Kitsune with Girls’ Frontline Girls

Chapter 4

Lena: "Wait a second! You touched the wolf and it disappeared?" Lena asks Ak-12 with worry.

Ak-12: "affirmative, the wolf has become particles and dropped a Enhancement Capsule." Ak-12 answered Lena's question, as she said that Lena looking at the other 3 dead wolf body's did not find anything strange but when she touched it disappeared and instead of a EC this time it dropped a dummy core.

Lena: "huh? I can get dummy cores from hunting?" Lena thought out loud as the shock of getting a dummy core from just hunting was to great for someone who spent more than enough time on core abyss, core abyss was something players got when they spent dummy cores recklessly and could not keep up with the usage of dummy cores.

Ak-12: "So that mean we can get anything though killing." Ak-12 affirms in a bit of disbelief, after all the world she comes from isn't as simple as that, her world did not have much to it, it was a barren where wars are common, surprisingly similar to where Lena comes from.

Lena: "seems like it, so lets see what we get out of the other two wolfs and run to the ruins, its getting late." Ak-12 with a nod she grabs two more ECs after touching the wolfs, and so they start running towards the ruin that was on sight, they did not know what there was inside the ruins but they needed somewhere to camp out the night as it was beginning to get dark.

As the sun falls over the horizon, they arrived in front of the ruins, it was a small white building with what seemed to be 3 floors, no windows, a half open door, and surprisingly no over grown plants over the ruin.

Lena: "Ak-12, can you see whats inside the ruins?" Lena asks Ak-12 to see whats inside the ruins, after all it was suspicious to see ruins as small as this one.

Ak-12: "There is nothing inside the building commander." Ak-12 reassures Lena, and so they make their way inside the building. Lena: 'Huh? Was I always able to see this well in the dark? Maybe because of my fox like traits?' seems like the fox parts were not just cosmetics.

As they go through the first and second floor of this ruin they found computers all on pieces and whats left of what used to be scientist at least that's what Lena and Ak-12 assume, when they make it to the third floor and after they don't find anything useful sadly and Lena with a defeated face began preparing to sleep.

Lena: "So, we did not find anything useful, what a waste of a opportunity." Lena thinks out loud as always, annoyed she kicks a computer that was on the ground to get it out of the way, but to her surprise it turns on.

Lena and Ak-12 immediately take a step back and cover behind some furniture, both for different reasons though, for Ak-12 it was not uncommon that someone would put a self destructing system on important data, and Lena... hurt her eyes from the sudden light so she hid from the light. Lena: 'ugh... My eyes hurt...' she thinks as she rubs her eyes.

Ak-12: "Commander I think its safe, we should inspect whats on there maybe we can get a idea on where we are." she says but as she turns to see what Lena is doing she sees that she is cutely rubbing her eyes, as Lena stops rubbing her eyes it shows that her eyes became a bit red for all that rubbing. Ak-12: 'cute' she is stunned by her cute commander and that day she opened the door to her protective instincts.

Lena: "Yea, we should check the data it has" as she says that Lena makes her way to the computer and when inspecting it did not have a mouse nor keyboard so she could not control it, so she sees whats on the monitor and what they see does not surprise them, it was unreadable.

Seeing this Lena remembers she had a scanner on her phone she still did not know how to use it but now seems like the best time learn how to use it, and so she opens her phone.








Lena clicks on -SCAN and immediately there is a guide on how to use it.

Phone: 'Put the camera on the information or blueprint you want to scan and click the start button on the bottom of the screen, when you do it will take a second so do not move away and it will be done, when done depending on what it is it will be added to the menu as it is incomplete'

Lena: "ok, nice and simple." she does as the guide said and puts her phone's camera on top of the computer screen and clicks the button, and as soon as she does Lena's 3D chibi model shows up running on one spot while it below a bar shows up indicating that it was loading. Lena: 'Why is the loading screen always me? Is there no way to change it?' Lena embarrassed to know that the app was all gonna be based on her, but at the side Ak-12 would not agree to change such cute loading screen.

Phone: "New system found!"









Lena who was just watching her phone get a new system immediately recognized what she got, the main enemy of the girls' frontline game, Sangivis Ferri, but what would she do with enemy info? After all where she was currently should not have anything to do with girls' frontline.

Lena then clicks on the new option on her app, and as always a guide pops up. Phone: "Sangivis Ferri, a uncontrollable terrorist group, but with the system they will be at your service, you can get them though summons. Good Luck." Lena: "So I can control Sangivis? I don't think that's any good to me though, their all crazy..." Lena says with a complaining tone, while Ak-12 just silently looks at her.

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