mist for some reason, slowly enveloping all the skeletons.

Crrtk* crrtk* trembling skeleton SFX

Slowly, the skeletons rise and assembled themselves into skeletons undead.

However, After I looked at them, there's something different between my skeletons with the skeletons that bony bastard make in the past.

For some reason, the skeletons have a dark red color instead of white bone, like usual.

After observing more carefully, the bone actually became more crystal-like.

Beautiful, but ominous at the same time.

The skeletons soullessly stood up, staring at me without a hint of intelligence that could be felt from it.

Heck, even it looks more like the skeleton in the biology classroom rather than undead at this point.

'Let's just appraise some of them first…'

{Skeleton Warrior}

Lv -

HP : C

MP : E




Properties : Magic Resistance [80%] 

Weakness : none

A.S : none [You can only insert A.S up to Uncommon Rank]

*A.S : Artificial Soul

{Skeleton Magician}

Lv -

HP : D

MP : B




Properties : Magic Resistance [80%] Fire Magic [up to lv IV]

Weakness : none

A.S : none [You can only insert A.S up to Rare Rank]

[Hooo…. Interesting... Anna said, the skeleton monster has a weakness to blunt weapon, but it seems mine is not the case... and this A.S...]

That's why these skeletons look soulless and act like idiots.

It turned out that I need to create an Artificial soul for them.

But still, how did the Artificial Soul Work? Why did they have a rank?

Then, without further ado, I decided to use my new skill another ability, Artificial Soul.


All of a sudden, a translucent blue screen suddenly appeared before me.

After observing the menu and stuff, written on the translucent screen, I couldn't help recalling a programming game software from my previous world, Unre*l Eng*ne 4.

The Only difference is, the screen in front of my eyes just has the script writing function.

As for the actual graphic game creator-function like the white mannequin stuff as well as 3D terrain design stuff, there's no such thing inside the translucent screen menu.

B-but, the orderly script writing thing like a column is exactly the same as Unire*l Engine 4 software.

Anyway, since I didn't know much about Unre*al engine, I can't be so sure, I just unconsciously recall it as it was the same with one of the Unreal Engin* 4 My-tuber used, I saw on the internet.

Okay, let's stop dwelling in this UE stuff and begin to create Artificial Soul!

I slowly designing the script, the same as programming and writing a script to create an A.I for a game.

With the help of my skill, I was guided to create a simple one as a tutorial.

When I finish creating one, I can check how the A.I actually work, with my skill as it started showing me the illustration video of it on the screen.

The video showed how this A.I really worked in reality.

The way of the combat, what reaction it does when spotted an enemy nearby, what reaction if it pass by a friendly unit, etc.

I can design what is considered an enemy and allies inside the program.

Since there's some goblin working in the Agricultural district as well as Sable the Wyvern, I can't set the enemy by select a monster race as a whole.

I can set it to detail manner as such all the monsters that weren't under my control are the enemies if I want, but the A.S rating will be increased into Rare, so it will only apply to the magician one or some of the high spec one.

Ah! Speaking of the A.S rank, there's Common -> Uncommon -> Rare -> Epic -> Legendary, from the lowest to highest.

Anyway, since I can't set a complicated A.S for the low-spec Skeletons warrior, I didn't set any enemies in its program.

So, if I want to make these low-spec skeleton warriors fight, I can only order them manually, as to how ordinary necromancer originally does.

Anyway, it's not like I will use these guys to fight in the first place.

Maybe some of them can be used to fight, since there's some of the Skeleton Warrior that had some good spec, can be installed with Rare Rank A.S, but for the lower-spec one, I have a good idea about how to appropriately using these guys!

Yes! It's working them to do a simple job in the factory and working the in public services, such a driving the public bus, operating the MRT to run as it scheduled, as well as working to maintain my hidden city, cleaning and watering the trees and flower inside my city.

With this, I can allocate the people to do more complicated jobs rather than doing menial jobs inside my city, increasing the efficiency by a notch.

As long as I trained and gave them more advanced education, they can help Chali and the others to running my developing business as a big corporate.

Not only that, I can place the talented one to work on managing the military to do paperwork, as well as doing some researches to develop more advanced magic technology or biotechnology of this world.

Who knows, if one of the people who stayed at my hidden base interest in biology and developed a serum that can increase the Status permanently after the consumption or even developed an elixir!

Moreover, for the high spec undead, after getting the magic weapon developed in the future, I could arm them with a magic gun as well as magic armor, creating a discipline and terrifying army who were only obeying my command!

There're endless possibilities!

By just thinking of it, I can feel my heart started thumping in excitement!

'Ah!! Come to think of it, there's still some A-rank Red Ogres as well as Immortal Ogres corpses in my inventory!'

'Hehe~ Buooy~'

'It'll gonna be good~'

With this, I excitedly took out more skeletons as well as monster corpses from my inventory.

With my skill, I started rising them from death.

Ah, about the Artificial soul, it seems after I created one, I can save it like a template and copy this template before putting it into the skeletons or undead once again.

It's the same as copying the program and paste it to make multiple NPC in the game.

'Huhuhu~ thanks to making my job easier~ as expected of [Legendary +] rating skill, Its OP beyond reason hahaha~'


With a sinister laugh echoed throughout the surrounding, little by little, countless undead slowly rise from their slumber…

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