Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 133: Building In secret!


Even though I want to spend my time doing a hot night with my women tonight, but I decided to hold those very tempting urges with determination.

Anyway, since the purpose of our trip this time was to train the Silver Wolf, I can't act sloppy and unruly, being a man that seems can't think about anything but indulging in my carnal desire.

So, it's better to spend this lonely night doing a productive thing, right?

That's right!

Productive thing!

When I bought the empty land this afternoon, I decided to build my own house(Base Of Operation) on it, in the middle of the night, when people still vast asleep.

Right now, I'm in my empty land, near the dungeon vicinity.

Heightened my all five senses, I scanned the surrounding area to check for any life presence, nearby.

After making sure there're no people around, I hurriedly activated my Illusive Barrier ability to cover this empty land in it.

[Yosh, with this, I can build my house without being known by someone]

If you guys asked, why did I bother myself to do these shady steps to just build my house?

It's because the Engineer side job is quite new in this another world.

I didn't want to show it to the City Lord here, as I can sense there'll be trouble will come if he knew I have this cheat-building ability.

Leaving that aside, I also considered the element of surprise, to the strong people staying here, giving them a message to not mess around with my group.

Just think about it, if a building suddenly appeared out of nowhere, isn't that giving a sense of mysteriousness to the owner of that particular building?

With this purpose in mind, I'm ready to build my house.

'First of all, let's bring some reinforcement'

I teleport to my mansion in the hidden city and brought back some ladies who had the Engineer side job with me, here on the empty land near the dungeon.

This afternoon, after I back from buying the house, I texted a message to Sofia who handled all the matter in my hidden city, to notified the ladies who had the engineer side job, that I need their help this night.

Of course, since I can't take them to work at midnight willfully just like that, I told Sofia, that I will pay them for their service.

At first, they refused the thing about me paying them since it's just a house that we'll build, not a city.

But of course, I told them they need to stop the slave mindset, and just take the money as it is.

Not only that, since I already release them from slavery as a reward for building the hidden city, I have to treat them as my employee now.

Anyway, after the engineer ladies arrived in this place, I begin to build the house… or ancient greek mansion to be precise.


Considering the architectural style of this town, which reminds me of ancient Greek, I search for the design of a mansion that could satisfy and match the surrounding environment here, on the Internet.

After browsing for a while, I found a fancy mansion decorated with giant pillars that match the characteristic of ancient Greek style design, to be built as my mansion.

In my vision, considering the vast land I have, there'll be a lot of empty space left on the land, even after I decided to build this enormous and fancy mansion.

So, after I thinking about it further, I planned to fill this empty space with vineyards.

Why did I choose vineyards?

Realizing how crude the wine in this world, I intend to make my own brand of luxurious wine, to be sold later in the future.

Not only that, but this wine business will be my cover to the source of my wealth, later in the future.

Since I don't know how long Al's Federic House could hide my identity as the supplier of their Otherworldy goods(before the nobles here, in this kingdom will found out), I decided to make this wine business as well as the fast-food business, to appeal my wealth on the surface.

Anyway, let's stop talking about this stuff and work!

With the help of the ladies, we begin building this place into the designed mansion and vineyard, at a fast speed.

On the surface, this mansion looks like an ordinary ancient greek style mansion, without any sign of modern technology visible, inside and outside.

But of course, I still placed the Magic Power Generator nearby the mansion building.

If you guys curious how this device looks like, just imagine a solar panel.

Yes, this device is very similar to those black board-like solar panel thing.

But, behind the black surface of it, there's a complicated magic circle ingrained in it, that made this device to be able to continuously absorb the surrounding magical energy.

Anyway, why did I install this thing, even though there're no modern electrical appliances to be found in my mansion?

It's because, during the construction, I and the ladies created a huge underground floor, hidden under this seemingly just ordinary ancient mansion.

With some secret passage, hidden in the office room in this ancient mansion, I can access this secret underground floor.

In there, there're rooms installed with modern technology.

Started with bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom, etc, all have furnished with modern technology and furnished with my previous world goods.

What? You said I lied to you guys about enjoying this Isekai dark age world as it is?

H-hey! Just think about it! who is in the right mind can live with all that inconvenience all the time!

Maybe I could bear living like that from time to time, but as expected, I can't live like that for a long time!

A-and this underground floor is for my employee that will handle the business in this city on my behalf!

Yes! It's for their sake to work in a comfortable environment, so stop minding it okay!

Leaving that aside, there's another important reason that I create this underground floor.

On this floor, there's another secret passage.

