Kitsune in the Shadows

Chapter 30 – It’s Time For You to Wake Up

“Hello there. I’m sorry that I need to do this, but it’s time for you to wake up.”



What’s going on?

I forced my eyes open slowly, only to be greeted by Aria’s face, which was only a few centimetres in front of mine.


Where is Ovia?!

At that moment, I felt a hand run through my fur, so I spun around to see who it was.

“Oh… S-sorry… d-did I startle you?” Ovia pulled her hand back.

I responded to her by quickly shaking my head before trying to curl back up. But before I could, someone picked me up.

“No, you can’t do that right now. I already told you that you need to wake up,” Aria said as she put me down on the floor, “We don’t have a lot of time left, so I’m going to help you turn back. Ovia, can you help with the clothes?”

“Y-yes… I can d-do that.”

Ovia looked over at me before flicking one of her tails, engulfing both me and my dress in darkness. It was a strange feeling, similar to when I wrapped my own shadow around my body, but something about it felt distant; it was almost like I was being cut off from the rest of the world around me.

Before I was able to do anything else, a familiar warm energy started to enter my body.

Is this?

“There we go,” Aria clapped her hands together, “Our little kitsune is all back to normal.”

A moment later, the darkness around me disappeared, revealing that I had been changed back. While it was surprising that Aria was able to change me back, what was much more surprising to me was that I was already fully clothed.

It’s possible to get dressed like this?

Can I learn to do that?

I looked at Ovia, which caused her to shuffle to the far side of the couch. Then she looked back at me without saying anything, just looking into my eyes.

Do you want me to?

“…” I opened my mouth to say something, but before any words even came out, Ovia nodded.

Without hesitating any further, I walked over and sat down next to her, making sure not to accidentally sit on any of her tails.

If it’s what you want… I can do it.

“It’s nice that you two have made some progress,” Aria sat down on the couch just opposite us, “However, we really should be sending the little kitsune back soon.”


I looked over at Ovia, but she avoided eye contact.

What?! Why?!

Did I not do enough?

“Sister, didn’t you want to-”

“W-what…” I blurted out, interrupting Aria.

Both Goddesses turned to face me, remaining silent.

“W-what… else… do I have to do?” I managed to force the words out.

Neither Goddess said anything in response and just kept staring.

What’s the problem?!

Am I that useless?

Why aren’t you saying anything?!

“P-please… just… give me something… anything…” All of a sudden, the words just seemed to come out by themselves, “I-I don’t want to leave… I-I don’t want you to leave me… What do I have to do?… What’s wrong with me?… I-I’ll do anything, just… let me stay here… just don’t leave me… not again…”

Ovia reached out towards me, but I pulled away without thinking.

Wait! No!

Why did you do that?!

You need her to like you.

What are you going to do now?

Tears started rolling down my cheeks uncontrollably, quickly soaking my dress.

It’s all my fault.

I-I keep making mistakes.

Why did I think this would work?

“K-Kierra…” I heard Ovia’s voice, but instead of feeling comforted like before, all I felt was fear.

Now that you’ve done this…

Why would she ever let you stay here now?

I tried to get off of the couch, but before I could, I was pulled back.

“S-stop,” Ovia wrapped her tails around me, “D-don’t cry.”


I buried my face in her tails, and she started to run her fingers through my hair.

Just… stop being so nice to me.

If I can’t stay here…

Just let me go.

I wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but it couldn’t have been much, as while my tears had stopped, both my cheeks and dress were still damp.

“Have you calmed down a little now?” Aria asked.

I reluctantly nodded while keeping my face hidden in Ovia’s tails.

“Good, now,” Aria paused for a moment, “I think I should explain some things to you. Is that okay?”


I’m just going to be sent back anyway…

“I’ll take that as a yes,” I heard her come closer, “If I could, I would have you stay in my domain, but unfortunately, there are some… rules… that we need to follow.”


“Well… no, never mind… you don’t need to worry about the complicated part… but just know that it isn’t our choice to send you back like this.”

“…But…” I lifted my head out of Ovia’s tails, “I-”

“I’m sorry, there’s nothing we can do.” Aria interrupted me.



