Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 144: The Wise Wolf

Dark and empty…





When I sense my consciousness gradually back to me, the darkness and coldness are what greeted me.

'Where am I?'

Looking at the unending darkness, spread to how far my eyes can see, this thought suddenly appeared inside my head.

'Wait… Eyes? Huh?'

Realizing that it's just my consciousness that was fluttering around inside this place, I became flabbergasted.

Yes, when I trying to concentrate my sense to perceive my circumstances right now, I couldn't find my body anywhere.

It seems, for whatever reason, my consciousness not back to my body, but flew away somewhere.

Realizing the grave situation I'm in right now, fear suddenly enveloped me, making my heart unsettled and cold… (Isn't like I have my heart with me right now, it's just a phrase)

As I feel the terrible coldness as well as the darkness around me, an old voice suddenly appears out of nowhere.

[Child… don't be afraid, you're not dead yet.

It's just your consciousness which is temporarily stuck inside your soul…]


'Who are you?...'

'Huh? Why I can't speak- wait, I forgot that I just a consciousness'

[you're amusing one, aren't you?

To stabilize your mental condition at a fast speed like that… as expected of the descendant of Adam and the Immortal race..]


'This is the second time I hear someone called me a descendant of Adam..

was there really something like a bible in this world?


Anyway, can you introduce yourself, the unknown voice old man'

Just after I said this, A giant white wolf gradually appeared in front of me, revealing itself from the darkness.

White shining fur.

Green eyes that have a hint of wisdom.

And a gigantic and majestic wolf elegant body.

Just seeing its appearance, I know this white wolf, who resembles of the Alaskan wolf a lot, it's not something ordinary.

From its mouth, which was full of sharp white fang, a voice comes out.

[cuckle*, it's rude of me to not introduce myself.

Even though I already live in your body since you just being born in that world, but as expected, considering this is our first time meeting like this, it's quite rude of me to not telling you my name.


You can call me Fenrir, some called me the Wise Wolf, but I prefer if you call me The Wolf Of Apocalypse, The end resides beginning, the salvation for all the living being in this universe, one of these titles…]

'too long!, I will just call you Fenrir, but still~

First, it's the Immortal dragon, now, even the legendary Wolf reside inside me, it seems my chunni disease is not completely cured yet~ sigh….'

[Cuckle* you're quite interesting…

It seems you didn't accept the existence of Jormunngar with your heart yet.

seeing you like this, there's no way you can accept my exitance that resides on part of your soul]

[Child, no matter how hard your mind trying to deny it, the fact that our existences reside within your soul is absolute.

I hope you could open your mind quite a bit in this situation, and erase that obsolete mindset which was still remained from the Cultivation World…]



As the silence suddenly enveloped the atmosphere between us, 

'Sigh… now, the so-called wise wolf trying to lecture me inside my soul.

I wonder if I should browsing about psychotherapy on Gluglu to heal my worsen mental disorder~'

I sighed while started operating my mind, to stabilize in this absurdness of the situation in front of me right now.

[Forget it, looking at your state right now, maybe only the time that could make you realize the truth]

'So, the mister Wise Wolf, did you the one who summoned me in this dark place, called my soul?'

[No, it's you, yourself who came here…

After you broke one of the seals that limited your soul, your consciousness seemed attracted at this powerful force, and come in this place, somewhere in the corner of your soul where I reside in]


'Is the condition for me to break this soul limit is to become a cruel and heartless person?'

[That's quite wrong.

In the first place, who are you to decide your act in a black and white perspective.

Only the nature of the Universe could judge it, and the natural karmic phenomenon that revealed it.

your human mind is not vast enough to know it and judge the black and white in this universe…]

[As for your seal, it's your father who did it.

Hmm, maybe called him your 'father' isn't entirely true either…

Anyway, at the time you first hitting a female and creating remorse in your soul, your father takes that chance to place a seal in your soul that almost wreak havoc and affected the Cultivation World..]

