Isekai Rohan


The [Moon] watched as its children were culled like grass. For days, its patience and anger were tested and provoked. It had consumed all of its mana to empower and buff the remaining lycans. A full moon was supposed to make the lycans invincible! But- But what is this!? The human became more powerful instead!

With no mana left to utilize, the [Moon] used the only thing it had left.


"SHUT UP AND FOLLOW MY ORDERS." Clam stood down. He had greatly insisted on going to where ever their lord was and joining him in the fight. However, under Robin's better judgment of the situation, and her understanding on Asai's combat style. She decided against it.

"Robin, are you certain about this?" Questioned Benny

"Yes, one hundred. Don't forget who our lord is. Mr performs better solo. We'll only be getting in his way if we're there. Why do you think he had us training, fighting those monsters without his input? It was to prepare us for this moment. He knew this was coming! Trust in him."

The RFC saluted. Their camp was already packed and hidden among the treetops. Only combat essentials shall be carried on their person for this moment.

Whenever Asai wasn't present, Robin would take priority over command. Although she was younger than the three, her insight into combat evidently superseded theirs.

When a small portion of the horde had found their way into their vicinity. The group fought using what they considered to be guerrilla tactics. The lycans with their larger bodies found it incredibly annoying to swing their large blades when the humans kept ducking in and out of the trees.

Striking swiftly and unexpectedly the group divided and scattered the lycans away from each other. Setting up the optimal conditions for Robin to assassinate them. Currently only Robin was strong enough to actually kill the stronger variant. The lads, although striking with blades felt as if they were using blunt weapons instead. They lacked the ability to cut through their fur and pelt.

Half an hour into the fight Robin noticed a strange phenomenon. The full moon was fucking huge! The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. "Something's not right!"

She leaped down from above the treeline, digging her daggers deep into the neck of a [Lycan Champion: Lvl 50] Her yellow radiance fluttering along with her deep gasps for oxygen.


Robin followed her intuition. She didn't understand what was going on but, surely Asai did!

"This is it! This is my first adventure with Mr, and I'll be damned to let it be our last!"

Robin lead the charge through. Weaving around the trees, zig-zagging. Many lycans missed the little girl. Her speed, agility and dexterity was far too much for their heavy swords to strike. Especially when she concentrated her mana into her legs instead of her weapons.

Thanks to Robin taking the majority of the aggro, the lads could swiftly dip in whilst the lycans were staggered and recovering from overswinging with their blades. The mass, and weight of their weapons pulled them forwards, sideward. Presenting them with an easy path onwards.

The group didn't even attempt to kill any of them, Robin had said ASAP, and they would do just that.

It was at this moment that the lads were glad they stuck through with all the running exercises Asai had put them through. Allowing them to just about manage to follow behind Robin, even when she was busy dodging the blades and claws.

If Asai could see them, he would definitely be reminded of parkour. They were literally vaulting over rocks, fallen trees. Kicking of the backs of stunned beasts. Sliding and dodging blades. Except for Robin who was perfectly traversing the terrain. The lads would feel the stings of random twigs and sticks that slapped their faces, and random bushes that tickled their balls. 

As more and more cuts and scratches appeared all over their exposed skin. They gritted their teeth and sprinted onwards. Afraid of losing sight of the little one who pioneered the path for them.


[Robin: Lvl 43->48] [Clam: Lvl 39->45]  [Benny: Lvl 37->42]  [Gary: Lvl 37->41]

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