Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch105- Ino & Shikamaru vs Utakata


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On the other side of the battlefield, Choji was gearing himself up for his next assault. His muscles were pulsating under the strain of his 'Yang Release: Titan's Physique', veins popping on his arms. He stared at Roshi, the heat from his Lava Golem glowing in his eyes.

"Your molten rock won't faze me, Roshi," Choji declared. His tone was firm, his eyes steely with determination.

Roshi smirked, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Strong words, Akimichi. Let's put them to the test."

Roshi's hands moved in a flurry of motion, and a fiery boulder of molten rock sprouted from the golem's chest. "Yoton: Lava Projectile!" he roared.

In response, Choji charged forward, his fists clenched tightly. "Human Boulder!" His body started to spin at high speed, and he crashed into the molten boulder. The resulting explosion sent a wave of intense heat across the battlefield, yet Choji emerged unscathed, his body shrugging off the molten splash.

Asuma watched, his eyes flicking from Choji to Roshi. He weaved through the aftermath of the explosion, his trench knives glinting dangerously under the glow of the battlefield. "You won't be getting through that easily, Roshi," he said, his voice steady. He knew Roshi's Tailed Beast made him a formidable opponent, but Asuma was ready. "Futon: Wind Scythe Jutsu!"

Asuma launched forward, a swift gust of wind following in his wake. The sharp blades of wind sliced through the heat of the battlefield, aiming straight for Roshi. Roshi reacted quickly, bringing up a wall of lava to shield himself.

The clash of wind and lava sent up plumes of steam, obscuring their view. Yet, Asuma remained unfazed, his instincts guiding him. He felt the change in temperature, sensed the movement in the smoke, and knew Roshi was on the move.

Back with Utakata and Ino, the bubble dome surrounding Utakata was completely engulfed in darkness. Ino saw this as an opportunity. "Raiton: Lightning Surge!" she commanded. Her bear form surged forward, a charge of electricity enveloping her body.

She slammed into the bubble dome, the electricity crackling on contact. The bubble dome convulsed, contracting and expanding under the electric assault. Utakata inside was thrown off balance, his footing unstable on the rippling surface.

Meanwhile, Shikamaru watched, his eyes glinting with anticipation. He waited for the moment, the perfect opportunity to trap Utakata with his shadow. The tiger under his control prowled low to the ground, its tail flicking restlessly. It was a game of patience and strategy.

Simultaneously, Asuma emerged from the steam, his trench knives glinting ominously. He sensed Roshi’s movement, a soft shift in the heated air. Asuma was ready, his trench knives leading his attack. He charged towards where he suspected Roshi to be, his eyes narrowed.

Roshi, however, was quicker than he anticipated. He exploded from the steam, his body morphed by the Four-Tails, a huge lava fist leading his charge. "Yoton: Crushing Lava Punch!" Roshi bellowed, his voice reverberating through the battlefield.

Asuma, the seasoned jōnin, expertly pivoted mid-charge. He brought his trench knives up to defend against the molten fist. The collision of lava and wind-infused metal sent sparks flying in every direction. Asuma was pushed back by the sheer force, yet he dug his heels in, his muscles straining to hold his ground.

As the dust from the initial conflicts began to settle, both Jinchuriki slowly rose, their expressions hardened. Utakata and Roshi shared a glance, a silent agreement passing between them. They began to release their Tailed Beast chakra, a ghostly tail appearing behind each. The battlefield suddenly crackled with an intense energy as the Tailed Beasts' presence began to manifest.

Ino, in her bear form, stood her ground, her electric blue eyes shining fiercely in the face of the growing threat. "Let's see what you've got, Utakata," she growled, her bear form's muscles tensing in anticipation. The threat of the Tailed Beast was substantial, but Ino's newfound technique had imbued her with an unfamiliar courage.

