Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 134: Preparation Before Exploration!

In the morning, I checking out from the Inn and brought the other to the newly built mansion that I built near the Dungeon, earlier before the sunrise.

After having a simple breakfast cooked by Chali, we proceed to move on to the big living room, inside the ancient mansion.

In here, I and the other decided to held a meeting about our preparation before exploring the dungeon.

[Okay, this afternoon I decided to dive into the Titan dungeon for exploration, did any of you have any experience regarding this Dungeon? Please raise your hand if you have some]


The room suddenly became silent.

The woman looking at each other faces to examine if anyone besides them rising their hands, only to found out that there's none of them did.

As I calmly observe them, I noticed Chali seems hesitating to raise her hand for some reason.

Thus, I decided to call her name.


She turned her head to me, answering me with an unconfident voice.

[I… I used to enter the Titan Dungeon once, but it's only up to the 5th floor.

I think my experience will be not useful at all]

[Well, may I ask how many floors this Titan dungeon had?]

[I didn't know if this information still useful by now, but when I was still active as an adventurer, there's no one know for sure how many floors the Titan dungeon had, but the highest floor ever reached in history, was the 90th floor.

Maybe there's more floor after it, but the legendary Adamantite party who goes to the 90th floor decided to stop climbing as they said it was impossible to climb further…

Anna, is the information I tell is still valid?]

Chali suddenly asked Anna who silently sitting on the sofa with her sister Anni.

'Since when did these two became closer? This Chali usually called Anna with Miss Anna or another polite nickname before.



Isn't it good that my women have a close relationship?'

'Come to think of it, these days, Anni suddenly became silent for some reason, did she worried about something?

Since she's always staying with Anna, I think she will be okay.

Or maybe it's just my imagination.

She's not a woman who speak much in the first place~'

[Umu, I think the information Chali just tell to us is still valid since no party surpassed the 90th floor yet, even to this day.

But Alex, before we explore the dungeon, isn't it better if we take the Quest on the adventurer Guild first?]

With Anna suddenly called my name, I came back to my sense, pondering about her advice for a second and ask my doubt subconsciously.

[Is there any meaning in taking the Quest from the Guild? I think I have a ton of gold on my mansion that could feed the resident of my hidden city for a century already~]

Hearing my brainless retort, she looked at me with surprise before started speaking.

[Huh? What are you talking about? Leaving aside the rewards, didn't you need a lot of contribution points to rank up your rank?

Just so you know, your Power Level and Rank didn't match at all.

A Grandmaster powerhouse like you should be sitting on the Adamantite Rank, you know]

'Ah, right~ come to think of it, I was still Titanium rank…'

'Ma… isn't that I bother so much about whatever my rank is now anyway~'

'And, when I think about yesterday's experience... somehow I didn't want to go out for some reason...'

[Not only that, Master, I think Anna's suggestion about going to adventurer Guild is necessary.

We can also gather more information about the dungeon from the adventurer in this city while at it.

If Master didn't want to go there, I can bring some of the Silver Wolf members with Anna and Anni, to go there, taking the Quest and gathering some information]

Chali added.

[Nevermind, let's go there together. There's something I want to confirm too anyway~]


Thus, I and the others head to the Adventurer Guild of Alabatrost city.

Since I didn't want to stand out too much, I decided to ask Skadi, the Frost spirit, to change into the white Assassin battle suit, exactly like the one wore by Silver Wolf members.

Putting the Silver Wolf-head mask to cover my face, I blended with the ordinary member of the Silver Wolf group.

As expected, even though I didn't mind being in the spotlight, but after experience it yesterday, I realize that it was quite tiring to be stared at all the time by the people in my surrounding.

Maybe, it's just me being an introvert after all~




Upon Arriving at the adventurer Guild, as expected, our group attracted a lot of attention like usual.

However, since I'm blending with the Silver Wolf member, the ones who were getting the attention from the adventurers in this big building are Chali, the Twin, and Silvi.

As they're the ones leading the Silver Wolf behind them after all.

Chali knew that I want to avoid this annoying stuff, so she and the others just silently agree to play and act as the leader of our group temporarily.

