Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 127: Let's Depart!

Three days later, Eliz brings me the news about the weapons I asked her to for the Silver Wolf member.

It seems she already get the weapon from a big merchant firm that specializes in an arms dealer business in this continent through the Federic House connection.

I don't know for sure, but, apparently, Eliz said this big merchant is quite famous as they're the only one who sells weapons made by hidden dwarf village, Argon, in a bulk to the nobles around this continent.

In this continent, everyone knew that all the weapons, made from the dwarf hidden village, Argon, which is located somewhere in the Arshlan Dukedom, famous for their high quality and strong status enchantment.

The rumor said, this big merchant who consists of a group of dwarfs, was the only one who sells the weapons made from them.

It seems there's also a rumor that this merchant group was people who originally came from that hidden village, Argon.

And the weapons they sold were failed product from the craftsman in that mysterious village.

Eliz said the possibility of the latest rumor being true is high since she knew that sometimes this group of the dwarf who claimed themselves as merchant groups, selling a useless weapon from time to time.

For a failed product, to be better than a common weapon made by ordinary people is quite...

it seems the dwarfs living in that hidden village is quite skillful, s should I pouched them moving to my hidden city?

Anyway, apparently, the useless magic gun was sold by this guy too.

Why did I know that it was useless? It's because when I showing off my idea about researching a magic gun, Eliz and Al just gave me a strange glance before giving me a piece of advice to not experimenting with those useless guns further.

It seems there's one of the noble houses in this kingdom who buy this magic gun, made by these dwarfs, ended up with putting the magic gun as decoration of antique goods in his collection.

Eliz said the magic power shot by the magic gun is comparably weaker than the arrow shooted by a skillful archer.

These women, how can they compare me with the chibi bastard in the terms of technology!

At that time, I just gave them a shrug and decided to surprise them later, after completing the prototype of the magic weapon that was still in my head right now, later in the future.

That aside, since Eliz already gets the weapon for the Silver Wolf, all our preparation is completed.

And in these past three days, I and Chali, we already prepared ourselves by settling the management problem inside my hidden city and the business I have in Arkhaim town.

First of all, about the management inside my hidden city, with the help of the undead skeletons, I reinforced the lack of manpower in a public service area as well as the factories I build near the agricultural district.

These factories mostly produced processed food and soft drink to supplied the fast-food soft drink needed by Elli's.

As for the processed food, I decided to pile up some stock before distributed it later.

Anyway, since there's a thing called a storage bag that could stop time inside it, I didn't have to worry about my food became spoiled.

So I can pile up some stock in my heart content without worry.

Distributed it later, after Eliz building the first convenience store in the near future, in Arkhaim town.

Since I know that a convenience store could develop at a fast speed, like a virus after we created a franchise system, I believe the needs for this food product will become severe.

Leaving this thing aside, the use of the undead skeletons on some public services system in my city also became very apparent.

With them, the public transportation as a public bus and the MRT could run properly.

Even though only 3 or 5 people are using public transportation in my desolate, ghost city for the time being, b-but there's nothing wrong to operate these public transportations this early, right?

Okay… I will be honest with you guys, I just feel nostalgic about the environment from my previous world, so stop judging me okay?!

Anyway, these skeletons are very useful as a workforce for doing some maintenance job in my hidden city.

With this, I can focus to develop more important talent like scientist or researcher, blacksmithing and ore manufacturing, as well as an intelligent individual who can do some paperwork to do the public servant job like in my previous world, to manage this city better when a sudden influx of people will come later in the future.

In short, these days I distributed these undead skeletons with the respective designed A.S installed, to do a menial job as well to fill the lack of manpower in my city.

As for Chali, to my surprise, two days ago, she asked me to go to Al manor, as she began to introduce me to new people who will replace her job to manage my business in the future.

Of course, Chali will still oversee their work as their superior.

To my surprise, these new people are no stranger to me.

It's not that I close to them either.

those three people, turned out to be the three slaves that madam Catherine introduced me along with Chali when I buy my first slave in the past.

It seems Chali already buy them with the money from the treasury after getting approval from Sofia.

Hey! Why you didn't ask for my approval first?!

After seeing Chali's playful expression, I knew that this woman didn't ask my permission on purpose.

Chali… am I that lascivious in your eyes?

Cough* Of course, since Chali already bought them for me, I take her presents gratefully.

