Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch102- Team Gai vs Uchiha


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“Are you ready, team?” Gai's voice resounded across the battlefield, filled with determination.

“Always, Gai-sensei!” Lee responded, a brilliant smile matching his sensei’s.

“Count on us,” Neji chimed in, his calm demeanor never wavering, the veins near his eyes pulsating with the activation of his Byakugan.

“Let’s do this,” Tenten said, her eyes glinting with a resolve as she clutched her summoning scroll tighter.

With an affirmative nod, they braced themselves as a surge of chakra coursed through them. Suddenly, the battlefield erupted with activity as ten resurrected Uchiha members lunged forward, their Sharingan spinning menacingly.

Gai, his body radiating intense energy from the open gates, shot towards the first Uchiha. "Dynamic Entry!" He declared, his kick connecting with the Uchiha’s guard, breaking it and sending the shinobi flying backwards.

Simultaneously, Lee leaped high into the sky, "Hidden Lotus!" he bellowed. With a ferocious roar, he rained a volley of bone-crushing kicks on another Uchiha. The ground rumbled as the enemy was sent crashing into the earth.

While their taijutsu specialists engaged the frontline, Neji focused on the shinobis aiming to flank them. "Eight Trigrams: Air Palm!" He unleashed a wave of compressed chakra from his palm. The attack took the unsuspecting Uchihas by surprise, disrupting their formation.

Beside him, Tenten unfurled another scroll, her fingers danced over the paper. "Wind Style: Heavenly Wind Slicer!" The whirlwind of sharpened weapons she summoned this time carried an unmistakable edge of wind chakra, hurtling towards the opponents with increased ferocity.

Gai landed with his usual grace after his Dynamic Entry had sent the Uchiha spiraling backwards. His eyes burned with fiery determination. "Remember team, coordination is key!" he called out, his booming voice cutting through the cacophony of the battlefield.

As he stood, one of the Uchihas, a stern-looking man with his Sharingan spinning dangerously, stepped forward. "Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" he shouted, a volley of flaming shuriken erupting from his mouth and hurtling towards Gai.

Just as Gai braced himself, a gust of wind came to his aid. Tenten had her scroll opened wide, her eyes determined as she declared, "Wind Style: Wind God's Fan!" A gust swept across the battlefield, quelling the flames before they could touch Gai.

"Thank you, Tenten!" Gai exclaimed, grinning as he leaped forward again, charging towards the surprised Uchiha.

On the other end of the battlefield, Lee was in mid-air, his kicks connecting with one Uchiha after another. His agility and strength were unmatched, the effects of the opened gates evident in the overwhelming force he was unleashing. "Reverse Lotus!" he cried, delivering a series of powerful kicks that sent a trio of Uchiha crashing into the ground.

But the Uchihas were formidable foes. One of them, recovering quickly from the impact, performed a hand seal. "Genjutsu: Sharingan!" His eyes met Lee's for a brief moment, but it was enough.

Lee suddenly staggered in mid-air, disoriented. An illusionary world was taking shape around him, the Uchiha's genjutsu attempting to trap him. He grunted, shaking his head, trying to dispel the illusion, but the genjutsu was strong.

Just as the illusion was about to consume him completely, Neji darted in, palm extended. "8 Trigrams Revolving Heaven!" His chakra surged, a protective dome forming around him and Lee, repelling the genjutsu’s effects.

"Neji!" Lee gasped, steadying himself as the illusion began to fade.

"Stay focused, Lee!" Neji ordered, his gaze hard and concentrated. Even though he was calm, his adrenaline was pumping, the fight far from over.

Amidst the chaos, Tenten was holding her own, the scroll before her glowing with chakra. "Ninja Art: Flying Sword Barrage!" Her weapons spun wildly in the air before hurtling towards the enemy, guided by her wind chakra. An Uchiha attempted to counter with 'Earth Style: Mud Wall', but Neji was quick to neutralize it.

"Earth Style: Earth Flow Spears!" Neji commanded, the ground beneath the Uchiha morphing into a forest of sharp earthy spears, shattering the enemy's defense.

"Good move, Neji!" Tenten praised, focusing her attention back on her scroll. The Uchihas were relentless, their attacks coming from all directions, but their teamwork was unparalleled.

Suddenly, Gai’s voice echoed through the battlefield. "Everyone, formation!"

Team Gai quickly regrouped. As Gai and Lee opened the fourth gate, their energy levels surged. Tenten unfurled a new scroll, her hands moving swiftly over it as a gust of wind whirled around them. Neji's Byakugan glowed brighter, his palm facing their opponents.

"Eight Gates Assault!" Gai roared, launching himself and Lee into the air with a tremendous burst of speed.

At the same time, Tenten called forth a swarm of giant shuriken, wind chakra giving them a lethal edge. "Wind Style: Twin Typhoon Shuriken!" she announced, her voice confident and strong. Two massive vortexes of razor-sharp shuriken roared towards the Uchihas, forcing them to scatter.

"Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet!" Neji declared. His hand seals were crisp and precise, his chakra concentration perfect. The ground trembled as an enormous dragon made of earth and rocks rose, its roar echoing across the field. It unleashed a barrage of earth projectiles, supplementing Tenten's attack.

High above, Gai and Lee, their bodies pulsating with the intense power of the Eight Gates, descended upon their adversaries. "Fifth Gate: Gate of Closing...open!" Gai's voice resounded across the battlefield.

An enormous aura of red steam billowed out from him and Lee as they accelerated, their movements turning into a blur. "Morning Peacock!" Gai's fists moved so rapidly they ignited the air around him, forming a peacock-shaped aura of flames.

"Hidden Lotus!" Lee echoed, a maelstrom of furious kicks creating a devastating shockwave that rippled across the battlefield.

The battlefield became a spectacle of raw power and strategic genius. The peacock-shaped flames and shockwaves from Gai and Lee’s attacks intertwined with Tenten's twirling typhoon of shurikens and Neji's barrage of earth projectiles. The Uchihas were overwhelmed, their coordinated attacks disintegrating under the relentless onslaught.

But they wouldn't go down easily. A group of Uchihas combined their efforts, channelling their chakra into a collective technique. "Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation!" A giant wave of fire erupted, hurtling towards Team Gai. But with a determined look, Neji moved to intercept.

"Earth Style: Earth Dome!" He shouted, raising a protective barrier of earth around them, blocking the incoming flames.

Simultaneously, Tenten launched another attack. "Wind Style: Gale Palm!" She pushed her chakra into the wind, guiding it towards the fire. The gust of wind fanned the flames, but also redirected them upwards and away from them.

With the Uchihas momentarily staggered by their own redirected attack, Gai and Lee saw their chance. "Severe Leaf Hurricane!" They both shouted in unison, delivering a synchronized series of powerful kicks that sent the Uchihas sprawling.

Tenten quickly unfurled another scroll, revealing a containment seal. "Sealing Art: Tiger Vision Staring Bullet!" She swiftly formed the necessary hand seals, and the Tiger Vision seal flared to life, tendrils of light reaching out to the fallen Uchihas, who were struggling to rise.

Seeing the sealing technique, Neji immediately provided support. "Eight Trigrams: Mountain Crusher!" His palm struck the ground, and a wave of force sped towards the Uchihas, pinning them down, making them easy targets for Tenten's sealing technique.

One by one, the resurrected Uchihas were pulled into the seal, their forms disintegrating into streams of light before they were captured inside the scroll. The battlefield fell eerily silent as the last of the Uchihas was sealed away, ending the intense battle.

Panting heavily but grinning widely, Gai turned to his students. "Well done, team! Our youthful energy prevailed!"

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