In the first place, she knew that I'm not comfortable with being in the spotlight, that's why she suggested taking the duty of taking the Quest and Gathering Information without me before.

Anyway, it seems after we just taking a step to enter here, the Guildmaster of this Adventurer Guild here already perceived our arrival as he already standing near the entrance, seemingly waiting for us.

Chali, being presentative of our group, approached him and having a short talk with him amiably.

But I didn't know why, this Guildmaster, a handsome elf that always had a smiling face, seems to glance at my whereabout who hide among the Silver Wolf member, from time to time.

What? Did you guys ask me to appraise him?

I already did it…

But of course,

[Appraisal failed]

This is the only feedback that I get when trying to appraise him.

Like the Guildmaster on Arkhaim town, it seems the Guildmaster in this city also has the anti appraisal artifact in his body.

Back to the current situation.

After greeting the Guildmaster, Chali and the other decided to split up to do their own respective work, taking some Quest and gathering information.

Since I was already here, I decided to act together with them, gathering the information by walking around the Guild, following behind one of the small groups of the Silver Wolf member.

For your information, previously, a couple of weeks after the Monster Horde incident, I registered a Group that consists of all of us(the member that I brought right now).

Yes, it's Group, not a Party, as our members already too big to be called a mere party.

Since we can't decide on the name yet, I use my privilege of Grandmaster Powerhouse to not name our Group yet.

That's why Chali or any other member of my Group could take the Quest on our behalf without a problem.

Leaving that thing aside, the adventurer Guild here sure is very fancy.

'I never imagined the interior of this building looked this clean and tidy, after all, considering the image of adventurer usually had, most people will expect to see a messy tavern full of the alcoholic burly man wearing armor, right?'

As I engrossed in the properly arranged interior of the adventurer guild, all of a sudden, a tall, slender elven handsome man suddenly appeared behind me.

[Guildmaster, did you have something with me?]

Yes, he is the smiling elven guy Guildmaster that just talk with Chali before.

[Oh~ it seems my intuition is spot on! Ah, please don't act so tense with me, Sir Alex.

I just want to greet and welcome you for your arrival, as the Guildmaster of the Alabatrost City branch~]

The elven Guildmaster answered me with a low voice, to not attract the people's attention caused by our conversation.

[I know that you already recognize me before, but it seems unlike the Guildmaster Harminton who is very considerate, you're more the nosy one, aren't ya?

You should know why I dress like this right?]

[Hahaha~ please don't be offended.

Maybe as you just said, I'm not as reserved as the young –un Harminton.

But I'm not a bad person you know, I just want to confirm the existence of the youngest Grandmaster in this era, with my own two eyes, that's all~]

[You know it, aren't you? Only a bad person who always introduce themselves as a good person…

Sigh~ whatever, since you already recognize me, please act as you talk with an ordinary adventurer, to not blow up my disguise]

[Hahaha~ Don't worry, I didn't intend to do it to begin with~

Anyway, let me introduce myself to you~

My name is Dar'daria Klein, a half-elf.

If you need my help, just ask me, I will help you if I can~]

'Oi, why did you ignore the part about being a bad guy?!'

The Guildmaster patted my shoulder and trying to leave with his annoying smiling face.

Looking at the Guildmaster who want to leave, I suddenly recalled the duo adventurer who talked about the 85th-floor dungeon thing.

[Then, can you give me the information of whatever crimson party that went to the 85th-floor dungeon?]

'Since you already consent to give me help, then, I will take your offer! Hehehe'

Hearing my abrupt request, the Guildmaster, Klein, stopped his step, turning in my direction with a curious expression.

But, it's not that long before his expression changing into a smiling one, once again.


I didn't know that you have interested in Brinhylde case…

Ah~ Don't worry, I will give you the information later by passing it to the Werewolf lady that coming together with you~

(it's sound interesting if you can conquer her after all~gigle*)]

After giving me his confirmation to help me and giggling, the half-elf Guildmaster walking off and taking the stairs upstairs, and disappear.

'This Guy, did he misunderstand something? I just want to confirm the rumor about the 85th floor I heard yesterday, nothing more...'

'Whatever, let's help the other gathering useful information in this place'

I decided to ignore the Half-elf Klein Guildmaster antics and begin to do my work…

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