'Leaving the nonsense about my father aside, this Cultivation World… did you mean it's the Earth that I was living in to before? Why did you call it the cultivation world? There's no Wuxia martial artist living there you know?... probably…'

[Cuckle, it seems you still don't believe me and accept the existence of your father being an unbelievable existence…

Fine then, since you are not interested in your father identity at the moment, it'll be better if I tell you about why we call your world, the Cultivation World, since maybe this information will make you better about understanding the current world you reside in]

'Who said I'm not interested in my father's identity? Is just the one you describe it, I wonder if he is really my father? Even though I don't remember my parents clearly, but the thing about me being just a normal human before, is a fact! After all, I already living there for more than 25 years…'


Deep inside my heart, I know what Fenrir describes as my father might be the truth…


I'm not ready to accept it yet.

I didn't want to throw away the life I live for 25 years on earth is just an illusion created by these unresponsible parents of mine.

I know already, that I am not an ordinary human after possessing this cheat skill out of nowhere.

Moreover, about my ambiguous race thing...

There's no way I'm not feeling something is off after knowing all this thing.

Even though that world is a shitty world, but the memory about my life in there is felt so real…

So, I'm not ready to accept the truth yet…


I'm afraid I will change into someone else after knowing it all…

'Forget it, just resume your speech about the Cultivation World'




forget it, maybe it's better if you not knowing about all the truth yet..

About the Cultivation World.


At the time you fought with Li Gang, the last attack you about to use, did you feel something off at that time?


Like the world seems about to collapse when you amassed that powerful strength? 



From your aura, I know you already met with one of the immortal races that Oversee this world, so let me tell you something.

This world, the world that you reside in right now, is on the brink of collapse.


If you using a power that surpassed a certain limit, the life of this world will be sucked further, before make it collapse sooner]

[That's why, the Immortal race, and all the powerful beings that used to be living in this world, create a certain limitation in this world.

The system is one of them.

The system you have known was created by the immortal race.

By creating a circulation of magic power, the substance that holding this world together, the Immortal race creating a system and set a limitation to it.

Balancing between the magic power usage and the natural ability of this world absorbing the magic power to sustain itself, they created a complete system where there're will be no wastage and loss in the already limited magic power in this world, thus, keeping this world barely intact and survive]

[But, because of this, that powerful immortal race cannot use their power willfully like before, since it will destroy this already balance circulation system. 

That's why they decided to create another artificial world that is still attached to this world, helping regenerate this world's life span from outside with their divinity.

The thing called Goddess Realm is one of them]

'So, where is the explanation about the cultivation world?'

[Be patient, child.

Until here, did you not realize that something is off?]


[The immortal race, the one called goddess and god, what is their source of existence?]

'Belief? Or maybe emotion from the mortal?'

[both is right, but the latter is more efficient to make their power to stay alive and keep their existence…

Now, Since they cannot act in this world, so how can they sustain their existence and divinity power?]

'Creating the Olimpia church? But I think it's impossible to sustain them all since there's a lot of them….

Don't tell me?!'

[You're quite bright…

Yes, they're harvesting a strong emotion from the mortal living in your world...

That's why we call your world a cultivation world.

Just like how humans cultivating the field to sustain, your world is a place for the immortal in this world to cultivate the mortal emotion and keeping their existence…

maybe, if it's not for your father doing, they can't realize this thing 1000 years ago…]

'This is the second time you talk about my father…'


'You just said "We"? Are you an immortal race too?'

[Close of, though unlike the goddess and the god, I and Jormunngar are created by nature, to maintain this world and stabilize it…]

[About your father, do you have some interest in knowing about him more? If you're not ready for the entire truth, I can tell you briefly about his identity.

There's nothing bad to know about your origin.

As the other truth about yourself, it'll be better if you ask him for yourself..]



'What?!!! Did he still alive?!!'




'Don't tell me?!! Did my mother also still alive?!!'


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