Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch100- Orochimaru vs All


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Orochimaru's grin faltered at Koushin's words, his golden eyes narrowing in displeasure. This was not the response he had anticipated.

Koushin's gaze didn't waver as he continued, his tone growing firmer, "And with Tsunade-sama's arrival, Konoha has changed. It's no longer a village that sees its jinchuriki as mere tools. It values them for who they are, not for the power they possess."

His words had an immediate effect on Naruto, the turmoil in his cerulean eyes diminishing somewhat. He turned to look at Koushin, the corner of his lips curving upwards in a small but grateful smile.

"And let's not forget Killer B of Kumo," Koushin added, his voice filled with conviction. "He too is happy with who he is, despite being a jinchuriki. He has embraced his power, and he's loved and respected by his village for it."

Orochimaru's gaze hardened at Koushin's words, his fingers twitching subtly in irritation. He hadn't expected such a staunch defense, nor had he anticipated Koushin's ability to bolster the spirits of his allies. But he wasn't about to back down.

The silence that hung over the bridge was shattered by the sudden rustle of leaves. From the mouth of the small bird Jiraiya had been holding, a tiny shrub fell, quickly transforming mid-air into Koushin. Landing gracefully next to Naruto, Koushin placed a comforting hand on his younger brother's shoulder, his eyes meeting Orochimaru's with a determined grin.

"Those tactics might work on others, Orochimaru," Koushin declared, his voice resonating with an unwavering resolve. "But Naruto was never alone. He had an amazing brother like me by his side, who always believed in him, who knew his worth beyond the beast inside him."

Orochimaru's grin faltered at Koushin's words, his golden eyes narrowing in displeasure. This was not the response he had anticipated.

Koushin's gaze didn't waver as he continued, his tone growing firmer, "And with Tsunade-sama's arrival, Konoha has changed. It's no longer a village that sees its jinchuriki as mere tools. It values them for who they are, not for the power they possess."

His words had an immediate effect on Naruto, the turmoil in his cerulean eyes diminishing somewhat. He turned to look at Koushin, the corner of his lips curving upwards in a small but grateful smile.

"And let's not forget Killer B of Kumo," Koushin added, his voice filled with conviction. "He too is happy with who he is, despite being a jinchuriki. He has embraced his power, and he's loved and respected by his village for it."

Orochimaru's gaze hardened at Koushin's words, his fingers twitching subtly in irritation. He hadn't expected such a staunch defense, nor had he anticipated Koushin's ability to bolster the spirits of his allies. But he wasn't about to back down.

His grin returned, all the more malicious. "Such a heartfelt speech, Koushin-kun," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "But it doesn't change the fact that being a jinchuriki is a curse. A life of solitude, of fear... A life where you're nothing more than a weapon."

He let his gaze wander over Naruto, Roshi, and Utakata, a knowing smile on his face. "Tell me, Naruto, Roshi, Utakata," he began, his tone dangerously sweet, "are you truly happy with the way things are? Are you content being weapons for your villages?"

Orochimaru's gaze was piercing, his question hanging heavy in the air. The three jinchuriki fell silent, each caught in the throes of his own thoughts. Despite Koushin's words, the reality of their situation was not something they could easily ignore. Orochimaru had struck a nerve, and he knew it.

"But there's a way out," Orochimaru continued, his voice taking on a persuasive edge. "A way to free yourselves from your tailed beasts and live your lives on your own terms."

His gaze shifted to Koushin, a challenging glint in his golden eyes. "Gaara of the Sand has already joined us, Koushin-kun," he revealed, the smirk on his face growing wider. "He was tired of being used, tired of being shunned by his own village. So, he chose freedom. He chose the Akatsuki."

"Enough is enough," Koushin declared, his voice echoing across the deserted bridge. His violet eyes sparkled with an unwavering resolve as he held Orochimaru's gaze. Despite the persuasive argument the snake sannin had laid out, he refused to allow it to sway the minds of the two jinchuriki standing before him.

"There will be no peaceful way out of this," he finally said, his voice carrying a note of finality. "Since we cannot let you take two of them away, nor will you let us go with them. Let's fight, see who has the bigger fist."

With a swift movement, Koushin bit into his thumb, his blood spilling onto the seal etched into his palm. With a decisive flourish, he slapped his hands onto the ground, releasing a plume of smoke. The cloud dissipated, revealing the formidable figures of two Lava Atronachs.

They were towering figures of animated molten rock, their bodies radiating intense heat that distorted the air around them. Flames danced across their forms, casting eerie shadows across the bridge. Their eyes, formed from swirling, molten orbs, blazed with an untamed fire that mirrored their summoner's determination. They floated just above the ground, the heat they radiated causing the air to shimmer around them.

Their appearance elicited a ripple of surprise from Orochimaru and the other observers, their gazes instantly drawn to the fiery giants.

At Koushin's side, Naruto, inspired by his brother's move, unsheathed his sword, the Sorrow Cutter. Its blade shimmered in the late afternoon light, the intricate carvings etched onto it glowing faintly. Standing firm next to Koushin, Naruto looked ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The rest of Team 7, Team 3, Team 8, Team 10 and Team Gai  also emerged from their hiding spots, taking up positions beside Naruto and Koushin. Each of them held a determined gaze, ready to defend their friends and their village.

Orochimaru, seemingly unperturbed by the show of force, responded with an amused chuckle. His golden eyes glinted with intrigue, his smirk never leaving his face. "Ah, I see we're resorting to brute strength then," he mused aloud, clearly relishing the prospect of a fight.

Orochimaru studied the faces of the shinobi arrayed against him, taking in their resolve, their determination. A wicked gleam sparked in his eyes as he raised his hand, the smirk on his face broadening. "Well then, let's make this interesting," he declared, his voice echoing ominously in the silence.

Slapping his palm onto the ground, he shouted with fervor, "Kuchiyose, Edo Tensei!" As the words left his lips, the earth around them began to tremble, sending waves of unease through the gathered shinobi.

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