Isekai Rohan


"Robin! Robin! Robin!~" The RFC cheered joyously whilst throwing her into the air. Clam personally had tears in his eyes. As if he had watched his very own daughter walk down the aisle and into marriage.


Asai appreciated this moment more than he would know. Clam, Benny and Gary had truly come a long way. From bullying others and trying to prove themselves strong for self-validation. They now cared more for others than for themselves. Rather than envy, they were happy for the success and growth of others.

For Robin, he thought back to when he first saw her in her rags. In the alleyways leading into the slums. And when he had picked her up off the streets, off the ground and towards the church. That pale, weak and sickly body was now brimming full of confidence and energy. Heck, it seemed she even had the potential to become even stronger than him!


Whilst the RFC continued celebrating. Asai watched their surroundings closely. They were now back at their temporary campsite.

After that lycan kill, something within the atmosphere had changed. Throughout the days they had been here, within the dungeon. The weather had remained day time no matter how many hours or days passed. However, currently. The sun was setting and night was creeping eerily fast.

"The dungeon boss must be close. Do I solo it? Are they ready? Am I ready?" Asai questioned himself. As much as he loved culling the weaker mobs. He made sure he never underestimated a dungeon boss. Especially after his experience with the [Blood Tyrant] where he literally got pounded and slammed by a male for the first time. An experience he definitely didn't enjoy, and not to mention. He had failed to enter berserk mode no matter what tests and experiments he ran on himself. "Maybe if I was at least as talented as Robin, I could figure it out."

When night came, as always. Asai decided he would take first watch.

Currently, he was sitting atop a tree branch that granted him a great vantage point. Up high in the sky, the pearl like moon shone. It was a complete sphere, a full moon. The illumination it afforded was so great. Asai didn't have to inject any mana into his eyes to notice the treelines afar rustle.

As time passed, more and more of the trees a far rustled. "Either the boss monster is massive, causing all the surrounding trees to shake. Or, it's a monster horde..." Asai was about to charge off alone into the wilderness before remembering his past mistakes.

This time, he woke Robin and ordered her to wake the others and to prepare for battle. He would scout ahead to see what kind of enemy it was. She refused to let him leave until Asai promised not to try solo it without her.


Just in case, and to reassure his rapidly beating heart. Asai had both karambits in his hands. His mana coursing slightly in preparation. It was then, that Asai noticed this was the first time he would be battling during the night.

[Yomi & Yami]
Level Requirement: 50
Requirements: ASAI
Kills regain 5% maximum health
Kills regain 10% maximum mana
Kills regain 10% maximum stamina
Night: Double effect.

"Time to test run this baby!" If, it was indeed the boss, he would return and gather his party. However, if it was a monster horde. Technically, he wouldn't be breaking any promises right? He promised not to fight the boss, not the little guys. So, he is clear to engage a horde. 

Excitement and adrenaline began to surge as he closed in on the source of vibrations. As he entered vision range, he noticed it was a horde of lycans. Though they were lycans, he noticed their fur were black rather than the usual brownish red variations. The fur around their claws appeared longer and sharper, like a hedgehog's pricks.

[Lycan Champion: Lvl 50] [Lycan Champion: Lvl 50]  [Lycan Champion: Lvl 50]  [Lycan Champion: Lvl 50] 

[Lycan Champion: Lvl 50]  [Lycan Champion: Lvl 50]  [Lycan Champion: Lvl 50]  [Lycan Champion: Lvl 50] 

"Good to know, I'm still higher level than them. Although the others might struggle a bit." Asai being Asai entered [Hide] and immediately began to cull the horde.

At first, even Asai questioned his own insanity. But when he remembered a certain note.

"A gift, for the brave and crazy." 

He dived right into the deep end, straight into the swarms of sharks!

In mass confusion, the horde no longer beat the ground in unison, their chants halted and a grand melee started. Where the lycans in desperation and confusion swung with all their might, hoping to land a hit on the attacker. 

However, Asai with his great agility, kept dipping and slipping in out of stealth like a phantom. The only damage the lycans managed to inflict were upon each other.

Pushing himself towards his physical limits, exerting every muscle fibre and every atom of oxygen that entered his lungs. Asai slaughtered and slaughtered. His beloved karambits were truly the best!

[Yomi & Yami]
Level Requirement: 50
Requirements: ASAI
Kills regain 5% maximum health
Kills regain 10% maximum mana
Kills regain 10% maximum stamina
Night: Double effect.

The toll on his body, the exhilaration, the adrenaline. None of that mattered, as every life he culled, he felt his energy return. The lycans watched in horror as all the little cuts and nicks they had managed to land mended themselves for them to see.

They began to wonder who the true monsters were. The lycans or the human.


Of course, Asai alone was unable to hold the entire horde alone. The other side of the march continued onwards, towards the camp unimpeded.

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