Utakata's eyes were focused, his form brimming with chakra as the first tail of his Tailed Beast materialized. "Bubble Release: Geyser Cannon!" he called out, his hands forming seals rapidly. From the ground beneath him erupted a torrent of bubbles, spinning violently and barreling towards Ino with an explosive force.

Ino acted quickly, her bear form's massive paws slamming into the ground. "Raiton: Electrostatic Field!" she roared. An electric field formed around her, the electricity crackling and surging in response to Utakata's attack. As the geyser of bubbles collided with the electrostatic field, they burst on contact, causing a series of small, blinding explosions.

On the other side, Shikamaru's eyes were narrowed, his shadow connected to the massive tiger. Seeing Utakata unleash his attack, he knew he had to take action. "Shadow Control: Necro Manipulation!" Shikamaru murmured, his fingers forming the familiar shadow seal. The tiger's shadow stretched, creeping towards Utakata. It was as if the tiger was ready to pounce, its feral eyes locked onto its target.

Utakata, momentarily distracted by the explosions, failed to notice the shadow creeping towards him. Sensing an opportunity, Shikamaru commanded his tiger to lunge at Utakata. With a terrifying roar, the tiger sprang forward, a dark figure against the light of the explosions.

"Got you," Shikamaru smirked as he saw his technique taking effect. The shadow of the tiger merged with Utakata's, and suddenly, Utakata found himself unable to move. His body was frozen, the shadow having trapped him in place.

Ino seized this moment, pushing through the fading explosions with a roar. "Lightning Release: Thunderclap Crash!" she announced, a surge of electric energy swirling around her massive paw. She brought it crashing down on Utakata, the force sending a shockwave through the battlefield.

Utakata grunted, his eyes wincing in pain, but his smirk never faded. "Is that all you got, Yamanaka?" he managed to gasp, his voice strained. Despite the paralysis, Utakata was undeterred. He drew a deep breath, his chakra flaring around him.

"Suiton: Bubble Clone Jutsu!" he declared. Suddenly, his form began to bubble and shimmer, multiple clones emerging from his body. Despite his paralysis, his clones were free to move, and they sprung into action, rushing towards Ino and Shikamaru.

Ino's eyes widened, her bear form's stance shifting to a defensive position. She was not unfamiliar with clone techniques, but Utakata's utilization of his Tailed Beast's chakra gave them a level of solidity that made them a substantial threat.

With the explosive echoes of Ino's 'Thunderclap Crash' still ringing in the air, the shadowy battlefield was quickly filled with the replicas of Utakata. His clones stood shoulder to shoulder, and the one trapped by Shikamaru dissipated with a puff of a bubble.

Ino's massive bear form snarled, electric sparks crackling around its maw. "They just keep multiplying," she growled, her gaze sweeping over the cloned army.

Shikamaru didn't respond. His focus was locked onto finding the real Utakata.. His fingers were still locked in a seal, the shadowy tether of his jutsu pulsating between him and the trapped clones.

"Find the original," Shikamaru murmured, his voice tight with concentration. "Take out the clones."

Without a moment's hesitation, Ino launched forward. Her bear form was a flurry of movement, each swipe of her electrified paws took down a clone. Yet, for each clone she eradicated, another seemed to take its place. The battlefield was filled with bursts of electric energy and the popping of Utakata's bubble clones.

Ino looked at the increasingly multiplying clones and grimaced. "Bear isn't the most suitable for this," she muttered, her gaze briefly flickering to the pouch strapped to her abdomen.

Reaching into the pouch, the bear’s paw extracted another scroll. As the scroll unraveled, a puff of smoke burst forth, revealing a shadowy figure of a cat. Leaving the bear’s body, she transferred her consciousness to the cat, a form much faster and agile than her previous one.

The bear's body collapsed in an inanimate heap, the once vivid light in its eyes dimming to a dull glaze. As Ino's consciousness entered the cat corpse, it twitched to life, its form rejuvenated with a newfound vitality.

