Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch101- Old and New Enemies


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From the ground, dozens of coffins began to emerge, the wooden lids sliding open with an ominous creak. From within the coffins, an array of figures stepped out, their lifeless eyes glowing with a sickly yellow light. These were shinobi who had once lived, loved, and fought, but were now nothing more than pawns under Orochimaru's control.

As the shinobi from Team 7, Team 3, Team 8, Team 10, and Team Gai recognized the faces of those who had been resurrected, their expressions shifted from shock to horror. These were members of the, Uchiha Clan, the Yuki Clan, the Kaguya Clan... Many had faced them in battles, while others were legends told in stories. On top of them, Deidara, Sasori, Jozu, The nameless Akatsuki member Koushin and Kakashi killed in Wave, were also in their midst.

These resurrected shinobi were from different villages, different eras, but they all had one thing in common: they had been powerful in their own right. Now, they were weapons at Orochimaru's disposal, and the realization sent a chill down everyone's spine.

"Recognize them, don't you?" Orochimaru asked, his voice laced with amusement. His golden eyes danced with sadistic pleasure as he watched the reactions of the gathered shinobi. "The very best of your villages, now under my control."

A wave of anger and resentment surged through the shinobi facing him. Orochimaru's vile technique, using the bodies of the fallen as his pawns, was a disgrace to their memory and their sacrifices. They knew they had to put a stop to this madness, not just for themselves, but for the sake of those who had been forced into this unnatural existence.

Naruto gritted his teeth, his gaze hardening as he looked at the resurrected shinobi. This was wrong, and he would not stand for it. He was ready to fight, to put these shinobi to rest once again.

Jiraiya and the other members of the joint teams held their positions, ready to face Orochimaru and his undead army. They were united by a shared sense of duty and the will to protect their friends and villages. Despite the immense odds, they were prepared to fight to the bitter end.

This confrontation was no longer just about saving Roshi and Utakata, it was about protecting the honor and dignity of the fallen shinobi. It was about standing against Orochimaru's desecration of the dead. It was a fight they couldn't afford to lose.

As soon as the resurrected corpses gained sentience, Jozu, the former Akatsuki member known for his incredible strength and rock-hard skin, locked eyes with Koushin. The anger that simmered in his hollow gaze was palpable, his guttural howl sending a shiver down everyone's spine.

"Back for another round, pretty boy?" Koushin taunted, his casual tone contrasting sharply with the tense atmosphere. His smirk widened, "Didn't get enough the first time?"

Beside him, Naruto had a hard time keeping his gaze steady as Deidara and Sasori turned to him, their ghostly eyes empty yet full of hostility. The corners of Deidara's mouth twitched upwards, shaping into a sinister grin that was a stark reminder of their previous encounters.

"Round two, hm? You ready for some art, Naruto?" Deidara's voice dripped with scorn. The blonde shinobi clenched his fists, his blue eyes brimming with determination.

"Art is an explosion, right? Let's see how explosive you are this time," Naruto challenged, his voice full of defiance.

The members of the Uchiha clan looked coldly at the Konoha ninjas, their eyes burning with hatred and bitterness. The pain of their clan's destruction still lingered, twisted into a deep-seated resentment for the village that had betrayed them.

In contrast, the Yuki and Kaguya Clan members seemed reluctant, their faces painted with despair and helplessness. Forced into a fight against their will, they had no choice but to obey Orochimaru's command.

As Orochimaru’s ghastly ensemble of resurrected shinobi took their places on the battlefield, an intense air of tension swept across the Konoha ninjas. Standing in stark opposition were Team Gai and the resurrected members of the Uchiha clan, their energies palpable in the dwindling daylight.

Might Gai, in his typical fashion, struck a flamboyant pose. His grin was wide and infectious, refusing to let the serious atmosphere dampen his spirits. "Ah, the fires of youth burn brightly today!" he exclaimed, his hands on his hips as he beamed at his students. Neji, Lee, and Tenten were in tow, their gazes unyielding despite facing some of the most formidable shinobi from the notorious Uchiha Clan.

Gai’s booming declaration was met with a mirroring enthusiasm from Rock Lee. His stance mirrored that of his teacher as he called out, "We’re with you, Gai-sensei!" The resolve reflected in Lee’s eyes, his fist held high in readiness, spread an infectious wave of determination to his teammates.

Across from them, the Uchihas glowered, their Sharingan eyes glaring with a cold, icy rage. The members consisted of a formidable line-up, their skills remembered even in death. Their gazes were fixated on Team Gai, who they perceived as an insult to their clan's legacy.

"Prepare to meet the wrath of the Uchiha," one of the Uchiha proclaimed. His tone was cold, void of any emotions, the horrifying aftereffect of Orochimaru’s Edo Tensei.

Might Gai raised an eyebrow, his grin still as infectious as ever. "Well, then," he said, an edge of steel in his tone. "You should know that the fires of our youth aren't easily extinguished."

With a sudden burst of movement, Gai launched himself forward, body a blur. He aimed a fist towards the closest Uchiha, a powerful technique known as the 'Leaf Hot Wind' ready to be unleashed. The Uchiha countered, a flash of ninjutsu—'Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu'—sent directly towards the incoming Gai.

Lee followed his sensei’s lead, his own fists clenched tight. "Primary Lotus!" He yelled, his body spinning with tremendous speed, aiming towards another Uchiha who readied 'Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu'.

Neji, the Hyūga prodigy, was next to move. His 'Byakugan' activated, veins near his eyes prominent as he surveyed the battlefield, strategizing a plan of attack. "Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms!" He darted towards an Uchiha with speed that belied his calm demeanor, his gentle fist technique targeting the enemy’s chakra points.

Tenten, too, stepped up, armed with her summoning jutsu. "Ninja Art: Tools Summoning!" She called out, a scroll unrolling as a whirlwind of weapons flew towards their foes. Combined with 'Wind Style: Gale Palm', her attacks were aimed with deadly precision.

The first clash was a spectacle of light and sound. Gai’s fist connected, but the Uchiha’s jutsu exploded in a searing fireball. Both were thrown back, Gai's form wreathed in smoke, while the Uchiha struggled against the overpowering heat. Yet, as the smoke cleared, Gai stood tall, unscathed, his dynamic entry having cut through the flames.

Lee was met with a surging water dragon, yet his Primary Lotus cut through, the force of his taijutsu technique overpowering the jutsu. The Uchiha was sent spiraling, defeated.

Neji’s attack was a flurry of precise strikes. The Uchiha’s desperate attempt to counter with 'Earth Style: Earth Wall' was nullified as Neji phased through, his rotation technique dispelling the attack. The Uchiha was left incapacitated, his chakra points sealed by Neji’s relentless assault.

Tenten’s weapons met their targets unerringly, each strike enhanced by the wind chakra. The Uchihas were caught off guard, weapons piercing their bodies only to pass through, the effect of Edo Tensei rendering them unharmed. They retaliated with 'Lightning Style: Electromagnetic Murder', but Tenten was quick to counter with 'Wind Style: Gust Formation Wall', the electrifying attack neutralized.

Gai’s voice cut through the ensuing chaos. "Lee, Neji, Tenten, Eight Gates Formation!" With shared nods, they gathered around Gai, adopting the formation. As Gai and Lee opened three of  their respective gates, the power emanating from them was tremendous.

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