Kitsune with Girls’ Frontline Girls


A BEACH EPISODE! with nothing but a T-doll with a gun as fan-service. Now that you think about it when was the last shower Lena took?

Well to bad we ain't getting swimsuits(i missed Ak-12 swimsuit skin..).

Lena: "WOO! The ocean!" Lena runs strait to the water and stops to take it all in, an ocean, something she never could see back on earth. But what is this huge pain that she is feeling? Ak-12: "Commander, you have a crab pinching you on the foot."

Lena: "*pain* Get it off me Ak!" she screams with panic. Ak-12: "Yes, yes, am on it... there, its off now." Lena was left on the sand with teary eyes. Lena: "*Ugh* Lets cook it alive, I mean that's how they cook on L*g-Hor**zon, I am just testing! If it works we can save rations that can be contained on the inventory no?" Lena had a point but Ak-12 was a bit surprised that Lena could think stuff like burning alive. maybe it was out of spite or genuinely curious.

Ak-12: "Yea commander sounds like a great idea, how will we be cooking it?" they had a problem, they had no stove nor a pot to cook the crab, but Ak-12 accidentally killed the crab while grabbing it, but it still did not disappear when it was on Ak-12's hand. Ak-12: 'I dodged a lethal bullet there...' she thought while telling Lena. Ak-12: "It seems like a crab is not considered a monster." hearing that Lena was relieved

And now that we had the killing part out of the way, now it was time to cook it, first Ak-12 opened the crab and put it on top of four sticks holding it and below the crab a small fire. Of course they could cut the side of a empty ration can and put fire in it and put the crab on top since the ration can was smaller that the crab it would not fall and would do the same but what the did sounds better(they thought of this after the tasty meal they had).

Lena got half and Ak-12 got half of the crab when Ak-12 cut its leg steam came out as it was yelling out 'I am ready to be eaten' then Ak-12 takes a bite of the leg and sucks all the meat out of it with a 'hmm' sound, Lena watching how Ak-12 eats a crab made her take out the knife Ak-12 gave her to cut a leg and eat instantly sucked out its meat, but it was too hot for Lena and she almost cried out left her teary but when did it not? And so after all the legs 8 legs and 2 claws it was time for the main meat of a crab to sad they did not have rice or it would of been succulent meal, but it was still good after all in Lena's earth there was no crab for all the pollution and closing beaches and for Ak-12 it was her first time eating a crab of course she was programmed to be able to cook one if situation arrives.

After a tasty meal Ak-12 starts to build a survival base, a simple tent with usage of palm trees and it's leaves for the ceiling, Lena seeing that Ak-12 made a temporary base she thought of a hammock she built on her own house when she couldn't buy one, but where would she get vines strong enough to hold Ak-12 and Lena?

So to find some vines Ak-12 and Lena set out to the west of the beach going deep into it they find a jungle so they take a few vines and leaves for better rain protection. When they got back to camp they saw it was still there nothing happened to it, and so Ak-12 helps Lena make one big hammock for the both of them because there was not space for two of them.

When they finished the hammock it was late night, this time they did not sleep together but in turns like they did for the past few days, but sometimes Ak-12 just went the whole night without sleep and never woke up Lena  just to watch her sleep.

But today was Lena first half on watch duty, and as always there was not even a bug flying around, just cold so Lena gets on the hammock and puts her back to Ak-12, putting that fluffy tail on top of Ak-12 was a mistake, Ak-12 who is awake grabs Lena's fluffy tail as she pretends to be asleep.

Lena: "*Wah* I always forget I have a tail..." Lena then touches her fox ears and when she touches the place were her human ears should be, there weren't there... Lena: "I thought I would had 4 ears."

Lena: 'What should I do on this world? I can get all T-Dolls like i had on the game, I could conquer the world like every novel, I could do so much with the things given to me, but what do I really want to do for my future?' it was a hard decision for her she didn't want to use the roulette to choose either, it was going to be her life from now on how she lives how she grows, she wanted to choose.

Lena: "Ak-12, what would you do if you had free will and could make your life on another world?" Lena asks unsure if Ak-12 was sleeping or awake but asks either way.

Ak-12: "I would find a way to explore the universe, Professor Lodman made a breakthrough on galactical travel but was killed by a nuke early on in the war, since I wanted to go meet other living beings. Commander." Ak-12 answers Lena's question.

Lena: "you can call me Lena, you know? We have been living together for quite a while its time you call me by name, not commander it sounds weird, at least Boss but commander its just a no from me."

Ak-12: "yes, Boss Lena."

Lena: "*giggle* That sounds weirder, but ok. And you talked about Professor who?"

Ak-12: "Ah, yes, Professor Lodman of the Paradeus faction he was a man that believed in U.F.Os quite dumb but who knows government hides lots of things, either way he wanted to explore the universe, so he dedicated his hole life to galactic travel technology, but when there was news on him almost making a breakthrough, the government who was fighting Paradeus faction deployed a nuke on his lab without evacuating civilians on radius, and my team was on checking his research was burnt to the ground. That's all I know." Ak-12 gives a more detailed explanation after Lena was interested on Professor Lodman.

And so Lena with interest on the universe has made up her mind


Disclaimer-guy: "Paradeus faction is a German cult that wants to change the world for the good on the game, had better technology than every other faction. Professor Lodman is not in game and is made up lore. Now T-Dolls for those who don't know: T-dolls were house androids who did some of everything, but after a war started and the human population decreased and so they made the androids into T-dolls short for Tactical doll, with some weaponry matching they made a normal civilian doll into a T-doll, at first they were normal killing machines but as humans came to hate the feeling of losing against a doll they made dolls be able to interact with humans as that increased moral. But some T-dolls like Ak-12 were made to hold a gun so they were better on wars and were considered worth going though a lot of story to save them. If that seems interesting go play the game. :D"

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