"Mind Transfer: Necro Puppeteer," Ino murmured. The cat's vibrant green eyes gleamed with determination. She may not have had the bear's raw power, but her new form granted her agility and speed. Her claws scraped against the ground, eager to take down Utakata's clones. Utakata's second tail began to materialize, his chakra slowly increasing.

Ino’s new form was a flurry of movement, darting through the field of clones. Her movements were fluid, the feline agility and speed aiding her in navigating the swarm of bubble clones. Each swipe of her claws burst a clone into a shower of soap-like fragments.

Shikamaru watched from the corner of his eyes, his tiger prowling low to the ground. The elongated shadow, connected to his own, flickered as he adjusted his technique to fit the current situation. With Ino taking care of the clones, he focused on finding the real Utakata.

His eyes widened. "Ino, he's releasing more of his Tailed Beast chakra. Be careful!"

Ino's cat form tensed at Shikamaru's warning, her vibrant green eyes narrowing in concentration. She dodged a clone's attack, her body moving fluidly like water. Her claws extended, slashing across the clone and making it burst into a shower of bubbles.

Ino's cat form, agile and swift, weaved through the army of clones, her claws slashing through them with each precise strike. The clone Utakatas popped like fragile soap bubbles, splattering the battlefield with remnants of his technique. But with each clone she eradicated, two more seemed to take its place. Ino's green eyes narrowed in frustration, her body coiled and ready to launch another attack.

"Raiton: Lightning Claw!" she exclaimed. Chakra condensed around her claws, sparking with electric energy. She lunged forward, her lightning-infused claws tearing through multiple clones at once. The clone Utakatas met their end in bright flashes of electric energy, their bodies sizzling and evaporating into thin air.

Despite her fierce assault, Ino wasn't able to make a significant dent in the clone army. She needed a different strategy. Her gaze flickered over to Shikamaru, a silent plea for assistance.

Shikamaru, on the other hand, was wrestling with his own problems. His eyes, sharp and focused, darted across the battlefield, studying each clone meticulously. He had noticed that some of Utakata's clones seemed to hold more of his chakra than others. His fingers formed another seal, a strategy forming in his mind.

"Shadow Control: Shadow Severance!" he commanded. Shikamaru's shadow stretched, branching out into multiple tendrils. They slithered across the battlefield, reaching out to the clones that held more chakra. In an instant, the shadows severed the connection between Utakata and his clones. With a soft pop, the clones burst, their forms dissolving into nothingness.

Utakata's eyes widened, and his focus shifted from Ino to Shikamaru. He had underestimated Shikamaru's shadow techniques, a mistake he wouldn't repeat. His eyes narrowed, and he readied himself for his next move.

But Ino didn't give him that chance. She charged forward, using the distraction Shikamaru provided to her advantage. Her body was a blur of movement, the feline agility allowing her to swiftly navigate the battlefield. Her claws flashed dangerously, each swipe taking down a clone.

"Genjutsu: Lightning Mirage!" she called out, her body bursting into an array of electric clones. Her duplicates spread out, their electric forms mirroring her movements. They engaged with Utakata's clones, effectively diverting their attention from the real Ino.

Utakata frowned, his gaze following the electric mirages. He couldn't identify the real Ino, her genjutsu causing his senses to go haywire. He knew he needed to break the illusion, but he didn't know how. His focus was scattered, his control over his clones faltering.

Seizing the moment, Shikamaru called out, "Shadow Control: Necro Manipulation!" With a sudden lunge, his tiger shadow sprang forward. It melded into Utakata's shadow, effectively paralyzing him.

Utakata grunted, his body frozen in place. He could feel the icy tendrils of Shikamaru's shadow technique curl around him, locking him in place. His third tail started to form, his desperation driving him to release more of his Tailed Beast's chakra.

Ino broke her genjutsu, her electric clones merging back into her form. She stood her ground, her cat form tensed and ready for action. Her eyes locked onto Utakata, and a determined smile spread across her face.

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