Kitsune with Girls’ Frontline Girls

Chapter 5

Lena: "*ugh* Lets sleep for the night, such a tiring first day on this world." she tells Ak-12 with a tired voice, but now that she said that they had nothing prepared up to have a nice sleep, no fire to warm themselves up, no blankets to do the trick neither. Lena: "So how are we gonna sleep? Even you feel cold right?"

Ak-12: "I'm ok, we have a temperature controller installed on us after all, but it will be a problem if you freeze to death, but we did not get fire wood so the only thing here that can generate heat is you and me... I can cling to you while you sleep to keep you warm." Ak-12 informs Lena of her way to not die off while sleeping on the cold night.

Lena: "I guess that's the only way, going out to get fire wood will be to dangerous, and speaking of  isn't fire the first way to say 'hey i'm here!', so fire is out of the question from the start. Guess you'll be my hugging pillow for the night." Lena says with a smile, but that makes Ak-12 think. Ak-12: 'There are no windows for enemy's to see the light from the fire though, but I don't want to miss this chance to get my fluffy tail'.

And so Lena and Ak-12 walk to the furthest room of the entrance to the 3rd floor and Ak-12 puts her gun next to her and lies down on a wall and opens her arms, when she does Lena lies down showing her back and cute fluffy tail to Ak-12 which immediately hugs Lena. Lena: 'When was the last time I slept with mom by my side?' she thinks as the warmth of Ak-12 reminds her of her mother.

Lena's mother was a nice, honest and a doting parent, she apparently sent a picture of Lena when she was 3 years old and sent it to everyone on the neighborhood, but if someone was to describe her with one word would be pure, and Lena's father however was a bigger doting parent, he took the same picture his wife took of Lena and showed it to all his coworkers and always bought what ever Lena wanted even though they were doing poorly on money.

Lena thinks back at the time her mom and dad died, and started crying, Ak-12 seeing this pats Lena's head until she falls a sleep. Ak-12: "A rough day it is indeed" she says alone.


And so day 2 starts when Lena wakes up with a big *grrrrr* from her stomach. Lena: "I think we have a problem, we don't have food and the wolf disappears when touched, this is a problem" but when she looks behind to see Ak-12 she is surprised to see her, Ak-12 slept hugging Lena's tail and was still sleeping, or so she thought after all Ak-12 doesn't open her eyes like a normal.

Ak-12: "Good morning commander, and yes, it will be a big problem if we don't find a food source fast." She greets Lena. Lena: "Hi Ak-12, umm... can you let go of my tail please?" Lena asks Ak-12 for freedom for her fluffy tail, which Ak-12 nods and lets her tail go reluctantly. Ak-12: 'I slept so well... the tail was so fluffy, might even say better than a bed at the dorms.' she silently thinks to herself with a satisfied smile on her face.

And so they make their way outside the building they where in to find one thing only, food. But first Lena checks Ak-12's condition on the app.

--- Ak-12 ---

-Energy - 98%

-Condition - perfect

-Ammo count - 205

-Ammo type - 5.45x39mm


Lena: "Ok first lets see if we can find any edible fruits!" And so with the objective of today started they move onto the forest again to find something to eat.

////// A few hours later but still before noon //////

Lena: "*augh* There is nothing to eat! After all the monsters we killed we got 12 capsules, 20 parts, 3 cores and no food. At least I now know I can get more than one item a monster, parts come from 4 to 10 a monster, capsules are a 1 to 3, and cores are rare... And even rarer is food, how do I even get food here? damn that goddess!" she said as she kicked a tree, *BONK* something fell and hit her head with a bonk sound.

Ak-12: "Ah, its an apple commander, great job finding an apple tree." she says looking up, but what she found out is that the apple did not fall from Lena's kick but a squirrel running away with an apple. Ak-12: 'Let's not tell her that, she needs a bit of a moral boost.' she thought to herself, well said Ak-12.

And so Lena tries to climb the tree but fails miserably, and so Ak-12 climbs the tree and cuts apples and with Lena catching them as they fall, but a big catch was that they had no bags to carry all of them. Lena: "I think you grabbed a bit too many.".

Ak-12: "You never said stop so I kept going."

Lena: "oh... I forgot.*oops*" And so they threw half the apples they had and just left with Lena holding all the apples on her shirt, but now that food is solved where will they go? after all the ruin wasn't their base and Lena surely did not want another night there were ghost could appear any second.

Lena: "So now that we know there is food on this world, Ak-12, do you want to explore this world with me and eventually build a base, and eventually, maybe we can go of to space and what not. So Ak-12 do you want to follow this cute commander?" she asks Ak-12 while her tail wiggles left to right with excitement for Ak-12 answer.

Ak-12: 'This is so unfair, she is so cute you'll want to protect her.' she thinks and says. Ak-12: "Yes commander, I Ak-12 will accompany you till you don't need me any longer." she responds with a big smile, loyalty and honesty.

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