But for now, I can't tell you guys yet, since I'm not sure that this thing will truly work as my speculation or not…

Anyway, after spending hours after hours, my mansion completely finished being built before the sunrise.

Thus, my big luxury house in the Alabatrost city is successfully built.

I gave my gratitude to the Engineer ladies who assist me in building this mansion before taking them back to my hidden city with teleportation.

In there, the thing about their payment will be dealt with by Sofia to care.

After that, I teleport back to the room in the Inn, my group currently stay.

Upon arriving there, it turned out, Chali already waiting for me with crossed hand, greeting me with a sour expression.

[Master, where've you been?]

[Chali? Why are you in my room? Huh? Do you want to "do" it with me tonight?]

[Sigh… Master, I already told master before, this time, we've come here to train the Silver Wolf-


Don't tell me! Master, did you go back to Arkham forest mansion and spend your time with Sofia and the others?]

[W-wha? Of course not! Chali, am I that lascivious, horny pig, in your eyes?]

She nodded with a serious expression without hesitation, as an answer.

[Sigh~ Anyway, why did you come to my room?]

[this… I intend to apologize to Master, for me and on the other behalf.

We're very sorry that we can't fulfill our duty as your women to satisfy Master libido during this trip…]

[What is it? isn't we back to the first topic?]

[Master, I just want you to know… we, all your women, are very frustrated by our weakness…

Even though we should have been your sword and shield, we can't do anything to help Master when you need us the most, and always let Master struggle alone, powerlessly…


Did master remember when Master have to fight the Immortal Ogres alone?

At that time, we only see Master struggle in the distance...]

[….] [Alex]

[If we keep staying like this, we just being Master's burden as we are too weak to stay by your side, that's why we're making an oath to grow stronger together, in this trip.

I, Silvi, and all the Silver Wolf members had this goal in mind…

So, I want to apologize to master, for can't satisfy your desire with our body for the time being…

We want to focus on ourselves to get stronger!]


The atmosphere suddenly became silent after Chali speak her, as well as the other woman thought.

After a while, I decided to give my consent.

[Chali, I understand…

But, I just want you guys to know.

I'm your man, so you guys don't have to push yourself hard, and could depend on me if you need to, anytime.

Anyway, I really appreciated you and the other intention to grow stronger for my sake…


But Chali, I know you desperately need strength just not for my sake, right?]

Approaching the last of my sentence, my expression suddenly became serious.

I stared at her face intently.

[Master… I'm sorry for not telling you about my circumstance.

Please, give me more time…

After I gained the required strength in this trip, I will tell you


For now, I'm not ready yet…



I'm afraid Master will abandon me after I tell you everything…

At least, I want to get more strength before Master decided to abandoned me later…

I'm sorry…

I'm looking very unsightly… sob* sob*]

Looking at her gradually started trembling and sobbing, I feel, somewhere inside my heart, suddenly pained.

I approaching her closer, taking her body into my embrace, gently.


How can I abandon you that easily…

You're my first woman who accompanies me in this world, there's no way I could do that…

please trust me more, okay?]

[sob….. sob…]

I gave my warmth to her fragile-looking trembling body, as I embrace her tightly.

I moved my other hand to caress her back, appeasing her unstable emotion.

After a while, her condition slightly became better as she stopped sobbing.

Even though her tears made my clothes slightly wet, but it's not the time to mind about this thing as there's something more important, that I need to settle sooner or later.

[Chali, I want to ask you this for a long time ago, but hesitated, as you seem to do it on purpose…


Can you stop calling me your master?


Aren't our relationship already close enough? If you want, I can abolish our master-slave contract right now…]

Hearing me, Chali just enveloped my body with her hands and hug me tighter.

After that, she speaks her true feeling in a low voice, while still hugging me tightly.


I want to call you Master for now.

And please don't abolish the contract yet…

After I settle all the things I need to do, I will come back and completely became Master- 


Your woman…

I promise.

For the time being, let me keep this collar in my neck, to remind me that I just a lowly slave, to motivate myself…]



[Sigh… forget it, I'll respect your choice…]


As we ended the conversation, we continue to silently embrace each other bodies.

Even though I really curious about her circumstance, but since she seems not ready to tell me about it yet, I decided to respect her decision.

There's also a thing about me hating her when she told me everything.

Could it be, did her husband still alive?

And she still loves him?

There's no way it could be the truth, right?

Now, it's my turn to become worried....



Later, when I asked Chali about this possibility, she hit me lightly while crying.

At that time, I was glad that it seems not to be the case at all…

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