Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 145: The Wise Wolf #2

[What did you ask something so obvious? Didn't I already told you before, the one who sealed your Soul Potential is your father?]

'Still… sealing a soul, isn't that thing only appear on manga and story? After all, there's no something like magic and stuff in my previous world…'


'But, are they really still alive?' 

[Cuckle*, both of them are still alive and living quite well.



Hearing that both of my parents who I thought already died was actually still alive, I was startled and silent.

All of a sudden, I recall my life throughout the past 16 years since my parents left me.

A complicated feeling gradually arose inside my heart.

Nevertheless, the most thing I want to ask them is, "Why".

I'm sure they have their own reason by left me alone in that world.

However, it's still hurt me a lot that they didn't leave me a single message before they left.

More importantly…

Did they know all the things I've been through after they left me?

How I suffer from my chunni personality, how bad the society judge a person like me, and about what kind of a dreg I am all this time…

Maybe they knew it all along what I've been through.

And this is made me harder to face them once again, later.

Furthermore, after coming into this world, I'm slowly changing too.

I didn't know how different my mindset right now after getting the baptism from this world of blood and slaughter.

And with the last thing, I did before losing my consciousness…

I feel like something about my value that built me as a person from the previous world already flipped around and broken into pieces.

Now, even if I met them later, I don't know what I feel about them anymore.


There's a little yearning of meeting a real family member once again, deep inside the corner of my heart.

'Fenrir… can you tell me their true identity? And what did they do all this time, leaving me behind like this'

[Surely I can briefly tell you about their origin 

Count this is the price for that guy to wake me up like this from my eternal slumber.

But about how they do all this time while leaving you in that world, I, myself didn't know for sure, since I was inside your soul at that time.

moving on, maybe you should know about the identity of your father first, before moving to your mother identity]

[Your father, maybe calling that guy as your biological father isn't completely right, but for now, calling it 'father' in this story is more fitting.


Your father, Adam, He's the first human that was ever born in your previous world realm.

Being born by the nature of your previous world, Earth and its universe, he is the same level existence as me, the Ancient creature that born from the Earth realm, created to maintain that world]

[Blessed by very high intelligence and a very long lifespan, he's a person who always thirsts for knowledge.

While he was fulfilling his duty to expand the human race in the Earth world with another Ancient creature that born from that realm, Eve, he always spent his free time learning about the nature of the mother earth of the realm he was residing in]

[If Eve always taught about the love and value of being a human, to the human race of her and Adam descendant, dutifully like a mother, on the contrary, Adam taught the human about the knowledge to make the human race on that realm survive and sustain, as they continue to struggle with the wilderness]

[Along the time, he and Eve's duty come to an end, as the human race gradually increased in number and conquered the mother earth, continue to survive as a whole race that blessed with the knowledge to use nature as their own strength]

[Just like me who created by the Universe for a purpose, Adam and Eve also created for this purpose, and so, when they finished their duty, they must back once again to nature and became part of the universe]

[Eve who basically a very dutiful person, accepting her fate back and became one with nature, but Adam, he didn't want to go back and become nothingness just yet.

He still not satiate his thirst for the truth and the vast universe he's yet to explore]

[Thus, he researching about one of the taboo knowledge on that realm, Immortality]

[Maybe you're wondering, why Immortality is taboo in your previous world?

In that world, Earth, who classified as the nature-oriented world, which didn't have any magic power, immortality is considered a taboo, as it has a possibility to destroy the balance of the original nature of that world]

[Unlike this world, who heavily contaminated with the most dangerous substance found, in the countless universe, called magic power, your world is the best condition for a mortal to reside and live in]

[That's why, after Adam decided to gain immortality, his line of fate, already twisted and severed, as his existence gradually expelled out from his original world, Earth realm nature system, as his existence gradually changing into the wanderer of the universe, Ghost of the void]

[Since he has vast knowledge and blessed with high intelligence, it didn't take too long for him to find a way to gain immortality, that is, the Divine Power that could be collected from mortal emotion]


'Wait, you said, Immortality will destroy the balance of the world, then why he still could get it in the end while still staying in that world?'

