Kitsune in the Shadows

Chapter 29 – I Need to do Something for You

How do I ask her?

We had been sitting next to each other for a few minutes, but neither of us had said anything.

Kierra, you need to say something.

But I don’t know what to say.

You’re the one who asked her to sit next to you.

I know that… but…

It didn’t matter how much I thought about it; I just couldn’t find the right words to use.

Why is this so hard?

I turned and looked up at Ovia, but she was busy playing with her hair in her lap, wrapping and then unwrapping her hands over and over again.

Just… follow the plan…

That’s all you have to do.

Before I could do anything, there was another flash of light; however, unlike last time, it didn’t disappear. When I turned to look at it, it felt like something warm entered my body. Immediately, I tried to stand up, but before my feet touched the ground, everything around me went black.




I immediately started struggling, pushing against anything that touched me until I eventually managed to free myself. Looking around the room, the first thing I saw was Ovia staring directly at me. However, she was much bigger than I remember, easily towering over me… well, towering over me more than she did before, at least.

“…U-um…” Ovia inched closer to me.

I looked down at myself and saw two small white paws trampling on my dress.

Did I?


I didn’t do anything yet…

Somehow, I had turned into a fox without thinking about it, but that seemed to be a good thing. Ovia’s eyes were locked solely on me, containing what I could only call a desire that I had never seen from her before.

Was I right?

Is this what she wants?!

Without wasting any more time thinking, I hurriedly pushed my dress onto the floor before making my way over to the edge of the couch and lying down.

“W-what?” Ovia asked, “D-do you w-want something?”

I responded simply by pointing at my body with my tail, assuming she would understand what I wanted her to do.

Before saying anything, she reached her hands out towards me before abruptly stopping herself.

“C-can I?” She asked while holding her hands out in front of her.

Yes! Of course!

I need to show you what I can do for you.

I nodded.

“R-really?” She held her pose although her hands started trembling.

I nodded again, pointing at my body with my tail again in case she had misunderstood me.

“O-Okay.” She started moving again, but instead of lying down like I expected her to, she picked me up and held me in her arms.

Huh? What?

This isn’t right.

I wriggled my way out of her arms, making sure not to scratch her with my claws, and lay back down on the couch in the same spot.

“…O-oh… D-did I do something w-wrong?” She moved away, putting her hands behind her back, “I-I knew I shouldn’t have d-done that. W-what was I thinking?”


You didn’t do anything wrong.

I didn’t explain well enough.

That’s what happened.

It’s not your fault.

*Yip*!” I made a noise so Ovia would look back at me.

“Y-yes, w-what’s wrong?” She brought her hands out in front of her again.

Using my paw, I pointed at her head and then at my body.

“I-I don’t understand.” She started frantically looking around the room.

After only a brief moment, she flicked one of her tails, which caused a black tendril to appear from the ground. The tendril then grabbed the notebook that Ovia had dropped a little earlier and gave it back to her before disappearing into the ground just as quickly as it appeared.

“T-there must be s-something,” She rapidly flipped through the pages, “W-what am I supposed to do?”

*Yip*!” Once again, I tried to get Ovia’s attention.

She looked up from the notebook and back at me. I then repeated the same action I had done before, but this time, I also briefly pretended to be asleep afterwards.


“S-sleep?” She glanced at the notebook and then back at me, “Y-you want to sleep in m-my lap?”

I shook my head, which caused Ovia to visibly deflate slightly.


I-is this wrong?

I repeated the actions again, hoping she would understand me this time.

M-maybe it’s just unexpected.

I-I doubt anyone else has offered to do this for a Goddess.

That must be what’s going on.

“Y-you want me to… s-sleep on y-you?”

I nodded as quickly as I could, and my tail followed suit, rocking my whole body back and forth along with it.



Just do it.

I know you want to.

You have to.

“B-but you’re-”

*Yip*!” I stared directly into her eyes.

You have to do it.

It’s… all I have right now.

“O-okay… I-If that’s what you w-want,” She lay down on the couch but made sure to keep her head up, “I-I’m doing it now… O-okay?”

I’m ready!


She slowly started to lower her head onto my body. Before her head even made contact, the first thing I noticed was that her hair brushing against my body gave me a slight chill, just like her tails did.


Feels nice

Without warning, a low rumbling noise started coming from somewhere deep inside my chest.

What is this?

Am I… purring?

It seemed that I wasn’t the only one caught off guard as Ovia had stopped lowering her head and was instead staring directly at me without saying anything.

W-what am I supposed to do?

I just pointed at my body with one of my paws, hoping that she would ignore that embarrassing moment.

I-I… didn’t mean to…

I didn’t even know I could.

Ovia didn’t say anything and instead continued to lay her head down on me. However, as soon as her head made contact with my body, I felt an immense weight start pushing down on me, making it harder to breathe.

What’s going on?

It’s just her head.

Why is it this heavy?

Am I… that weak?

“A-are you okay?” Ovia asked, sounding a little panicked.

I… can’t stop…

Just… need to… force my way through it…

I-I’ve been through worse.

*Y-yip*!” I nodded, making sure not to show her how much I was struggling.

I can take it.

If I just do it enough, I’ll get stronger.

I-I have to

After a few more seconds of gritting my teeth, the weight abruptly disappeared.

Huh? No!

I looked up at Ovia, who had propped herself up over the top of me.

“I-I… can’t…”

What?! Why?!

W-what did I do wrong?!

I-It’s not supposed to go like this.

I pointed back at my body, hoping she would give me another chance.

Please, I don’t have anything else…

“I-I don’t want to h-hurt you…” Ovia was clearly panicking.


It didn’t hurt.

I’m fine.

“B-but… y-you started crying.” Ovia wiped away the tears from under my eyes, proving that she was telling the truth.

So… That doesn’t matter…

I… cry all the time.

I… I… had to do this…

Ovia stopped lying down and instead sat up next to me.

What can I do now?

I-I have to prove my worth

I need her to let me stay with her

“W-what about this?”

Yes! Anything!

Just… I need to do something… for you…

I don’t care what it is.

She picked me up off of the couch and carefully placed me in her lap.

*Yip*?” I looked directly at her, waiting for her to tell me what she wanted.

What now?

What do I need to do?

“U-um… n-now you can go to s-sleep,” Ovia looked down at me, with her hands hovering just above my body.


That’s something for me…

I need to be the one doing something for you.

“B-but… C-can I?…” Her hands started trembling again.

My ears perked up.

Can you what?!

“C-can I… s-stroke your… t-tail… w-while you sleep?”

Is that it?

Why wouldn’t you be able to?

Despite my confusion at her request, I nodded my head, causing Ovia’s eyes to immediately light up.

“T-then… Go on…” She waved her hands at me, “M-make yourself comfortable.”

Is this really enough?

I curled up in her lap, just like I had done with Ava the night before. As soon as I settled down, I felt Ovia run her fingers through my fur.

Her lap felt surprisingly different from Ava’s; instead of having a slight warmth, hers was cool, which didn’t make it any less comfortable. If anything, it was more comfortable as I was already kept warm by all the fur covering my body.

“T-thank you,” Ovia muttered under her breath.

I wanted to respond to her but wasn’t able to as my eyes started to close by themselves.

Just… stay here…

Don’t leave me…

Not again

Another shorter chapter this time around, I hope everyone understands. There should be a chapter on Friday but I will probably have to take a week break after that so I can finish off everything with Uni.

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