Somehow, I became slightly guilty after having that thought.

Those women are not a thing, but a living being…

It seems my mindset and common sense became slowly twisted the longer I live in this world…

This is not good, let's abolished the slave contract earlier than my original plan later…

Maybe, after I confirm that a sense of belonging is already forged, it'll be better if I release their slave status after that.

Anyway, Chali transferred the master and slave contract to me and became the new master of those three women.

Since the Otherwolder skill only affected someone that has their soul entwined with mine, that's why Chali asked me to became their master so they can understand the language from Earth, and educated them about business management easier with the knowledge from my previous world.

Don't worry ladies, after I deemed you trustable and loyal, I will abolish the slave contract and gave you all my seal to strengthen your power.

So, for now, work hard for me okay~

And with this, all the preparation is truly completed.

With this, Chali can join me to explore the dungeon together with me, Silvi, the Twin, and Silver Wolf member.

The next day, we prepare to depart and head toward Dungeon city Alabatrost.

With 1 limousine magic car and 8 humvees that already been modified into that military Humvee( The one which has a hole in the ceiling to scout the surrounding, without a weapon of course) already parked in front of my mansion, we going to travel to the Dungeon city Alabatrost.

Hmm? Sable?

Ah… since he can't enter the dungeon anyway, I let him roam freely with his wyverns underling, to hunt monsters in the forest, outside my hidden city vicinity.

With that, He can help the wyverns to level up as well as keeping the vicinity outside my city safe from monsters.

Hitting two birds with one stone.

Even though I already set the Illusive barrier, there's nothing wrong to take some precautions, right?

Let's stop talking about sable.

After getting in our respective magic car(which I and the ladies enter the Limousine of course), we travel via the Teleportation gate to move through Al manor before exit the Arkhaim town and heading further toward Dungeon city, Alabatrost.

Ah… speaking of Al, she wanted to join our adventure on Dungeon expedition in Alabatrost, but like usual, Eliz stopped her selfish request and gave her reality check about the devastating treasury condition of their Federic house after the monster horde incident.

Don't worry Al, as long as I open the map, I will take you to Alabatrost at any time after I open the teleportation point in there.

Anyway, I believe the journey will not take too long as we are using the magic car that can reach a top speed, the same as Sable's flying speed.

With the levitating function of this magic car, we didn't have to worry about the terrain too.

Ah, speaking of the map.

It seems there's a western continent map provided by the internet function from Online Shopping skill.

By downloading a special app provide by Online Shopping skill(which is not free, as I have to pay the monthly subscription fee), I can see the detailed map of the western continent in it.

This apps is almost the same as Gluglu maps.

Using this, even if by chance Chali didn't know the exact direction to go to the Alabatrost city, I don't have to worry about being lost since with this app, it was the same as having a GPS in my hand, hehe~

The journey continues.

From my estimated time, the journey will take about two days before we can arrive at Alabatrost city.

Ma… if we use the traditional carriage, it will usually be taking 1 week to arrive there, so two days already fast enough.

It's not like we're in hurry to begin with, so let's just enjoy this two days journey.

[Ah… come to think of it]

When I absentmindedly looking at the fast-moving scenery outside the magic car, I suddenly remembered something.

I activate my inventory skill, taking out a weird staff from it.

Yes, it's the magic staff, Zeeus's eye that could fetch a small town if it's sold.

In the past, I try to copy the skill from this magic item in my hand.

Like my original assumption, I could copy the skill without a problem.

However, for whatever reason, I can't activate the skill.

At that time, I trying to find a way to activate the Skill that I copy from this weird staff to no avail.

In the end, I gave up and decided to save the skill in my skill storage.

[Sigh… Maybe, there's a strange system inside this magic item that can make the skill in that item became usable]

[It will be better if I research this magic staff with Al to understand how this magic item thing actually works in the future…]

I sigh and observed the weird staff magic item in my hand with a disappointed face.


Chali, who sitting beside me suddenly called my name inquiringly.

[It's nothing, come~]

I opened my arm and asked her to come in my embrace.

Chali smiled and snuggling into my arm comfortably.

'Ma… even though it's quite unfortunate that I can't use the skill I copy from magic Item, but I can still strengthen my combat power with other mean'

I erased the negative feeling inside my heart, and enjoy the journey with Chali in my embrace peacefully.

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