[Isn't I already told you before, it's because he already loses his line of fate, and became the wanderer of the universe, Ghost of the void.

Became Ghost of the void isn't a blessing but a curse.

Adam, who was once called the most fertile man on the planet, lost his ability to reproduce a descendant.

All the life energy given by nature lost its power and just become an empty substance.

Not only that, since his fate with that world already severed, his existence can't be remembered by other creatures living in that world, Thus to gain immortality… 


I think you already know what happens next if you read the history about the thing called god in your previous world]



'Ah?! So, that's why there are so many tales and mythical folklores that describe god in different name and shape!'

[Right, that's why, since his own existence itself couldn't be remembered for too long, making the process of gaining divinity harder and harder, the temptation called other universe was very tempting and bewitching for him.

Before long, he left the original realm he was born into, and find a way to wander around the other universe.


After wandering around between universe to another universe, he grew into a terrifying existence that couldn't be affected by nature itself, an anomaly that held tremendous power after deciphering a tiny part of the truth about the universe]

[Until the historical event of 1000 years ago in this Garragania world.

Arriving in this realm that already heavily contaminated with magic power, his thirst for knowledge and high intelligence made him deciphering the thing called magic power quite easily, affecting the balance of the immortal race living in this world]

[Even that terrifying ability of him, made him be called an Evil god.

It's because the devilish talent he had was that terrifying and against the heaven]

'Wha- it's turned out my father is the Evil God that people of this world talking about! Isn't this is the cliché of cliché development that only happened in Shonen manga?!'

'Tte! Isn't the time to talk about this, Fenrir!

Didn't you just said Adam, the one supposed to be my father lose his ability to reproduce a descendant?! then why I'm here? Is this what you mean before by stating "calling him my biological father is quite wrong"?'

[Right, about that, you better ask him yourself.

I don't want to delve into your complicated family matter other than this much]

When I just want to retort this old Wolf's irresponsible remark, all of a sudden, I could feel some force slowly trying to pull this consciousness state of mine, back somewhere.

[It seems it's almost the time for you to go…]

Even though I want to ask him about a lot of things that were still vague and need more explanation, as expected, this situation is limit me to do it.


'Fenrir… is the one who sealing you and that chunni immortal dragon is my father?


Thus, I asked him this.

After hearing what nonsense protagonist that my supposed father, Adam is, this thing is what I want to confirm the most.

[He is…]

'Then, why did you tell me about a lot of things like this? And help me before. I know, the one who forcefully take my body for a second to take the attack from Gorchef (Author note: for the old reader, I add some detail on that chapter 48 while editing it before), and made me get a new skill, is you, isn't it?

Didn't you hold a grudge to that irresponsible man?'

After seemingly hearing my inquiring question, the old white wolf, Fenrir just gave me a thin smile in return.

Instead of explaining his reason to me, he starts speaking something that seems really random.

[Child… I have to warn you, it'll be better if you don't depend on the thing called skill and status.

If by chance you can find someone who was knowledgeable about this world, just ask him/her to teach you about the power of the soul, and origin magic]

'huh? What is it all of a sudden'

[Cuckle* just take this word of mine, ingrained it in your brain, and think about it further on your own.

And about my intention of helping and telling you some knowledge about your origin...

I think telling you and explaining it to you further will only make you doubt me more, so I might as well let the time answer your doubt instead…]

[Just remember this, 'Live is Temporary, Death is Eternal' I hope these words will come and save you later…]

[And about your mother identity, it seems you have to find it for yourself if we can't meet again like this.

One more thing...

You have to stop the obsolete mindset you brought from your previous world, at least, throw away the one that dragged you down…]


With the last voice from the Old Wolf, my consciousness gradually disappears from this dark void-like place called my soul...

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