It was all for nothing

What… do I do now?…

I’ve… had enough…

“B-but…” Ovia wrapped her arms around me, pulling me in close, “Y-you can c-come back again.”


It took a moment for me to process what she had said.

“I-I can?”

Is there still a chance?


I need this.

“Yes, as long as you wait about… a week?… each time,” Aria crouched down in front of me, “I think that will be enough time to be safe.”

A week

I can still see her

Once a week

But… But… I want more…

Both my tail and my ears drooped down as I continued to think about it.

“Sister?” Aria looked over at Ovia.

“…Oh!” Suddenly, Ovia let go of me and jumped onto her feet.


Before I could ask what was going on, she had already made her way into a side room, leaving just Aria and me.


“You don’t need to worry so much,” Aria started talking to me, “I’ve known my sister for a long time, and I can tell you that she isn’t going to be leaving you alone any time soon, alright?”

You can’t know that.


I… hope you’re right.

Just then, there was a large crash, followed by the sound of a door flying open.

“I-I have a gift!” Ovia shouted as she ran back into the room, cradling something in her arms.

Aria quickly got up and took a step back before Ovia took her place, kneeling in front of me.

“I-if you feel l-lonely,” She extended her arms towards me, “T-this c-can help.”

In her hands was what looked like a baby fox with dark grey fur, although it sat in her hands, completely motionless.

What is this?

A plushie?

I reached out to pick it up, but before I could grab it, it got up and jumped into my lap by itself.

A live fox?!

Ovia looked at me with expectant eyes, but I wasn’t sure what she was expecting me to say.

“I should probably help explain this as well,” Aria knelt down next to Ovia, “This little fox is a newly born Divine Beast.”

Divine Beast?

Is that something I’m supposed to get as a gift?

“However, this little one is a bit unusual, as it was born from your mana.” She reached out to pat the fox, but it pulled away from her, “To be more precise, it came about as the combination of your mana and some of my sister’s divinity.”

I don’t understand.

Mana? Divinity?

Ovia then reached out to pat the fox, which it happily accepted, “I-if you’re l-lonely… M-maybe they c-can remind you of m-me.”

I looked over the fox again, running my fingers through their fur. It wasn’t the same as Ovia’s, but it was still a little cool to the touch.

“…Okay…” I muttered while avoiding eye contact with either of the Goddesses.

It’s not her…

But it’s a gift from her…

It’s her third gift to me…

“D-do they have a name?…” I asked.

“All divine beasts are given a name at birth by the Spirits,” Aria answered, “This little fox is called Umbra.”


As soon as I said their name, the little fox turned around and looked directly into my eyes. Their eyes were a pale grey, just like my own, although unlike mine, they were glowing softly. Then without warning they jumped off of my lap and disappeared into my shadow.

“D-did it run away?!” Ovia started panicking.

“No,” I responded, reaching out towards Ovia but stopping myself before actually grabbing her.

Somehow, I just knew that Umbra was still there. As soon as they had dived into my shadow, it felt like it had gotten just a little heavier.

“That’s all well and good,” Aria said, lifting Ovia off the ground, “But we really need to send you on your way. We’re already cutting it a little close.”

I reluctantly slid myself off of the couch.

“Sister, you’re the one who has to send her back.”

Ovia was about to flick her tail, but I interrupted her, “I-I’ll be back…”

“Y-yes…” Ovia said as she nodded before finally finishing her tail flick.

As soon as she did, I was once again surrounded by darkness, and I slowly felt the presence of the two Goddesses fade away.

It’s only a week.

You can wait that long.

That's Chapter 30. It was quite a wild last ten chapters, somehow ended up on trending a few times which was certainly a surprise. Something else I wanted to say is thanks for the comments, I read all of them but never quite know how to respond. So I hope you accept this much as acknowledgement.

Now, I mentioned it in the last chapter but I'm going to need to take a week break just so I can finish up everything with Uni; which means chapters should be back on the 13th. Although, if you want updates on anything the best place is probably going to be the Discord. In the same vein if you have a question you really want an answer to, even outside of this break, the Discord is probably the best place for it.

But for now, I hope you can wait a week.

After all, it's only a week, you can wait that long.

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