Kitsune with Girls’ Frontline Girls

Chapter 8

A quiet sunrise with nobody to enjo-

Lena: "Let's go! Ticket go!" Lena shouts rips a ticket, jeez breaking a fourth wall just to not write a introduction.

After Lena rips the summon ticket immediately there is a sound she is familiar with a sound of something heavy falling, a pod from who knows where came down falling in front of Lena, dust picked up as it landed with a *poufff* sound, after the dust settled the pod had something written on Japanese that said 'supply drop' and then it opened with a *bsh* sound.

Lena then saw a bunch of stuff that seemed useful, like a military backpack, bunch of ammo, bunch of canned food and a suppressor(silencer) and a magazine full of bullets but the bullets were different from the normal one Ak-12 uses. Lena: "Ak-12, do you know what this bullet is?" Lena asks Ak-12 after all 'if you don't know the answer ask others who knows -someone'.

Ak-12: "These would had been useful on the bear, these are APCR high velocity ammo for short 'hv' an armor piercing shell type" Ak-12 explained to Lena, but Lena soon figured out by hearing the name of the ammunition, after all all the girls frontline community had complaints with how rare the ammunition was even Lena was going to complain but refrained from doing so.

Lena: "Ok, then lets get to organizing this before the pod disappears. 1 mag of 30 hv bullets, 7 days worth of can food, and a bunch of ammo for Ak-12" as she takes everything off of the pod and putting it on the backpack. Ak-12: 'There is a total of 327 bullets. the last battle took 70 bullets, protecting C.Lena would be hard on my own later on.' and so Ak-12 thought to herself with a bitter face that immediately left her face when she saw Lena smiling at the fact that the pod did not disappear, guess Ak-12 is really opening herself for Lena.

Lena: "maybe this is the inventory box?" Lena then checked her phone on the equipment tab, first thing she saw was a typical rpg or sandbox game-like inventory then she saw one square shining with attention and so when Lena clicked on it it opened up another inventory but this time it was not game-like, this time it was more like a list right now it was saying 'empty' but it soon changed when Lena put some of the canned food inside, it instantly added 'canned-meat x2' Lena who saw it change immediately added 4 days worth of food inside it 'canned-meat x24' and so when she closed the inventory the box(pod) disappeared like it was glitched out.

And so Lena puts on the backpack with less weight on it, soon it became noon so they ate the last of the apples and they began moving on to south-west again.

//// 3 days of walking, finding cover to pass the night and killing monsters later ////

Lena: "Its a bit boring, huh... no new boss encounters, only thing here are wolf, boars, snakes, and no bugs thankfully." Lena complains to Ak-12 while eating breakfast(rations), quite boring after the eventful few first days, but now its almost just wandering around endlessly, but these few days was not them just wandering around, Lena had the great idea of practicing CQC and how to use a knife.

After the meal Lena stood up against Ak-12 and took out a knife and Lena began running at Ak-12 and thrusts at her but Ak-12 just dodges moving one foot to the left and grabs Lena's hand with the knife on it and disarms Lena. Ak-12: "You should have learned already that going in with no plan is bad.*geez*" Lena again failed to understand how to fight against a T-Doll that sees everything.

Lena: "You're so op, how am I supposed to land a hit against you?" Lena was annoyed that she could not do anything against Ak-12. But it was nice that Ak-12 was on her side and not an enemy. with a quick check on Ak-12 on her phone they start walking again.

--- Ak-12 ---

-Energy - 97%

-Condition - perfect

-Ammo count - 288

-Ammo type - 5.45x39mm


But soon Ak-12 stopped and told Lena to stay low and so they crouched over behind a big tree, peeking only there heads of course Lena big fox ears stood out, they saw a bunch of cute small monkeys fighting a pack of wolfs, at first it looked like the wolfs were going to eat the monkeys, but the cute adorable monkeys were the ones winning the battle throwing rocks from the trees and up close they mounted the wolfs to bash they're heads with rocks. quite un-cute if you ask Lena.

Lena: "Ak-12, lets kill those monkeys." (Ah... the path to genocide) and so Ak-12 proceeds to shoot at the monkeys up on the tree, with the silencer on the monkeys could vaguely hear Ak-12 shoots. with high precision she kills most but the monkeys scattered in all directions, and the one that came close to Ak-12 was shot and killed, but now the monkeys knew where they where and so they jumped tree to tree or ran up to the location. 

Ak-12: "Commander lets retreat we will be over run with their numbers." Ak-12 reports that they were found. Lena: "Can we run and gun?"

Ak-12: "Yes, commander." Ak-12 follows Lena's commands and starts shooting while running, she may be a bit less accurate but she can still hit them on the head quite well, if she couldn't she would not be leader of the wolfpack. meanwhile Lena is tiring her best to not fall behind as that means death, but while Lena was running Ak-12 noticed that the monkeys thinned out a lot, so she stops and stands her ground Ak-12 starts spraying her all that's left on her magazine, it was supper effective!

Ak-12 then reloads and tells Lena to be close and so she starts walking towards the dead monkeys that are on the ground, but some were hanging on tree branches. Ak-12: "We don't have time for those so lest get the ones that are on the ground and lets retreat." And so with Ak-12 concluding that some monkeys went to their base for reinforcement after they where a bit to thin on the number count.

Lena then picks up the the loot after the corpses disappear with ones touch, after filling the backpack they run South East. Lena: "wow I never would of known they were that aggressive."

Ak-12: "Everything has it's food chain, but we are new here so it doesn't think we are high up on the food chain,*mumble*(me)" Ak-12 informs an analysis on what is going on. Lena: "hey, I heard that, I'm trying ok?*ugh* But now that you say it, the monkeys seemed to have high intelligence why would they fight a losing fight?"

Ak-12: "Its because it has high intelligence it thought it could beat us." Ak-12 responds to Lena's question. Lena: "Well its getting late, do you think it would follow us this far out of the forest?"

Ak-12: "I don't know. But I do know we are close to a beach, it smells like salt water." when Ak-12 says that Lena starts jumping saying. Lena: "Its the sea, I can see it!" Lena exited as its her first time on the sea.

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