Kitsune with Girls’ Frontline Girls

Chapter 7

Disclaimer-guy: "The fanfic is not your typical fanfic, Lena is not on another anime or game world, the world is my original world and I will make it my way if you are confused on where we are. And thanks for checking out this fanfic."


Ak-12: "It will rain in about an hour, commander."

Lena: "Well, what are we doing not running to find shelter?!" Ak-12 then opens her eyes and focuses on finding shelter for the rain.

Ak-12: "there is a cave 1000 meters away." quite close there was a cave and so Lena grabs some sticks and starts running with Ak-12 taking the lead ahead of Lena.

As they got there it was already raining a bit and the wind picked up, and so they got wet, but they made it before it started pouring hard. The cave was dark so Ak-12 was going to turn on her flash light on her bag but was stopped by Lena.

Lena: "Don't, I can see just fine, and I feel something bad is on this cave." Lena was feeling something dangerous from the cave, maybe her animal instincts kicking in on a dangerous place or maybe monster.

Ak-12 just nods and tries to look ahead but only her night-vision functions her x-rays may be malfunctioning, but it makes her stay on guard.

Lena: "If there is a boss monster do you think you can beat it?" Lena asks Ak-12 as she was considering just getting out of the cave and staying below a tree for rain protection.

Ak-12: "Don't worry commander, I will kill anything on your way." as soon as Ak-12 says that a terrifying roar came from deep inside the cave, and that takes the attention of both Lena and Ak-12.

Ak-12: "Its coming this way, at a fast speed." Ak-12 then looks at Lena that is terrified for some reason, Ak-12: 'Her animal instinct is telling her to run, but is she fighting the desire to run so shes in a state of panic.' as she thinks she then gets into battle-mode and turns off her emotion module, and as soon as she detects the enemy she starts shooting at the direction she detected the enemy.

As Ak-12 kept shooting the monster was getting closer without backing off or with any sound, when Ak-12 stopped shooting to reload quickly, the monster dashed forth and they finally saw what it was.

It was a bear with a turtle shell and a snake tail that seemed to have a life of its own.

Ak-12 that just finished reloading dodges its dash attack with a somersault towards Lena, and puts Lena behind her and starts shooting at the snake now that the monster has its back towards Ak-12. Lena who is just behind realizes she is a big weakness on Ak-12 defenses, and so she begins to slowly and silently crawl deeper onto the cave.

Ak-12 noticed Lena crawl deeper into the cave, so she starts shooting more frequently to take more attention from the bear-turtle, the bear-turtle had many holes through its body but non were lethal enough to kill it or injure it greatly to make it run away, again the bear-turtle dashed towards Ak-12, and again she dodged with a somersault.

Seemed like the bear-turtle was not very intelligent, that was the only thing going for Ak-12 though, as more time passed less ammo Ak-12 had she was left with 4 clips meaning 120 bullets, she reloaded again but this time she did not shoot recklessly and watched, when she stopped shooting she saw the snake peek out from the back to look at her, this time Ak-12 shot the snake on the head without thinking, and with 3 holes on the snake part of the bear-turtle, the bear-turtle collapsed.

Ak-12 though did not want any mistakes and so she shot the bear part a few times, then she closed her eyes activating the emotion module on again and called out for Lena, telling her that the fight was over.

Ak-12: "Commander, you can come out now." and she looked towards where Lena was on her sensor, all she saw was a puffed on tail peeking out behind a rock, and as always Lena was being cute.

Lena: "Its dead right?" she asks while peeking out with just her ears and eyes showing. Ak-12: "*small giggle* Yes its over." Ak-12 then goes to touch the bear-turtle, as soon as she does it shines brightly but soon fades into nothing as it was never there.

Lena: "What was that Ak-12?" she asks as she walks up to Ak-12, and Ak-12 just hands her 3 cores and 30 parts. Ak-12: "I think we defeated a boss monster, commander." that makes Lena check summons to check if she got a ticket after all a gacha addict is always thinking about pulling.

And there was one ticket for Lena to pull what will she get she was so exited so started wiggling her tail and ears, Ak-12 sure is feeling more like a big sister now doting on her little sister, Lena is on the short side with only 159cm tall so she will fit the roll perfectly.

But Ak-12 then calms Lena down by telling her that is raining so she will have to do it later when it stops or tomorrow before getting on there way south west, soon after Lena starts sulking after the disappointing realization that she cant pull while its raining.

So Lena just with a disappointed face starts to gather the sticks she collected to make some fire to cook an apple and  later get some rest after a warm apple. And so they survive yet another day on this harsh world.

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